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GF against CC

ujavcadujavcad Member Posts: 48
edited July 2013 in The Militia Barracks
I started rolling a GF and in PvP, CWs are so painfully annoying. If there are two of them, I'm going to have a bad time..
And the TRs with their dazing strike are annoying.

I would like all GFs and not only, to share what they know about CC.

How to counter?
Is their anyway to brake free?
Can you get immunity to CC other than the first daily?

I noticed TR's would sometime daze me while being in front of me while I block, I assume it's because they jump over me and the hit is considered to be in my back so I don't block it.. how does this work?
I also noticed in PvE sometimes the knockdown abilities will break through my block, maybe it's because the center of the red circle is not in front of you and again as with the TR it's considered to be in your back and you don't block?
Or is there a chance to block/not block the CC effect? If so, how to increase your chance to block or ignore a CC effect?

I'm low lvl currently, so I don't know, maybe at higher lvls it's not that bad and you have more ways to get in their face.. but atm I hate CWs :D 1v1 most of the time if they can't CC me to death, they just run away because I'm a turtle :D and I only have 1 lunging strike and I can break their knees, but they have 3 teleports and by the time my lunging strike CD is off they already got their healing pot. I hate it when they run away from me with 1% hp left.. :(
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Some tips:

    1. You get Threatening Rush charge At-Will at around level 35. That helps a little bit 1v1 if ranged are "helpful" enough to remain near melee range.

    2. All aoes have a center. It is this center you must block. From questing, I developed an instinct to turn 90 degrees to the side or occasionally backpedal a little bit the second I saw a red aoe appear. This also works in pvp against all but Rogue's smoke bomb which is so instantaneous you have no time to reposition if you are not already blocking.

    3. With CW's you must not try to block everything. Block only until you see them use an Encounter, especially Entangling Force, then rush them, even if it means dropping your block. Keep following them until they use up their teleports or Entangling is about to come off CD again.

    4. A good CW with Repel and Ray of Frost can perma-CC you. There's nothing you can do without both having a wall behind you to prevent being pushed back too far and having Villain's Menace up. Thankfully, most CW's are bad, even at level 60, and you can pre-position quite often.

    5. Rogues at low level are relatively easy to beat. You just need to keep turning your guard as often as possible and preferably having a wall behind you. If you mouseover them in stealth, you can just see them and have block facing the right way. If they jump up, you know a daze is coming so obviously block. But if you are having problems now with TRs, you'll cry at level 60... They can decimate your Guard from full to 0 from ranged and in stealth, especially if you do not have Supremacy of Steel up to hurt them back and hope they pause. Also, they can very often become CC-immune to all your attacks. Once your Guard is down, you're basically toast even with Fighter's Recovery.

    TR's are the real pvp kings since GWFs in "beast mode" can be kited. Hurt them and earn your titles from low level PvP. You will never get another chance again.
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    ujavcadujavcad Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    thanks for the tips!

    yeah I've seen bad CWs casting the singularity thingy and right after that repeal, pushing me away from the singularity :D I assume it was meant for someone else who was in front of them, but anyway.. it's funny

    about the TRs, I don't really mind them 1v1, what is frustrating, is when you are trying to block some CW's CCs and you also have a little TR running around you, trying to get on your back :D
    yesterday I had some very frustrating matches, I would get 2 CWs on me and occasionally some TR
    I realize I was meant to die with 3 of them on me, but I just wished I could smash my shield in their face in between those CC at least a couple of times :D but there was no "in betweens"

    you pretty much confirmed my assumptions, I hope we get more tips in here
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    derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    6. reroll a GWF

    7. ????

    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    CW's are only an issue if you are built as a glass cannon. If you build your GF as a tank then CW, TR, GWF, Glass Cannon GF's are no longer an issue.

    36k HP, 28% Deflect, 9.6% Regen, 11.4k Power (5/5 Stal)
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    sfxer001sfxer001 Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    That works because stalwart 4 piece set bonus is way over budget. Without it, tank spec would still be durable but would lack pop.
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    sfxer001 wrote: »
    That works because stalwart 4 piece set bonus is way over budget. Without it, tank spec would still be durable but would lack pop.

    Not really. Prior to this build I was running 4/4 T2 PvP set with 35k HP 20% Deflect (no regen) & 18-23k CRTS and was super fast movement and hit much harder but wasn't tanky enough to 1v3. So I rerolled and built this new guy and 1v3 is manageable.
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    alecstormalecstorm Member Posts: 142 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Get lvl 60, before speaking about pvp is quite nonsense.
    First, villain menace. Should give you immunity to CC. It's not true, and it's not true also for unstoppable. But this things give you immunity to almost all CC.
    Besides that, YOU are the CC machine. GF in pvp can lock other classes and kill almost everyone without giving escape.
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    sfxer001sfxer001 Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    dkcandy wrote: »
    Not really. Prior to this build I was running 4/4 T2 PvP set with 35k HP 20% Deflect (no regen) & 18-23k CRTS and was super fast movement and hit much harder but wasn't tanky enough to 1v3. So I rerolled and built this new guy and 1v3 is manageable.

