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An open letter to Devoted Clerics



  • twstdechotwstdecho Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 630 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    haha this event is easy unless the party has absolutely no clue what they are doing.

    Honestly things going badly in any of these runs has been related to CW pulling every single mobs and their AoEs into a tight space where you cannot dodge. Oh and ignoring when some one is getting chases and downing potions like crazy.

    True, tanks that don't taunt or build agro (might be taunt might be another way depending on the spec/level) can be an issue, but it's more that people of any class ignore when their someone on their team is in trouble.

    As for clerics? sunburst and repurpose soul heals with the occasional soothing light keeps everyone alive unless they don't know what they are doing. It's best for a cleric running this event to simply go full damage even if they are a support spec.

    This... ran it once and got compliments on my CW. Ran it again and felt useless because people kept knocking mobs all over the place and minimizing the effect of my skills. *shrugs*
  • korgulltekorgullte Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 95
    edited August 2013
    for the most part the people who died in the call to arms and blamed the healers usually did it to themselves. Not saying the OP is that person but that is just what I saw. I especially loved the people getting on their mount running to pull all the mobs to the farthest point out of line of sight and then have the temerity to gripe
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We all have varied strategies on playing our classes. It is very easy to criticize from outside the class and on the other side of the computer. A lot of people level solo and don't get the experience of playing group style. They need to learn, but you can't expect that everyone has yours or anyone's interests in mind other than their own. If we can all get on vent/ts and strategize before hand then maybe you can get what you want, but as we don't all have that ability, especially with PUGs, then you can't expect perfect cohesion.

    So keep calm and adventure on.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • selaralselaral Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    When I ran this event I was on my level 32 cleric and was in a group with a 60's. Was this supposed to happen? Either way I did my best since I was not high enough to have Astral Shield down at all. I sealed everything I could and kept Healing word on those who took damage. My heals were <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> compared to their health so it didn't do much.

    IF so, you might want to check and see the people you are running with. They may not have the spells you are expecting them to use.

    Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
    "Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
  • digesthisicknessdigesthisickness Member Posts: 169 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I did this event with three main characters, and learned a lot about how others play, and wanted to smack the **** out of a few, but only a few times. I wanted to get the wolf at least once with each character.

    With my level 60 DC, I was only frustrated when people would smack the bad guys all over the place, then players would follow. Or for some reason, attack both sides of the field at once. In the front, that's not so bad, usually weakest monsters on one side, but ****, really, when they'd attack mobs on both sides then immediately aggro the ones behind the fence to get to the 3 smaller chests without first clearing at least most of the ones in front, that made it very difficult. Spreading out the good guys and the bad guys makes for a stupid, ridiculous battle that's just unnecessarily difficult. To be fair though, I came across this while playing ALL of my mains.

    Mostly though, slapping down a protective circle of any sort and having, for whatever reason, people not on it as they should be. Due to being silly, uninformed (experienced enough maybe), or from having the monsters smacked out of it. With all of that though, it wasn't as stress-inducing as it was when I played my rogue because I got that some just don't know or don't have the experience.

    My level 60 mage had few issues. Only a few times where I'd hit singularity only to have another hit their ice storm at the same time. ;)

    It was with my rogue that I got frustrated the most. I love my CW but once or twice I did get really frustrated with others who play them when I was my rogue. Spamming their repel constantly causing me to spend far too much time just trying to find my target and then get to him again AFTER wasting my encounters and dailies because my target would be somewhere else. Only to have it happen again once I got there. Over and over. It's the only time I said something in party chat, and that was, "OMFG that repel."

    As someone who is used to PuGs though, this was pretty typical. And, why I'm not a huge dungeon-doer and never bother with hard T2s anymore.

    edit: the post above mine is another reason why I didn't get too very frustrated as I would be if all were upper leveled. Just not having the powers yet mattered. It's when they did and didn't use it or did use one that interfered with team play or when powers weren't the issue at all and just aggroing everything at once instead of timing it better that it became frustrating.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The event was pretty much a noobfest all the way around. The long Q times made it so I only did about 10 or 15 goes but, on top of clerics that were playing at dps, we had:

    - dps tanks that did not protect the healers who were not healing.
    - mages that threw all the mobs as far as possible from the dps so no one could hit anything
    - rogues that were killing the weak trash while the tough stuff was killing the cleric that was not healing
    - anyone of any class would pull extra mobs because the 3 ogres currently fighting us were not enough
    - anyone of any class pulling extra mobs to ensure we could not get the chests
    - anyone of any class looting during combat rather than contribute
    - people of every class being hit by ogre smash or other red circle attacks, not just once or twice, but constantly.
    - groups that split up into 2s to fight at both doors in parallel (this works with supreme gear, but these guys did not have it).
    - people that dropped group once it finally started or messed up the Q for the group by not clicking ready or something.

