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Developement not Nerfs

wraithynwraithyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53

If you really want success in this game you have a strong base model in place. In every other MMO I've played the reason I've left was NERF's. The development process nerfed everything into oblivion changing the game so much it was no longer fun to play. Recent examples would be DDO & SWTOR. Spend your time and resources in development and bug fixes, nerfs are just unnecessary and always controversial.

Enough about Nerfs, I started this thread to throw out the top 10 things I would pay cash money for right now!

1) A unbind mechanic. Let me unbind my pets, weapons, armors etc. I would gladly spend cash to unbind a bad spec'd toon.

2) A complete respec, everything but the class.

3) Alternate animation sets.


5) A new massive PvP option to Guantlgryn. Maybee a Wyvern Bridge Battle as in the second book.

6) New content - Always

7) While I see the attraction of cosmetics, if you want me to buy a pack your gonna have to put something of useable value in there. Fury of the Fey just has no value to justify $60 if you've already purchased a pack with a cool mount.

8) Guild Housing - Oldie but goodie!

9) A unique playable race? Elves are so common. How about Gnomes!

10) A reincarnation option allowing non human races some extra build points. As it is now now, humans are the only logical choice for most classes.
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