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PWE, please implement the following new naming/chat rules for this game

zaodonnzaodonn Member Posts: 109
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Character and account names:
- cannot contain: / \ ( ) [ ] ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ + = { } | ? : ; " < >
- cannot contain two of: . (period)
- cannot contain a URL. Code to detect URLs can be found here: http://www.regexguru.com/2008/11/detecting-urls-in-a-block-of-text/ You can modify this as needed.

- no chat message can contain: / \ |
- the maximum rate anyone can post a chat message to Emotes, tell, say, zone, and custom channels, is 1 message every 3 seconds (party and guild are excluded here)
- prevent URLs in Zone, Say and custom channels (see above for link) (allowed in party, guild and tell)
- No character can chat in Zone chat until level 10

I think that should do it.

Approximate development time: 4-6 hours (with code review and documentation)
Approximate QA time: 2-4 hours (with automation and regression)
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