Hello fellow foundryites....foundriniens...people
In anticipation of ACT II of my campaign
The Obsidian Enclave nearing completion (maps about done, just story to go) I am doing a review trade of
ACT I: A Birthday Affair to get as many people up to speed on the story.
I have been out of the game for awhile, and many of you probably do not know me, but I have been around, snooping on you all, and working on my quest for a while now. Those of you who do know me, know that I used to do a ton of reviews without requiring any repayment at all. As such, Act I, which is amazing, could use a little boost as I move into releasing Act II. So I am trying, for the first time, review swaps.
it's simple really, you review mine, I review yours.
You can leave feedback on the original, long running forum post here:
If your interested in what Act II will bring to the table you can go here:
If you want to see some reviews I have done in the past you can go here: Please note, I am not taking any more applications.
If you are not one to click strange links to strange forum posts, a brief description of what you can expect in Act I
@handle: jedensuscg
Act I, A Birthday Affair is a STORY DRIVEN quest, with hidden side quests that will only present itself to either those who explore, or those who pick the right dialogue prompt. That latter being more of a personality test in whether your kind enough pick the right choice, and then follow through.
There is a lot of quality reading involved, and you will want to read it, as the story presented is brilliant...of course as I wrote it, and will better explain proceeding chapters.
There is some light combat, as well as some tasks that require a bit more thought then just following the sparkly trail. You might also shed a tear or two, :,(
So hope right up, run my quest, leave some feedback and a rating in game, then if you wish some feedback on the my feedback page above, or even right here, and also include your in game
@handle, the quest you want me to run and review and the short code.
I look forward to playing with you all....
taken out of contexts that sounds bad.