I have a timer-driver cut-scene like effect, where an NPC is wandering around doing stuff while the player watches. Each timer tick is ~10 seconds. Each tick, a copy of the NPC spawns in, one-way patrols, and pauses.
What I'm trying to do is get the NPC to say something within that 10 seconds. I have a Chat Text set in the Behavior, but I don't think it triggers fast enough. Is it possible to do? I really don't want to have each interval be 30 seconds. Any other tricks I can use to fake it? Thanks...
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I don't think you'll be able to use the Behaviour chat text for it, no. Pretty sure the intervals between pops was addressed due to NPCs being reported as too spammy. Unfortunately, I don't know what the interval now is, sorry. Or, for that matter, where the NPC is on its pop track when spawning. you'd think 0, but... the Foundry works in mysterious ways.
(If there is a way to force a pop, I'd be interested in knowing the how-to.)
agentjasporMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
It seems to me the Chat Text is a bit random. I've got one map I'm working on with 4 different NPCs that have chat text, and they don't all go off at the same time, and some seem to trigger more than others. I need to bust out a stopwatch and time the intervals I guess for definitive proof.
Hide an NPC behind your working NPC. Give that NPC your chatter. You can't predict when it'll say it, but at least you'll get some speaking while your NPC is doing his thing... And I know that NPC chatter shows through walls.
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zovyaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I did some testing once. I needed to know how far ahead to spawn an NPC so they would chat when the player got there. I found that it was random, and never chatted within less than 12 seconds of spawning.
(If there is a way to force a pop, I'd be interested in knowing the how-to.)
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