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No Astral Diamonds from Gateway + other craft bug...

wergildwergild Member Posts: 33
edited August 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
When I collect rewards from crafting tasks through the gateway login, I get no Astral Diamonds, but when I collect them in game, I get my Astral Diamonds. I just noticed this today. Zero rough AD from an 18 hour period of crafting, until I logged in and collected the tasks on my character in game.

Additionally, my first character is bugged in that the reward for completing a task with 100% speed bonus (done this at least 5 times to try and 'unbug' it) has never unlocked the additional profession slot. So I have one character with 4 slots, and another with 5 slots (both under L 60, but otherwise basically identical).

Anyone else got these bugs?
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