    All in all I was glad it was the easy skirmish and an easy fight, because some of these groups just barely were able to do it and anything hard would have been a wipefest after the 45 min delay to get a group.

    As for clerics, I played one a bit to see if it would get groups faster. It did, it shaved about 10 min or more off each go but I dislike my cleric and went back to GWF after a few goes. Not being built for it (mine is built to solo) AS had a long cooldown and I was spamming seal on all the mobs to make up for it. I did use the 3 charge heal but its just a between skill. There is nothing wrong with using it to top off someone. That said, not all clerics are well made for groups, some of them are not wearing top tier gear with feats for healing and so on. You expect raid quality gear and performance from a bunch of pvp and solo players in a pug, and you did not get it --- for any of the classes, we did not get that level of performance. That is the nature of pugs, laugh it off and move on.
  • rishzothrishzoth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I play a dps cleric as an alt and have been top damage and healing for the skirmish with 60's in my group (aside from members of my own guild). I throw down AS and sunburst constantly. It's not hard to do...

  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Im a full heal spec but when played Call of the arms event i always went DPS and this might shock u.... 80% of the time i was top dpser lol... now imagine if i were DPS spec....

    Anyways, in D&D theres no such thing as healer, the "healers" in the D&D world are named Leaders. Ofc this game is an MMO so we will always need "healer" class but i think when cryptic developed this game they Cleric are supose to be leaders, not healers... Well maybe a bit of both :) people might not be aware but beside healing clerics also give some good buffs and damage reduction, with virtuose specc clerics can also give a lot of defence debuff to adds and a lot of attack and defence to party members.

    Now, as a person who play with Cleric (fully geared and exp on all game content) my advice to u is this: First u need to understand that healing in this game work very diferent from other MMO's u might have played, in here u cant expect from a Cleric to spam heals on u while u stay in red areas...U need to avoid red spalts no matter what, it doesnt matter if u have good or bad Cleric.... U need to avoid red spalts.

    Use pots, use a lot of pots, mainly when u took a huge amount of dmg... yes, as a cleric i might be able to heal all ur HP but that will consume all my coldowns which can cause healing problems for the next seconds, which can lead party to wipe.

    This is not only about the Clerics, people need to learn how the game work and how the healing work in this game.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ^^^ that is not what I was seeing and referring to as a dps cleric. Sunburst damage is minor and AS damage is 0. I am talking the ones that have neither of those skills slotted at all... full bore damage and healing is for noobs solo builds.
  • veruganverugan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 100
    edited August 2013
    hmmmmm, maybe why i said this " I guess this could probably be said for any class, but a poorly played cleric will effect the group moreso than any other poorly played class."

    Maybe being constructive and adding how GFs taunt best or CW control best would have been more appropriate. Just sayin........

    Oh yes because I see in your post now where you ask us what our thoughts are on GF/CW group PvE builds. You could have been more specific in your line of inquiry. Just sayin.....
  • zombieelviszombieelvis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I played my DC a couple times for this event and I'd say 80% of the time this happened:

    1. Players run straight to the chests and agro every mob on the map.
    2. I try healing through the mess and get dropped, because nobody wants to kill the adds on the healer. They all want to target the single big baddie.
    3. I rez and run back for a repeat of adds beating me down while the rest of the group target an ogre.
    4. Players yell at me for not healing them as they stand in the red. Meanwhile I'm constantly (unwillingly) off-tanking, healing however I can, and burning though all my pots.
    5. I add all the players to my ignore list and thank God I won't get matched up with them again.

    So my advice is if you want to be healed, keep you healer alive. I know, it's asking alot.
  • faeriestormfaeriestorm Member Posts: 460 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    macabrivs wrote: »
    Im a full heal spec but when played Call of the arms event i always went DPS and this might shock u.... 80% of the time i was top dpser lol... now imagine if i were DPS spec....

