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Tiefling :broken racial/feat

pufypufy Member Posts: 44 Arc User
edited August 2013 in The Library
Hello fellow CW's That are ---Tiefling's--- (the devilish creatures)

I have some issues regarding the CW' ---Tiefling--- racial's and some feats and i wana share thougts and maybe dev's could see it to and fix someday.

First we start with Racial's
BloodHunt : You deal an additional 5 % damage to targets below half health.
So 5 % more damage if your target is under 50% HP.
I tested , My damage number were the same ..So Either way I miss somthing..or Racial is broken.

2nd racial : 10% chance to reduce enemy attack by 5 %...well i realy cant test that..since rate is to low and the damage is to fast to compare.

Feats Now :
Thaumaturge Spec :
Temptest Magic : you do 10% more damage to targets bellow 30% health.
It dosent work..i tested a Lot..no change in my numbers.

Now the next feat..dunno if is bugged or i do a mistake here but :
Elemental Empowerment : Your Cold Spell also deal 30% of your weapon DAMAGE OVER TIME (DOT) to their target.

I used mainly Chill strike since it dosent have a Dot (like Conduit of Ice)...Now in theory my Chill strike should add a dot effect with 30% damage of my wep damage. No Dot Effect applyed on my target.
Lets say my Chill dose 3 damage.. with Dot Feat ( elemental empowerment) it should add 3 damage +damage in time.
It dose the basic 3 damage and no Dot effect.
Ok , so even it says affects all Cold spell's , maybe this Dot effect is a boost only to Dot Cold Spell powers , like Conduit of ice ..But NO , i tested...no dot increase.

SO either this feat dosent work , or im missing somthing , But definetly My COLD Spell powers do not apply the extra dot equal with 30% damage of your wep.

I realy need that u guys look into it..and debate.
Hopefuly if im right , racials/Feats are broken and Dev's would put them on Bug fix list.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • kerrovitarrakerrovitarra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 559 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Weapon damage - damage on your weapon, modified by power. It's 820 (+power coefficient) on ancient weapons. It's rather small amount and you can miss it.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    they are fixing elemental empowerment. but theres still alot of broken feats in thaum. As for the +% damage increase, guess you will have to wait until they know how to fix it which could take a while.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • wondraswondras Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pufy wrote: »
    Feats Now :
    Thaumaturge Spec :
    Temptest Magic : you do 10% more damage to targets bellow 30% health.
    It dosent work..i tested a Lot..no change in my numbers.

    Interesting another one claims he "tested" it, got any proofs? Or did the PW lie?
    lordgallen wrote: »
    Main reason it has not been fixed is that near as I can tell, this interaction has never actually been broken. If target is at or below half health you get Bloodhunt's bonus, if they are at or below 30% you now also get Tempest Magic's bonus.

    My guess is that one or more players tested it at one point, but forgot that Tempest Magic triggers at a different health percentage than Bloodhunt, or else just lost track of the extra 5% damage in the normal damage variance. Said erroneous results were then posted and lead many people to believe they don't work with each other.

    Since a fix has never been noted, many assume it is still broken. (Though likely never was)
    Anyhoo, hope that helps why we're aren't in a hurry to "fix" this. :)

    (NOTE: Also possible that it was tested using a bugged power that could not benefit from either buff at the time.)

    use search button before posting, there is already dedicated thread.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    wondras wrote: »
    Interesting another one claims he "tested" it, got any proofs? Or did the PW lie?

    I'll test Tempest Magic later, but I suspect a lot of the confusion comes from small sample sizes. There's a wide and natural variance in any given attack's damage. If you don't sit there spamming attacks for a good long time it's nearly impossible to detect a bonus of 5% or even 10%.

    Edit: When I say I'll test Tempest Magic, I mean just the feat; I can't test the interaction between Tempest Magic and the Tiefling racial because I don't have a Tiefling.
  • copticonecopticone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pfft2 does more testing for this game than those on Cryptic's payroll. lol
    Check out my personal Nerf Proof T2 Thaumaturge Build.
  • usernumber999usernumber999 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    copticone wrote: »
    pfft2 does more testing for this game than those on Cryptic's payroll. lol

    certainly appreciate that too
  • uurbsuurbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 449 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    pfft2 wrote: »
    Edit: When I say I'll test Tempest Magic, I mean just the feat; I can't test the interaction between Tempest Magic and the Tiefling racial because I don't have a Tiefling.
    If you have a test protocol, which I could use, I would happily help out. As I do have a Tiefling and am very interested in the results ;)
    Proud member of Dragon Clan - German Gaming Community
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    uurbs wrote: »
    If you have a test protocol, which I could use, I would happily help out. As I do have a Tiefling and am very interested in the results ;)

    Heh, nothing too terribly convenient, I'm afraid. I wrestled a bit with how to do this one. If you feel like trying something similar to what I'm about to describe, I'd love to see your results, though.