    I know you are a very good player and have more access to gear than 97% of the population, but building your character to 1v3 against poor newbs isn't what I had in mind when I was drafting my quick comment. 1v3 against equally good players is something else entirely different.
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    wondraswondras Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    CWs are generally the only weakness to GF.(from what a observed as GWF)
    GF seems to stack with endgame gear much better then other classes - the closer to 13k GS the less challenge anyone can get you.
    As GWF myself i would say GFs are stronger in top gear - they can destroy any class from 100 to 0 without giving them ANY chance to do anything. They are able do dash without cooldown and with right build your CC is extremly long ranged(dash), extremly damaging and extremly lengty.
    If I say it very simplyfied, there is a circle in PvP:
    GWF kills TR kills CW kills GF kills GWF
    (yes, no cleric in circle because they dont tend to run solo for 1v1 and if you meet him, he can usually stay alive long enought to seek help of allies)
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    sfxer001sfxer001 Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    GWF's are not pushovers for GF. GWF's are extremely strong.
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I would say that similarly geared GWF vs a GF at L60 is almost always going to result in a GWF win if both classes are playing well.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    alecstormalecstorm Member Posts: 142 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Really? I never had problem dealing with GWF with GF. Maybe they can make me lose some time, but never kill me 1vs1 if i'm not very wounded. Actually, with GF i never had big problem with all classes. Cleric can be hard to kill, it they are not builded squishy, CWF can be annoying but only if the player is very good, but with villain menace CC is not a big problem and a single rotation can kill a wizard.
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tang56 wrote: »
    I would say that similarly geared GWF vs a GF at L60 is almost always going to result in a GWF win if both classes are playing well.

    I would disagree unless it is a (high CON) very highly geared Sentinel GWF, i.e. high regen and high arp or Greater Tenebrous. Then the GWF wins for sure, hands down even against high geared TR. In fact, I don't think any class can beat such a geared GWF, other than another similarly geared GWF!
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    sfxer001sfxer001 Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I'd lean that way, too, tank56. GWF's, in their current state, are very good for 1v1'ing at the far offensive tower, requiring 1v2 or even 1v3 to stop them. Unstoppable as a defensive mechanic is beautifully suited for this, since they can do damage while mitigating damage. Not only that, but GWF's defensive prowess via Unstoppable scales up with the amount of damage they are taking. The more people hitting them, the quicker they get Unstoppable up and more frequent they can refresh it again. No other class has that kind of defensive advantage when player numbers are unequal. Thus, GWF's are very suited for playing offensively and attacking that far tower.

    However, I feel that GF's are the better team-play class. They can peel enemies (particularly rogues) off the cleric and CW much better, and consistently deliver high burst damage at the exact time it is needed across a fairly large area. Timeless Hero GF's that are supported by team mates have lot of offensive output, while Stalwart Bulwark GF can engage in a little more risk and often have to do so in order to get offensive power-stack rolling. GF's can't output a lot of damage while mitigating damage with guard, but they can flash it up when necessary and in a more unpredictable fashion, instead of having more predictable periods of mitigation and immunity like GWF's do. Therein lies a weakness of the GWF. They can be predictably CC'd and bursted down, but you have to have enough damage to succeed in doing so or he'll have unstoppable up once again. At least you can kite Unstoppable...
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    sfxer001 wrote: »
    I know you are a very good player and have more access to gear than 97% of the population, but building your character to 1v3 against poor newbs isn't what I had in mind when I was drafting my quick comment. 1v3 against equally good players is something else entirely different.

    1v3 Premade vs Premade - 1v4 / 1v5 vs PUGs is my current build and LOLs. It's not about me killing all 3 premade players but surviving long enough for team mates to show up and help stomp them. The current game is built around holding your point or keeping it contested. I've been working on a build to counter GWFs Sentinels 1v1 and found 2 that work so far. But my current build works great 1v1 vs any other class/build.

    I've thought about writing up a guide but would prefer more time on the build to see if I run into any issues.
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    blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Get to lvl 60,then you eat CW... they cant run away from you if you have threathning rush and lunging strike, use your shield to block their CC's (with experience you can time their abilitys pretty well so your shield can always be up to counter those cc's) and when you get close to them you just cc and burst them dead...
    But this is all in a 1Vs1 scenario and equally geared...

    The class i have most problems fighting is GWF... hard as nails to kill, if they know what they are doing...
    Trickers Rogues are not easy, but doable if you catch them out of stealth or if you can see from where he is shooting those **** daggers...
    Clerics are hard to kill only if you let them stand on astral shield but you will get the tools to knock them out of it...
    we Guardian fighters imo are the cc machine in PvP, not the CW :D
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    ujavcadujavcad Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    I've seen what GFs do at end level, but I still want to learn more about countering CCs
    I'm getting better with every match :) atm I only hate some CWs which spam the chat with their comments on how they are so <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for kiting you with 5% hp, as if 3 dodges require lots of skill :)

    I try to always target the CW, because they are a danger for my team and because I want to learn to win against them
    currently It's not that bad 1v1
    I had this match yesterday, there were 2 TRs which were ambushing me both at the same time, every time I tried to go for the CW, good team work I might say, but am I correct to expect my GF to be able to handle 2v1, 3v1 scenarios? after all I'm a tank and since I can't dodge or run away I expect to be able to stand there and be that unmovable rock, keep them busy until my teammates come to help
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    exactly ujavcad.

    If you go really tanky with lots of HP/Regen & high deflect. You'll increase your survivability, not to say RNG won't be on your side and a TR gets a lucky high crt that doesn't get deflected but more often than not you can take unbelievable amounts of dmg.

    Example is my current build: 36k HP, 48% dmg reduction & 28% deflect gives me an effective HP of: 58320 before regeneration comes into play.
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