    Anyways, in D&D theres no such thing as healer, the "healers" in the D&D world are named Leaders. Ofc this game is an MMO so we will always need "healer" class but i think when cryptic developed this game they Cleric are supose to be leaders, not healers... Well maybe a bit of both :) people might not be aware but beside healing clerics also give some good buffs and damage reduction, with virtuose specc clerics can also give a lot of defence debuff to adds and a lot of attack and defence to party members.

    Now, as a person who play with Cleric (fully geared and exp on all game content) my advice to u is this: First u need to understand that healing in this game work very diferent from other MMO's u might have played, in here u cant expect from a Cleric to spam heals on u while u stay in red areas...U need to avoid red spalts no matter what, it doesnt matter if u have good or bad Cleric.... U need to avoid red spalts.

    Use pots, use a lot of pots, mainly when u took a huge amount of dmg... yes, as a cleric i might be able to heal all ur HP but that will consume all my coldowns which can cause healing problems for the next seconds, which can lead party to wipe.

    This is not only about the Clerics, people need to learn how the game work and how the healing work in this game.

    This so much, at least someone gets it. I have a virtuous specced cleric and she does alot of damage, but is very squishy. People don't see all the debuffing I'm doing they just see the damage (which is high because I'm always debuffing). Also very often fail to see my my critical hits heal them. Yes a virtuous spec cleric does heal but their focus is more damage/debuff and only healing as needed if someone misses a dodge here and there.
  • digesthisicknessdigesthisickness Member Posts: 169 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I played my DC a couple times for this event and I'd say 80% of the time this happened:

    1. Players run straight to the chests and agro every mob on the map.
    2. I try healing through the mess and get dropped, because nobody wants to kill the adds on the healer. They all want to target the single big baddie.
    3. I rez and run back for a repeat of adds beating me down while the rest of the group target an ogre.
    4. Players yell at me for not healing them as they stand in the red. Meanwhile I'm constantly (unwillingly) off-tanking, healing however I can, and burning though all my pots.
    5. I add all the players to my ignore list and thank God I won't get matched up with them again.

    So my advice is if you want to be healed, keep you healer alive. I know, it's asking alot.

    HA! So much of this happened with my 60 DC as well. Eventually, after downing a couple potions, I started slapping the AS down where I was or using sunburst in divine mode. Keeping the team alive quickly became a useless endeavor on many runs due to exactly what you listed here.
  • goddessuniquegoddessunique Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I played my DC a couple times for this event and I'd say 80% of the time this happened:

    1. Players run straight to the chests and agro every mob on the map.
    2. I try healing through the mess and get dropped, because nobody wants to kill the adds on the healer. They all want to target the single big baddie.
    3. I rez and run back for a repeat of adds beating me down while the rest of the group target an ogre.
    4. Players yell at me for not healing them as they stand in the red. Meanwhile I'm constantly (unwillingly) off-tanking, healing however I can, and burning though all my pots.
    5. I add all the players to my ignore list and thank God I won't get matched up with them again.

    So my advice is if you want to be healed, keep you healer alive. I know, it's asking alot.

    Other mmo's I played, people would protect the healer instead of trying to solo. So many times I've been on my dc and half the map chasing me and they see me kiting can't use skills because if i stop running I'll die but NOONE ever gets adds off me. When I'm playing my cw I always watch the dc or stay close to the dc incase they get swarmed so I can protect them because I know how crappy the game mechanics are. It's 2013 and games still make characters root to the ground and don't have instant skill cast(except for tr). This is so annoying when you fighting you have to wait till the skill animation finish to cast and pray none of the 10000000 adds or boss spam a red circle under you before you finish.:mad:

    Like another person said, in order to understand a class you gotta play them and learn how they function.
    Queen of Dragon Server
    Goddess Uniique, lvl 60 DC.
    PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
    Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
    *******, lvl 60 TR.
    Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
    Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger

    There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Having played my lvl 60 DC through at least 10 CTA's, I can say that the biggest issue is when people don't stick together. I try to get the team to advance up to the steps by the orc fort, so we can fight on 1 unified front, but often they want to hang out in the big open area, where we have to deal w/ orcs on 2 fronts.

    I rely on astral seal and divine mode astral shield to keep the team alive. I use sunburst, (non-divine cuz I use it to build divine power and don't want to knock enemies), but also put some feat points into having it apply a second heal 6 secs after it hits a teammate.

