There is a "torture device" cage that is just big enough for a single NPC. It doesn't have a door that can be opened, but it has two versions, closed and open. I've used it by having the player click on the closed cage to "open" it, which causes it to be replaced by the open version. It's a little tricky to get it lined up perfectly. Set the Y coordinates to Zero Altitude, and set them to the exact same value. Then use 3D mode to make slight adjustments until the bars line up just right. It gives the illusion of opening the cage.
There is a "torture device" cage that is just big enough for a single NPC. It doesn't have a door that can be opened, but it has two versions, closed and open. I've used it by having the player click on the closed cage to "open" it, which causes it to be replaced by the open version. It's a little tricky to get it lined up perfectly. Set the Y coordinates to Zero Altitude, and set them to the exact same value. Then use 3D mode to make slight adjustments until the bars line up just right. It gives the illusion of opening the cage.
Thanks for the advice, zbkolde. I have set up the cage the way you've described (and it works great at Y=0), but I was hoping the cage could hang in the air. I set both cages and the NPC to 3ft high, but the NPC in the cage either falls below the cage or he stands on top of the cage when I preview it... I have not published yet. Is there a specific Y value for the NPC (relative to the cages' Y values) that will make him stay in the cage?
So far, I've tried to set the NPC's Y value to equal to the cages, and .01 above them. I also tried to line him up in 3D mode, but when I apply changes, it fails. Thanks again
Thanks for the advice, zbkolde. I have set up the cage the way you've described (and it works great at Y=0), but I was hoping the cage could hang in the air. I set both cages and the NPC to 3ft high, but the NPC in the cage either falls below the cage or he stands on top of the cage when I preview it... I have not published yet. Is there a specific Y value for the NPC (relative to the cages' Y values) that will make him stay in the cage?
So far, I've tried to set the NPC's Y value to equal to the cages, and .01 above them. I also tried to line him up in 3D mode, but when I apply changes, it fails. Thanks again
To make that work, you may have to give the NPC something else to stand on, like an invisible tube or wall. I can't tell you exactly how to do this though, just an idea to try. My cage only had a little chicken in it, and it was on the ground. Without knowing how your story is set up, it's hard to think of how to do it. But, an NPC will always "fall" to the geometry or terrain below it. It could be that the bottom of the cage doesn't count?
Unsure if NPCs will play nice in a floating cage, but you could always try supporting it with a floating invis wall for the "cage floor". Those tend to be larger though, so not sure what other limitations that introduces to your scene.
The 5x5x5 invisible cube underneath the cage worked
I did decide to move the cage close to the wall. Since the cage is only 4x4 when closed, it minimized the cube's points. After a little playing around, my NPC was standing inside the cage. Once open, it won't be noticeable at all. I think it looks really cool!
Search for the word torture and you should find it.
The Seeker - 60 DC (11.5k GS)
Faithless - 60 CW (10k GS)
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
Thanks for the advice, zbkolde. I have set up the cage the way you've described (and it works great at Y=0), but I was hoping the cage could hang in the air. I set both cages and the NPC to 3ft high, but the NPC in the cage either falls below the cage or he stands on top of the cage when I preview it... I have not published yet. Is there a specific Y value for the NPC (relative to the cages' Y values) that will make him stay in the cage?
So far, I've tried to set the NPC's Y value to equal to the cages, and .01 above them. I also tried to line him up in 3D mode, but when I apply changes, it fails. Thanks again
To make that work, you may have to give the NPC something else to stand on, like an invisible tube or wall. I can't tell you exactly how to do this though, just an idea to try.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
EDIT: You beat me, Z!
Note: the invis wall/plane does not have to be supported. They will hang in the air just fine.
I did decide to move the cage close to the wall. Since the cage is only 4x4 when closed, it minimized the cube's points. After a little playing around, my NPC was standing inside the cage. Once open, it won't be noticeable at all. I think it looks really cool!
Thanks to you all for your help!