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PVP Suggestions: To the Devs if you want to fix PVP

ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
I wont go into the many problems with PVP. You all know what they are. So here is a list of "suggestions" or changes that would really make this game a TON more fun (in my opinion).

I am passionate about this subject because pvp IS my end game...

FIRST Remove "Points" and give straight up glory for things YOU do in PVP. Cap a node? Get 30 glory. Get a kill? +10 glory. Assist? +5 glory. Glory awarded per cap is SPLIT between the people who capped it. If 5 people cap a point, they get 6 glory each. This rewards playing the game, versus zerging points.

Note: Kills should be awarded to whomever did the most damage to the target, NOT who gets the killing blow.

Assists will only be awarded to someone who does over 20%-25% hp as damage, NOT just any amount of damage. This will fix alot of the bot issues since they wont get alot of kills AND now wont assist much.

glory awarded will be capped at say 500 per match (excluding winning bonus glory of 100). The "PVP hour event"

EDIT: Someone pointed out "easy capping" the close points as a way to farm points. Give the center point worth more glory than the side points. 45 per center point and 30 per side points This gives incentive to not just go for easy points, but go for the mid point more often.

SECOND If you win a game you get a small bonus +100 glory. If you lose, you LOSE 100 glory.

MOST match making systems are based on a "net zero" idea to avoid boosting etc. The PVP bonus glory event would curtail the glory LOST by 50% making an incentive to play during that hour, even if you lose!

EDIT: The Lose glory per loss idea also eliminates kill swapping If glory caps at 500. If you kill swap and lose, now your net effect is +400 glory.

Kill swapping will be avoided due to the higher ranking youll get also. So again, score 300 and win 100 for a net +400 and your RANK is 300 OR score 500 lose 100 glory for losing but your RANK is 500.... No point...

THIRD If you LEAVE a game early, you lose DOUBLE glory (so 200) Either that OR tie that character to the game NOT letting them que up for another pvp match until that game is over. OR both!

FORTH Create a "matchmaking" system that gives you an average ranking of say your last 10 matches, or a total of your last 10 matches. This gives a moveable PVP average to help play against similar players.

I would rather wait a little longer for better matches! If you have a party, it just averages your parties ranking.

FIFTH To fix DCs not getting glory: Give them credit for 1/2 of anything done by someone they heal for more than 25% of their HP. PLUS whatever they do. If they heal someone (over 25% of HP) and that person kills AND they assisted (remember assist = 20-25% of their hp as damage), they can get an assist PLUS (1/2 of the kill of 10 glory) meaning they get 10 glory too... This rewards healers for well.. healing...

The real thing to think about here is could the player have gotten the kill without the healing? If so, why reward the healer unless they do something meaningful (aka heal enough OR damage the opponent enough).

SIXTH Add a T3 weapon set, remove 25k glory cap and make T3 weapon for 80- 100k glory. The weapon set will be "on par" with the CN set but with the PVP stats... BEFORE you flame... Think about the time investment 100k glory will be with this NEW system versus CN runs... and while YES horrible players can EVENTUALLY get there... Itll be the good players that will really end up getting the weapons twice if not 3xfaster...

Think about it. 100k glory / an average of say even 600 per game = 166 games and if a match making system comes in play thats 166 games against equal players... Earn 200 a game and thats 500 PVP games... Think about it.

SEVENTH Create a "PVP Map FOUNDRY EVENT" where for two weeks you accept foundry submissions for PVP maps then once submissions are closed, put the top 5 maps on the test shard and then after each pvp game players vote on the map (rating system like foundary already has) Each player can only vote once per each map once played...

At the end of the event. TWO maps are selected and put into the LIVE game. The creators get a unique title... EVERYONE wins!

This will require SOME time to code BUT will go a LONG way in preserving this games longevity in PVP. Which is a big reason SOME people play MMOs...
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • drofelppadrofelppa Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thinking outside of the box is good, I do think a change is needed as points don't bring the bacon home.

    I think glory is a good idea but put a say, 20k cap and give gold or AD thereafter as my glory is only used now to purchase pvp set and sell it on AH...

    So why not cut the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and get rewarded with AD, now I know most will say then PW cant make as much money from people buying boxes for lewt to sell. But im talking small time rewards per kill lets say.

    Or another great idea is to have a record of kills/loss and points gained from pvp to show off your epeen, like in World of Tanks etc.
  • moerevolvermoerevolver Member Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Can't wait for players to run across the map just in time to cap a node that already has 4 people on it. Also can't wait for them to rush base node when the match starts. All this for 30 glory.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ya My only issue with pure AD is you do want SOME "PVP currency" specifically for pvp rewards. The issue started because of 1) bots 2) glory for losing 3) too much glory awarded

    They already have a 25k cap and I do the same thing.. which is why it would be nice for those that DO pvp do have something they could actually sell for nice AD or those that pvp only a way to get good items...

