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Neverwinter or Everfighter?

xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
Like escorts in STO (another title of cryptic), fighters in Neverwinter are grossly overpowered and needs to be toned down.

In the same strike, clerics heal and protecting abilities need a major buff. This is not only meant for PvP but also for PvE.

Fighters, regardless if GF or GWF are next to immortal, in PvE as in PvP. They either can heal / protect them self better then a cleric can even hope for, or they can block any damage permanently, which is like the rogues ability to become untouchable (ItC), but with no time limit.

With the right enchants they are able to dish out damage next to any rogue or CW. They profit more from tene tacking then any other class.

Each class is meant to fulfill a certain role. Fighters currently are virtually strike-tank-control-healers. This is not how they are designed in original D&D and even if we take this apart, giving a Fighter class (base high damage migration) access to self heals, control abilities and damage next to full damage dealers is just bad game balance.

Do something. Nerf fighter survivability, buff DCs healing ability.


  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Which is why everyone in /Zone is spamming for 5 GF/GWF (no TR or CW or DC allowed) right?
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