    On the Preview Shard, I respecced and took enough feats to qualify for Tempest Magic (that is, I filled out the Heroic tree), but I stopped short of taking Tempest Magic itself. I also didn't level up my attributes, and I made sure I had no temporary buffs that would expire mid-testing (campfire, invocation). No class features were used.
    (The following links will show you pictures of my feat tree for both tests: Before, After.)

    Then I took a ride up to the top of Icespire Peak to find Skrymnir, because he's the closest thing to a world boss that I could think of. Skrymnir's health bar has 13 pips, which means each pip is worth ~7.7% of his max HP, which means he's at right around 30% once his health dips to four whole pips. To be safe, I tried to aim for 3.5 pips, as in the following picture:

    After I found a decent visual cue to signal the crucial 30% mark, it was just a matter of reducing the giant's health to that point with a mix of powers, making sure not to include any debuffs (not that I took any), and then switching to Ray of Frost exclusively for the finish. By keying on Ray of Frost, I hoped to isolate the attacks that were eligible for the feat bonus. Since RoF's the lowest-damage At-Will, I could also, hopefully, maximize the number of sub-30%-HP attacks in the sample.

    I killed Skrymnir six times total, three times before buying Tempest Magic, and three times afterwards.

    Ray of Frost before Tempest Magic:
    Log file here.
    All                 347,960  840.28  266.64    32      0       4,636   All           1,305  1,305   100.00  8%     
    Magic Missile       125,234  302.42  638.95    588     413     1,227   Arcane        196    196     100.00  18%    
    [B]Ray of Frost        97,420   235.26  499.59    433     377     898     Cold          195    195     100.00  24%[/B]    
    Chill Strike        40,944   98.87   1,462.29  2,433   0       4,636   Cold          28     28      100.00  7%     
    Conduit of Ice      38,121   92.06   680.73    591     398     1,395   Cold          56     56      100.00  25%    
    Repel               25,898   62.54   996.08    1,209   0       2,729   Arcane        26     26      100.00  27%    
    Lifedrinker Weapon  20,343   49.13   30.05     30      22      39      Necrotic      677    677     100.00  0%     
    Chill               0        0.00    0.00      0       0       0       SpeedRunning  127    127     100.00  0%

    First, we note that Ray of Frost accounts for no more than 28% of our total damage output, which tends to suggest that our HP-bar estimates worked out pretty well. Other than that, we see that we logged 195 RoF attacks, with an average per-attack damage of 499.59.

    Once we factor out the crit rate (which is somewhat volatile), we end up with an adjusted average Ray of Frost damage of 499.59 / (1 + (0.24 * 0.75)) = 423.38.

    Ray of Frost After Tempest Magic:
    Log file here.
    All                 439,165  1,020.60  300.59    32      0       4,858   All           1,461  1,461   100.00  8%     
    Magic Missile       152,189  353.68    650.38    602     425     1,155   Arcane        234    234     100.00  20%    
    [B]Ray of Frost        99,875   232.11    545.77    471     415     980     Cold          183    183     100.00  22%[/B]    
    Conduit of Ice      68,638   159.51    672.92    599     401     1,307   Cold          102    102     100.00  27%    
    Chill Strike        61,760   143.53    1,583.59  2,465   0       4,858   Cold          39     39      100.00  10%    
    Repel               34,948   81.22     896.10    1,318   0       3,090   Arcane        39     39      100.00  13%    
    Lifedrinker Weapon  21,755   50.56     29.56     29      22      39      Necrotic      736    736     100.00  0%     
    Chill               0        0.00      0.00      0       0       0       SpeedRunning  128    128     100.00  0%

    Again, we note that Ray of Frost accounts for no more than 23% of our total damage output. Looks like I grew a little more conservative the second time around, but that's not a bad thing. In total, our log shows 183 Ray of Frost attacks, for an average of 545.77 damage.

    Factoring out the crit rate (which, it should be noted, is slightly lower here than it was in our first test), we end up with an adjusted average damage of 545.77 / (1 + (0.22 * 0.75)) = 468.47.

    Tempest Magic is supposed to give us a 10% damage bonus. Our tests show an increase of (468.47 / 423.38) - 1 = 0.106, or 10.6%.

    The feat seems to work!

    Of course, it's possible that Tempest Magic is different on the Live server, but there's no sign of any change in the patch notes (to my knowledge). I think it's fair to say that anyone who buys the feat today won't be wasting his points, because at the very worst it'll be fixed in a week or two, when the current Preview patch goes live.
  • robowskirobowski Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Registered especially to thank you for this pfft. Intelligent, well planned testing. Great work!
  • copticonecopticone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Great job as usual pfft2
    Check out my personal Nerf Proof T2 Thaumaturge Build.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    robowski wrote: »
    Registered especially to thank you for this pfft. Intelligent, well planned testing. Great work!
    copticone wrote: »
    Great job as usual pfft2

    Thanks, guys :)
  • ragulolragulol Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013
    GJ, but i thought the question was the interaction between thiefling's racial and this feat.
    Who said that this feat doesnt work at all? But how it interacts remains unclear with some people saying that it overrides bloodhunt, some saying that it is just dont work on a thiefling, and everyone hopes that it would stack.

