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Villain Menace CC immune not working...

abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
Its been a couple days and thought hey maybe a fluke but seems that there is a lot of stuff not working. My buddy GF and I have repeatedly gotten CC after casting Villains Menace. Tonight used it to kill my target then bam bull charge threw the Immune and prone. Next time cast it to Aoe a base and Entangle from a CW. Smoke bomb CCed. So its nice since the patch that our only Immune we need isn't working half the time.

Also all 4 pc GF set bonuses don't work at least a majority of bulwark,timeless, etc etc not working but I hear some other class sets not working either.

Also block broke and I couldn't activate it again like the old patch was pretty sweet. Anything else anyone notice. On there classes.
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