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a question about the Ghost companion

asraeilasraeil Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hi, I would like to know something more about the possession ability.
First, it's cooldown.
Second, what encounters can she target with it, up to what rank. Not Boss for sure, but I hope all the rest yes.
Third, the targeting priority: the closest? Your target? The enemy with higher/lower rank?
I think that these informations should always be available, or purchasing a companion is too much a bet on its real power (as it is now...).

ps: for my end game Rogue i just went for stone ofc, but for my cleric i'm not really sure that a stone would be so nice. I mean, when I have reached the cap on the few stats that I need, I could profit much more from an helper/controller companion, to help my team winning the Boss fighting.
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    thegreeblerthegreebler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2
    edited July 2013
    think its what you attack first or are attacking.

    This can be bad because when it happens, she will automatically have the health of the things you almst killed.

    So being CW I just spead my controlling around, and whne I see she got one.. Light em up:)

    Usually all she grabs is a weak guy, but as she gained in level I think she got a 'mid level' guy.. as it didn't seem like she died fast.

    Also she possesses the SKILLS of whatever bad guy; she grabbed this guy who has potions? Drinking potions. Guy also had a scroll of imminent ***-kicklery? Using scroll. And when she uses that scroll or snags them while they casting it... she will wipe the group just like how that group would have made me run or drink potions:)
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