    Maybe the lack of my knowledge of english is to be blamed, but i am reading this reply from a combat designer:
    lordgallen wrote: »
    Main reason it has not been fixed is that near as I can tell, this interaction has never actually been broken. If target is at or below half health you get Bloodhunt's bonus, if they are at or below 30% you now also get Tempest Magic's bonus.

    My guess is that one or more players tested it at one point, but forgot that Tempest Magic triggers at a different health percentage than Bloodhunt, or else just lost track of the extra 5% damage in the normal damage variance. Said erroneous results were then posted and lead many people to believe they don't work with each other.

    Since a fix has never been noted, many assume it is still broken. (Though likely never was)
    Anyhoo, hope that helps why we're aren't in a hurry to "fix" this.

    (NOTE: Also possible that it was tested using a bugged power that could not benefit from either buff at the time.)

    like blah-blah-blah,maybe it is not broken and is working fine, maybe someone just tested it with "bugged power", we did not test it anyway so i cant really tell, but anyway its OK that one feat gives 50% less benefit to 1 race, so we arent rushing to fix it, but maybe we will give it a thought

    Anyway its not really that important, +5% damage after 30% mark is like what? +1.6% DPS?
    More frustrating currently my bugged SW set when im getting stacks for 1 combat and then i will not get them before i re-equip set again. Sudden Storm currently does not crit(also dot from it), but it could be a viable choise for mastery slot as it has infinite targets, not-critting maelstorm(and it would be still horrible even with the ability to crit), and other more important stuff to fix

    But hey, they ARE fixing something. Icy terrain and oppressive force CAN crit on PTS, and its great.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ragulol wrote: »
    GJ, but i thought the question was the interaction between thiefling's racial and this feat.
    Who said that this feat doesnt work at all? But how it interacts remains unclear with some people saying that it overrides bloodhunt, some saying that it is just dont work on a thiefling, and everyone hopes that it would stack.

    The original poster of this thread said that Tempest Magic doesn't work.

    As for the rest, I think the most reasonable worst-case scenario -- given what I've seen through testing and given the developer's statement -- is that Tempest Magic overwrites the Tiefling racial when the target dips below 30%. And as you say, even that wouldn't be a terrible thing; Tempest Magic would still be a decent feat for Tieflings who wish to work their way up the Thaumaturge tree.

    The developer's comment isn't quite as vague and non-commital as you might think. He can't be 100% certain as to whether the feat has ever been broken, even for a short period, at one point or another. Or if you prefer, I think it would be unreasonable to ask lordgallen to go back through the game's history and pinpoint with 100% accuracy whether or not this-or-that feat has ever had problems.

    What he can (or should be able to) tell you is whether the feat works now.

    The rest of his equivocating, IMO, is just good diplomacy: lordgallen doesn't want to say flatly that the players who claim to have tested the feat did it wrong -- but that is the most likely explanation. Given the wide damage variance on every power (which can approach a 20% spread), it's very very difficult to get an immediate feel for damage buffs like Tempest Magic's.

    Personally, I'd just as soon get rid of the damage variance on attack powers; I don't think it really adds anything worthwhile to the game's combat mechanics, and (as we've seen) it seems to cause a lot needless of confusion among players. But ever since Champions Online, Cryptic's loved huge damage variance. (Oddly enough, Cryptic's first MMO didn't have any at all. Attacks delivered a flat amount of damage, which was then modified by any buffs/debuffs present.)
    ragulol wrote: »
    Anyway its not really that important, +5% damage after 30% mark is like what? +1.6% DPS?

    Yep, looks like about 1.5% against a single hard target, assuming the target's health starts at full. Of course, in practice, you'll tend to get either much more or much less mileage out of the feat/racial, because most targets' health tends to decrease in large and irregular chunks. In some boss fights it's even possible that the target will be below 50/30% health for the bulk of the time you're called upon to DPS (because you're too busy dealing with adds beforehand or whatever).
  • pokinatchapunxpokinatchapunx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    That's pretty worthless actually. I think I'll skip it since I'm a tiefling anyway.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    BTW, Uurbs, i replied to your PM. Sorry about the delay; I didn't see it when it arrived. :)
  • uurbsuurbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 449 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    @pfft2, I saw it already. No worries, and thanks a lot!
    Proud member of Dragon Clan - German Gaming Community
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