    The biggest aggravation, though, is that many players on PUGs don't seem to get 1 simple fact - if I am devoting a lot of my time dodging enemies and trying to keep myself alive, I cannot heal YOU. Second to that is how they don't seem to understand that you need to stand in the blue circle to get healed. I'm not going to chase you to heal you, so you gotta find a way back to the "fortified ground".
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • syka08syka08 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I was a level 17 DC running this. Rather liked the fact that it wouldn't level me as I ran this thing constantly. I'm living proof that this was doable without heals, as there's no way I could properly heal 40 - 60s. And while I tried my hardest, I was out healed by people just popping pots ^^;. I'm sure that getting paired with a low level healer ticked people off, but it was a good learning experience. Astral shields on eeeeeverything once tanks grab aggro is a strat I think I'll be sticking to.

    That being said, and probably because I'm new to DCs and so is my searching for good information on them. This thread has added a few helpful tidbits that I can do now, and look forward to being able to try later. I wasn't aware that there were broken feats, but that shouldn't come as a surprise to me since it seems every class has them. Guess its off to deeper searches in the forum to find out what they are (unless people want to post them here =D) and figure out a good build based off of what positively reviewed builds there are out floating around on this forum.

    Anyone else have the chests glitch on them so they couldn't be opened? Happened far too many times to me.
    contents to be decided
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    syka08 wrote:
    Anyone else have the chests glitch on them so they couldn't be opened? Happened far too many times to me

    Don't quote me on this, but I believe there is a minimum "refresh time" before the chests can be looted again. I've only had the problem w/ not being able to loot them if I did 2 runs very close together. When there was a longer wait between runs, I could loot the chests just fine.

    What I did have happen to me a few times is that I open the chest, see the list of items in it, press F, the chest closes like I looted it, but I didn't get any of the items that were in it...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • nordveignordveig Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm not even level 60 (36 now) and I deduced from the beginning that astral seal was going to be your go to heal, I like to supplement it with sacred flame, sun burst and healing word. I also use hallowed ground for group events.
  • faiteaccompliifaiteaccomplii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2
    edited August 2013
    I agree wholeheartedly!!! A huge problem with this game is how fast you level, which is one thing (among many) that were brought up during closed beta to no avail. But just invoking 3x a day can get you a level every 2-3 days without playing your toon once. That's just plain silly.

    As far as I know you can't portrait target in this game so you have to target by hovering over a pack of people fighting a mob....(educate me if there is another way....cleric is my alt)

    I am shocked as to the people who are so clueless that they don't realize this and don't run out of the pack to be healed for a sec etc. etc.

    Yes the group heals are great and that is my mainstay but cracks me up people who whine about not being healed don't know the mechanics of clerics in this game.

    Also, they do good dmg for a reason, they are not just heal bots.

    That is part of why they are pretty cool
  • krithiumskrithiums Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm not really sure how I do as a DC but now that i read some comments I can hopefully be a better Cleric, thanks for the comments!
    True Story.
    Last edited by ukatoenasni; Today at 06:09 AM. Reason: Grammar sucks before coffee.
  • deaththroedeaththroe Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    - anyone of any class looting during combat rather than contribute

    This was me after the Ogre would get knocked out of AS circle or some other stupidity. I figured if the group doesn't need me I'll pick up some loot. Also, after missing the chests a few times, started to aggro the mobs on the other side of the fence and lead the aggro train right to the party. I'd lay down some heals but you can't heal stupid. There are 3 chest that can be gotten with a bit of teamwork. Unfortunately there are some that don't understand teamwork. They do understand how to kill a mob so I brought them over. I didn't miss any chests after.

    I had a good time as a healer during this event when I stopped caring about he wellbeing of the group and started to think about myself. It's sad that it worked out like that but that's when the frustration ended and I started to enjoy myself.
    10PM CST

  • kulrigkulrig Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Having played my lvl 60 DC through at least 10 CTA's, I can say that the biggest issue is when people don't stick together. I try to get the team to advance up to the steps by the orc fort, so we can fight on 1 unified front, but often they want to hang out in the big open area, where we have to deal w/ orcs on 2 fronts.

    . . .

