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Insufficient keybinds for encounter powers

alderonthedracoalderonthedraco Member Posts: 82
edited August 2013 in PvE Discussion
I've been playing with my guardian, but one thing that caught my attention is the amount of the encounter powers that are so situational that do not have space in 3 keybinds. Many powers have very specific use and unlikely to be used by a normal player, because even if they are placed on the bar at the time of use of them, there is a CD of 10s.
I understand that the game is in beta, but put a good part of the powers only to be situational and others powers for general use is at least a lack of planning. If the proposal is that the player choose the powers at least put rotations less obvious.
Better put one or two more keybinds for powers, because this scheme E, R, Q is looking like a game MOBA like Smite and not an RPG.
Post edited by alderonthedraco on


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    chuck1108chuck1108 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I agree with you on this, but the game is NOT in beta.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    That is what makes this game different than others. You have to choose what to use. Where with others you can have all skills and run thru a rotation. Running thru a rotation is just all about key spamming. Here it is all about skill play cause you can't really key spam here or you have the greater chance of dying.
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    xabersedgexabersedge Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    It also forces you to build a 'play style.' Some powers are better than others at certain tasks. You need to tool your toon to handle the situations you come against. There is the consideration of Feats that may make a certain power much better or obsolete another. Even deeper, your gear and enchantments can work with your or without your chosen encounter powers. Between gear, enchantments, feats and stats, you can set up a symphony of powers that, when well executed, you can rotate through almost endlessly without a pause. If you build right. It's more than spams and macros, it's real character development and purpose.
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    kulrigkulrig Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This game is somewhere between a traditional MMO with oodles of situational powers, and a traditional hack'n'slash where you have only a few powers that do more than one thing at a time. This makes it so that while you may have many, you have to choose between a few. Honestly I kinda like it that way, because having so many situational powers and so many keybinds means I rarely have time to remember which key does what when I need it most, so goes unused anyway.

    Something you may want to consider if you don't like the QER binds and play a more traditional MMO as well is to get a Razer gaming mouse. They have buttons built into the mouse, so that allows you to use WASD to move, and the mouse to aim and attack. In games where you don't aim with a mouse, it still allows you to have a ton of extra keybinds. Or, just get used to having to play a game differently than you play another.

    And this game got out of beta two months ago.
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    alderonthedracoalderonthedraco Member Posts: 82
    edited August 2013
    I know that the proposal that the game is that the player must choose which spells according to the situation, but with that cd 10s for activating the ability afterwards placed in the action bar often makes the player use the same powers all the time, because is very frustrating to have to open the window of powers to choose the powers during the fight (might work in pve, but pvp is simply impossible).
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    klayl771klayl771 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They could add 1 more encounter slot for utility encounter only.
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    mbllanes199mbllanes199 Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 429
    edited August 2013
    When i was new to the game my initial reaction was, What the only 3 binds, oh i got 2 other dailies, then, seeing it is the design of the game, ive learned to adjust and change skill when occasion needs it PVP/Dungeon/PVE Content.

    Don't worry, you are not the only one who is using 3 bind key on this game and i like it that way now.
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    llantissllantiss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    go back to wow kthx
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    trollgretrollgre Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2013
    want 1 more encounter skill?
    play CW 4 encounters lol
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What I would like are in-the-batter's-box slots, if that makes sense. A few inactive slots that hold powers just above or around your slotted powers. Hit alt, drag them down, wait 5-7 (or whatever it is) and you're ready to go. It would sure help on some final bosses.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    yokihiroyokihiro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 510 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    those limitations just lead to certain builds. just think of the dc. if you want to heal with him a lot in pvw then there is not really much to play around. you have your certain abilities. yet it would be very handy to have more slots so you may stick the root ability or whatever also which is a waste if you want to be a pure healer.
    on the other hand in pvp those limitations lead to the fact that certain classes are almost identical played. with more choices of abilities (lets say 5 encounter abilities) you could at least mix in something to be different.

    especially the dc is very limited - especially when it comes to pvp. if i skill him for pve i don't put points in those dmg or cc abilities. but those i desperately would need in pvp. with more abilities to use and more points to spend i could play a much more versatile class and not the either pve or pvp class or a weak mixture of both.
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I know that the proposal that the game is that the player must choose which spells according to the situation, but with that cd 10s for activating the ability afterwards placed in the action bar often makes the player use the same powers all the time, because is very frustrating to have to open the window of powers to choose the powers during the fight (might work in pve, but pvp is simply impossible).

    I....I really don't think hotswitching powers on the fly during battle was something they intended as a core game mechanic. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to play it more like guild wars: "this is what I am going to achieve in this dungeon, so I shall take these encounters, at wills and dailies that synergise well with that role, and I shall stick with them".
    Skill switching is something you're more likely to be doing outside combat, like just before a bossfight. You're not supposed to play it like you have ten encounters available but seven of them need to be used by "opening menu, panic dragging and waiting 10 sec, all while fighting". That's crazy.

    I mean, if you're good enough to do that, and can afford the cooldown penalty, then more power to you, but it's not something you're expected to do.
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