    I always valued games that enabled you to chose a route to get gear, either PVE or PVP. the "solo" method of PVP would arguable take more time than PVE, however you could still get very good gear the PVP route. I think weapons for very high glory would fit nicely. Or even make it plausible for get GG gear via glory OR GG coins... that would be fine too because it gives a reason to farm glory.. But give us SOMETHING worth spending glory on... PVP only mounts would be fun too... PVP costumes... PVP masks... PVP "buff" potions for glory... You name it... Give us a "glory sink" LOL!

    I really dont like the KD ratio thing cause some ppl like DCs wont have very high ones while rogues will have REALLY high ones and it just becomes a game about who gets the killing blow then... I dont think this needs to be tracked honestly as it doesnt prove anything since pvp isnt about that.

    I think a matchmaking system would be pretty easy and the DEVs chan choose to have the "ranking" visible or not... Up to them. I dont see harm in having it visible because it gives that "epeen" to players...

    Ranking systems go a LONG way in game continuation. a PVP rank system is needed and a PVE system would be nice too (although no ideas on this one). You can then start comparing your PVP rank if seen versus others... Although it wont be a pure apples to apples cause each class is different but it will be a start...
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Can't wait for players to run across the map just in time to cap a node that already has 4 people on it. Also can't wait for them to rush base node when the match starts. All this for 30 glory.

    Yes you could do that... and then lose the match... or try capping another node yourself... Maybe it divides the glory per people on the node? So 30 per 1 person, 15 each if two ppl cap etc...

    Trying to be constructive here... Not sarcastic :)
  • drofelppadrofelppa Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Actually the idea of getting T2 PvP sets from normal PvP is nice. I'd be happy to pay 15-20k glory for each piece.

    Will give PvP a new target to strive towards. And for some GG is far too laggy
  • izatarizatar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First one has been done in other games. What it turns into is players dont fight, but instead just trading caps as fast as possible.
    Make no mistake, the current system is very well thought out (and not original to this game) because it takes into account actual player collusion behaviors.
  • m0nkeysuitm0nkeysuit Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    +1 Original Post!
  • drofelppadrofelppa Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree so they should make cap points not go towards glory just the overall win, have players be rewarded more for kills and assists. Cap warriors sucks
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    izatar wrote: »
    First one has been done in other games. What it turns into is players dont fight, but instead just trading caps as fast as possible.
    Make no mistake, the current system is very well thought out (and not original to this game) because it takes into account actual player collusion behaviors.

    Yeah I thought about that as well... And thats why I proposed that second idea of granting points per 10 points you gain as a team... So if you cap a point, and your team gains 10 points, then you get 1 glory...

    Also the points divided by players idea fixes this too since if you cap a point with 5 people on it, you get what (30/5) = 6 glory... Well 1 assist gives that much glory... With the cap idea AND in combination with matchmaking system... well... it fixes itself.

    This removed the "cap trading". The only other issue you would have then is "kill trading" which people could do in theory...

    To solve this make a "hard cap" per game of 500 glory excluding bonus glory.

    If you make the points REAL to people (award glory) then they have incentive to play. Even if its 3v5 if you can get a few kills and a few caps, YOU get something from that... YOu know your going to lose glory anyways by losing, you lose DOUBLE if you leave, so people will stay and try to squeeze out glory for themselves.

    For PVP to work you need both personal rewards AND team based rewards... Currently there is ONLY team rewards and the only personal reward is a blue for the winner...

    If you award pure glory for things done, even a guy on a losing team who can cap and also have decent KD ratio will have MORE incentive to play. And if you put a penalty for leaving early itll make that even more apparent.

    I have put alot of thought into these ideas and talking to many players about them in game AND on the forums and I really think this combination of solutions will fix ALOT of the problems in pvp...

    EDIT: Editted main post to reflect this idea of glory capping a match to 500 excluding bonus for winning.

    Winning bonus would NOT count into your rating, its a pure bonus for winning. Also the bonus glory event only awards bonus glory for WINNING meaning your striving to not just "glory farm" but win considering even if you get 500 glory that match, only the winners get the extra 150 which is a 30% increase...

    Also players that "glory swap" (while still able to, to a small extent) will start facing better and better players as their rating goes up. Realistically good players with high ratings arent going to want to "glory swap" someone whose worse than them with bad gear... so its severly diminished...