    The biggest aggravation, though, is that many players on PUGs don't seem to get 1 simple fact - if I am devoting a lot of my time dodging enemies and trying to keep myself alive, I cannot heal YOU. Second to that is how they don't seem to understand that you need to stand in the blue circle to get healed. I'm not going to chase you to heal you, so you gotta find a way back to the "fortified ground".

    Quoting the parts that I could relate to as I ran a few events on my clerics; one a level 27 I'm leveling with my brother, and one level 6 that I had to start using because I nearly dinged 28 on the other and didn't want to get ahead but of course still wanted the weapon skin.

    Anyhow, I ran the CTA with both clerics and really what made the event hard to heal or not was whether or not the group stayed together and kept the mobs off me. The quality of the CW also made a huge impact; if they used singularity at all, then it was gravy. If they ran to one corner, Ice Stormed the orcs into the other corner, and spammed "Help!" after they died, I was met with derision and calls for the group leader to kick me.

    On my 27 cleric, when I used Hallowed Ground the group decided that it was something bad they needed to get out of (unlike the red circles and ogre power attacks, which are totally OK >.>) so that was almost always a waste of a Daily. On my level 6 cleric, people seem to love to pull everything and let me dodge it all once I put a single Astral Seal up, which thanks to heals not scaling like damage does heals for a piddly amount.

    One big thing that I would really like changed for the next CTA; scale heals too. I work waaaaaaay too hard to be outhealed by a companion pet. Seal on everything, Sunburst on cooldown, Healing Word when the charge comes back, Guardian when I have the AP and the group has more than two people hurt... always casting unless I'm dodging, never letting a single heal go to waste, and yet my level 6 is sitting at 19k healing done while the rest of the group is at 100k+, not to mention the TR died like three times because he forgot how to dodge once he hit 60. I may not have every tool needed to heal, and this can all be solved entirely by the group not being stupid, but that doesn't mean I should be useless as a healer to the point where literally any level pet can outheal me.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    deaththroe wrote: »
    This was me after the Ogre would get knocked out of AS circle or some other stupidity. I figured if the group doesn't need me I'll pick up some loot. Also, after missing the chests a few times, started to aggro the mobs on the other side of the fence and lead the aggro train right to the party. I'd lay down some heals but you can't heal stupid. There are 3 chest that can be gotten with a bit of teamwork. Unfortunately there are some that don't understand teamwork. They do understand how to kill a mob so I brought them over. I didn't miss any chests after.

    I had a good time as a healer during this event when I stopped caring about he wellbeing of the group and started to think about myself. It's sad that it worked out like that but that's when the frustration ended and I started to enjoy myself.

    I didn't do it often, but I'm guilty of this as well.

    I did most of my runs playing my GF instead of my DC. Wait times where less, and a sturdier class was just less frustrating to play. At least that was my initial thoughts.

    However, after gaining aggro and bunching up the mobs all nice and tight. While running a full on turtle build, Knights valor with Supremacy of Steel. Ensuring that if it was attacking anyone in the group, I was getting aggro on it. Only to watch a shield pulse, divine sunburst, or ice storm scatter the lot to the 4 winds. Well, you can only face palm so much. For those times, Id just go gather loot.
  • echokazulechokazul Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For the most part, I didn't have much trouble as DC. Only died once, and that's because I got stuck with a bunch of guys from a single guild who aggro'd everyone and then ran around like morons. I think they were trying to throw it. There was also this TR once who wouldn't stay with the group, and would be over by the portal steps while everybody else was on the other side of the fence. He died like five times, and kept yelling at me to heal him. So I supposed I'm a terrible healer because I wouldn't abandon the rest of the party to run across the map and be his personal healbot.

    But other then that, I liked running pug groups. This was an easy enough skirmish that there was room for errors, and it's interesting to see all the different ways people play. If anything, the stupidity of some was downright amusing. I do suppose, though, that it'd would be harder if you were in a bad group and you weren't the magic healing man yourself.
    Kyba Fell- Tiefling GF (Main)
    RainFeather- Dragonborn DC
    Rune Fell- Drow CW
  • rnewton8rnewton8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I dont even think you need a healer for CTA. I am a competent fully T2 geared DC, and when i ran it it was not a heal intensive deal. Nothing like a boss fight in a T2 thats for sure. Divine Astral Shield, with a few seals was more than enough. Keep in mind i only ran it 1x, becuase the rewards were a total joke. dye that sells for 500 AD, and a few savage runes which i dont need anyway, and that dont sell for much just isnt worth it for me.

