I've found out that the Negation Enchantment has this pretty, sparkly effect on the armor and I finally got my hands on a blue ward.
But I noticed on one other players that the Lesser Negation Enchant only changed the visuals on the top part of the armor. The skirt thingy was still plain...
So, is it some kind of bug or do I need a higher enchant to have my skrit-ish part of the armor affected as well? I know, it's not the best enchant out there, but it's beautiful and I'm currently quite satisfied with the performance of my DC and I want her to look good as well. Which means that I want the whole armor to sparkle
So, does anyone know if the ranks affect the visuals and how much?
Thank you!
Normal has a bright color.
Greater has a bright color and a symbol that revolves around you.
I haven't seen perfect, yet.
Negation effect will apply to every part of your armor, but will not apply to shoes, gloves, or helmets. It will also show up on the costume tops and bottoms.
so yes, the visuals of all enchantments get stronger and more detailed with higher ranks