you asked 3 simple questions as to why I have no interest or desire to play your game but not one of them asked the proper question, the reason I refuse to play any PWI title is because I am a western gamer who doesnt like RNG Spending, I dont like you dipping into my pocket for hundreds of dollars to MAYBE get stuff, so I stick to western market games where they give you the WHOLE game for a monthly sub or for very LOW cost to unlock the content, and then make their money by selling me fluff that I enjoy buying from the cash shop, I have no desire for a game that FORCES me to spend RL money on a daily basis to feel like I am enjoying the game
Just got the same email, came on the forum because the survey question 3 didn't have the appropriate response.
I want a game where the only things I can buy is Dye, or a useless duck. I don't want to have a disadvantaged for not buying items or have a advantage for buying items.
Just got the same email, came on the forum because the survey question 3 didn't have the appropriate response.
I want a game where the only things I can buy is Dye, or a useless duck. I don't want to have a disadvantaged for not buying items or have a advantage for buying items.
I totally agreed with you. I'm not sure if they really want to take a survey or just want see people login onto their site.
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
you asked 3 simple questions as to why I have no interest or desire to play your game but not one of them asked the proper question, the reason I refuse to play any PWI title is because I am a western gamer who doesnt like RNG Spending, I dont like you dipping into my pocket for hundreds of dollars to MAYBE get stuff, so I stick to western market games where they give you the WHOLE game for a monthly sub or for very LOW cost to unlock the content, and then make their money by selling me fluff that I enjoy buying from the cash shop, I have no desire for a game that FORCES me to spend RL money on a daily basis to feel like I am enjoying the game
You're seriously coming here to QQ about a survey not asking you the proper question as to why you don't play, which involves how you don't like the RNG involved with enchanted keys/nightmare chests? Wow... I haven't spent a single dime on the game and by simply playing the game I've gained access to any and all content, gear, and enchants that I have aimed to get.
Move along... thanks
kantazo1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Good luck in your new paths and happy future. Hopefully the game may change and have you back, but by personal experience when I leave and try to comeback is like Meh, no way.
Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited August 2013
I find this a bit silly. First, the game does not force you to spend money in any way - sure, it makes sense to spend a bit, just for the convenience, but you don't *have* to - I see this game as "Pay for Convenience", not "Pay to Win" - big difference. Second, there is no need whatsoever to spend money on random stuff - just buy zen, convert to AD and buy exactly what what you want at the AH.
You can enjoy all the content of the game without spending a dime.
I want a game where the only things I can buy is Dye, or a useless duck. I don't want to have a disadvantaged for not buying items or have a advantage for buying items.
You're seriously coming here to QQ about a survey not asking you the proper question as to why you don't play, which involves how you don't like the RNG involved with enchanted keys/nightmare chests? Wow... I haven't spent a single dime on the game and by simply playing the game I've gained access to any and all content, gear, and enchants that I have aimed to get.
Move along... thanks
You can enjoy all the content of the game without spending a dime.