    Probably what happened is you grouped with a DC that solo'd to get to cap more quickly, and thus isnt familiar with group play yet. And somepoeple do run with healing word in the rotation, but they use it in divine mode only pretty much. Its good in divine, but i use bastion myself now that the CD is down and also because it procs Linked spirit which is awsome.
  • vikingbradvikingbrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Also got to remember this is a mixed level party. Unless the DC > 50 he won't even have Astral Shield.

    But applies to other builds, queued to do Mad Dragon during DD last night. Me as DC with 2 x TRs, GF & GWF. No CW. Sure we could do encounters but get to boss fights and despite me telling them to take out adds when spawned all pilied on boss. Would have helped if we had CW but because I had no protection, I'd go down fast and rest of party would follow.

    Keep the DC alive and they will keep you alive.
    Ricky Gervatheist Lvl 60 DC on Dragon Server
    Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
  • abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I play a DC for my main, and while I'm not specced for healing (kinda hybrid battle / healing since I mostly solo), I still did well in the CTA managing not to annoy people. I specifically don't use Sunburst in a party because of the knockback in divinity and because of the aggro it generates, so instead I slot Astral Shield / Forgemaster's / Chains of Blazing Light with Hammer of Fate / Hallowed Ground (regenerating feat bonus added). I did my feats and abilities to maximize AP and divinity gain, so I'm able to use everything in divine mode all the time as long as I use plain Chains and at-wills in between. I feel like Chains is underappreciated as a way to help your party (makes it easier to hit otherwise fast-moving stuff if you're a melee class) and to get yourself out of bad situations (lay Chains on the mob surrounding you, dodge to safety and chug a potion). My guildmates know I'm not a healbot and expect me not to set up my powers for strict healing only, but even the PUGs I had never complained about my playstyle when I was the only DC in our party.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    vikingbrad wrote: »
    Also got to remember this is a mixed level party. Unless the DC > 50 he won't even have Astral Shield.

    But applies to other builds, queued to do Mad Dragon during DD last night. Me as DC with 2 x TRs, GF & GWF. No CW. Sure we could do encounters but get to boss fights and despite me telling them to take out adds when spawned all pilied on boss. Would have helped if we had CW but because I had no protection, I'd go down fast and rest of party would follow.

    Keep the DC alive and they will keep you alive.

    Mad Dragon, IMO, is difficult because of those imps. As long as someone, (like a CW), can keep them locked down or kill them ASAP, things go smoothly.

    Another part of the problem is that healing generates aggro and many GF taunts are not "hard" - as in the enemy basically will just take 1 swing at you then go back to whoever else they were attacking.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Astral seal is the main LOW LEVEL heal. It's neat, but it's definitely not our best spell.

    Someone mentioned tanks not tanking in the CTA event. Does this player know that taunting with some of the worst players in game called "my party" is a suicide? I've stopped taunting and taking aggro when i play my GF in CTA. Too many CWs with no control, too many clueless GWFs without a stun, too many clerics just using chains of blazing lol or searing <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    And everyone focusing the savage when the Eyes of gruumsh are permastunning and killing me, whatever my class is, because i'm focusing the dangerous mobs while the party deals with the savage. Bigger doesn't mean more dangerous, but since most people don't read chat or don't even care anyway...
  • faeriestormfaeriestorm Member Posts: 460 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Astral seal is the main LOW LEVEL heal. It's neat, but it's definitely not our best spell.

    Someone mentioned tanks not tanking in the CTA event. Does this player know that taunting with some of the worst players in game called "my party" is a suicide? I've stopped taunting and taking aggro when i play my GF in CTA. Too many CWs with no control, too many clueless GWFs without a stun, too many clerics just using chains of blazing lol or searing <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    And everyone focusing the savage when the Eyes of gruumsh are permastunning and killing me, whatever my class is, because i'm focusing the dangerous mobs while the party deals with the savage. Bigger doesn't mean more dangerous, but since most people don't read chat or don't even care anyway...

    haha yeah true I noticed this on my tank so I just put in knockback and dps skills. When my party wasn't terrible though I could tank and stay alive. Although unless it was absolutely terrible I could use enforced threat and still stay alive due to the 5 target cap.
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