    With Bots, if you lose 100 glory for losing, the bot has to get alot of assists and caps to even break even severly diminishing the effectiveness AND also diminishing the desire to "kill swap" considering the losing team comes out far below the winning team...

    If its a zero sum game (to an extent) people are much less willing to cooperate.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bumped to put on front page.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    EDIT: Slight change to ranking system in 1st post
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Maybe I don't really get the idea of your post, but wouldn't individual rewards lead to a death-match system?

    Personally I'd much rather see my default reward based on the points my entire team gathers, as glory. And everything I get with my own actions are bonus points, either glory or xp.

    Botting shouldn't provide any reward, neither glory nor xp. Most bots can't get a kill, so maybe a killcount of 0 would mean no rewards at all. Not too sure what to do with DC's then, but rewards based on effective healing would be an option I think.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    Maybe I don't really get the idea of your post, but wouldn't individual rewards lead to a death-match system?

    Personally I'd much rather see my default reward based on the points my entire team gathers, as glory. And everything I get with my own actions are bonus points, either glory or xp.

    Botting shouldn't provide any reward, neither glory nor xp. Most bots can't get a kill, so maybe a killcount of 0 would mean no rewards at all. Not too sure what to do with DC's then, but rewards based on effective healing would be an option I think.

    If you get 6x the number of glory for capping a point than killing... Wouldnt you rather cap? The point is that if you DONT offer individual rewards, people leave really quickly when they realize they are up against a better team and get 3 capped... If you offer individual rewards even a player on a losing team that can DO things can farm himself glory. Winning is a HUGE bonus, not to mention the fact that if you LOSE you lose glory so... why would you just kill chase?

    If the leave it as your rewards based on the team, if 1 person leaves OR 1 person sucks, your pretty much done... YOu get very little rewards for losing and no matter how good you personally do, you get almsot nothing for the match... Oh you scored 9000 points but your team still lost because some1 quit? Here's your 200 glory...

    Botting WONT provide rewards... Thats the BEST part of the system... A bot will ONLY get points if it assists (by doing more thatn 20-25% of the persons HP), Kills (doing the MOST damage to that target) or caps (which the points are divided by the number of players ON that point). Thus bots are always going to get very low glory rewards, not to mention the fact that they will have a horrible rating eventually making it a bot vs bot game since anyone worth 2 cents who gets in that game will ROFLstomp them, upping their rating in the meantime...

    AND it helps alleviate players getting in a bot match... Yes it will still happen, but it will just diminish the rewards from botting.

    I also addressed the DC issue. If a DC heals a player for MORE than 20% -25% of their HP, they get credit for whatever that player does (1/2) for the next X seconds. You reward meaningful things... a DC cant just put a small HoT and except to get uber glory from that.

    Hypothetical is this, a DC and a GF rush mid. The GF lunges in attacking enemies and gets hit to 50% HP. THe DC heals him up to 80% and assists damaging the enemy and does 23.5% of the enemies damage... They then cap the point...

    The DC gets 5 glory for the "assist" (did more that 20%). The DC also gets 1/2 of the glory for healing the GF over 20% his HP so 10/2= 5 glory. They COMBINED get 30 for the point but its split equally so 30/2 = 15 glory...

    The GF earned 25 glory for the kill+cap, the DC earned 25 glory for the heal+assist+the cap... Sounds fair right? If the DC JUST healed and capped, then its just 20 glory... Either way, you get rewarded for what you do...
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    It would be nice if I got PvP points or glory, etc for healing people...
  • griz024griz024 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I dont like the idea of being punished b/c i have bots/afks/leavers on my team.

    Regardless of how well i do in the match my team would lose and i would get screwed for no fault of my own- only bad luck.

    A system like this would work in a premade vs premade situation, but not with pugs (especially now with all the bots).
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    griz024 wrote: »
    I dont like the idea of being punished b/c i have bots/afks/leavers on my team.

    Regardless of how well i do in the match my team would lose and i would get screwed for no fault of my own- only bad luck.

    A system like this would work in a premade vs premade situation, but not with pugs (especially now with all the bots).

    I was resistant to this at first but again you have to think it through and not just surface level...
    - Bots will all be a low rating because of the nature of how rating is calculated.
    - Players will be much less likely to leave OR sit in spawn because of the loss of glory per match (double if you leave)
    - Even though you LOSE glory if you lose, YOU can still come out positive if you get a few kills/assists and caps which is NOT hard to do with even 2 people...

    So the ONLY downside is yes, you do get punished if people leave, but people have HUGE incentive to stay AND play and once ratings have gone live itll only take a few games to weed out the bots unless your really bad... IF you do get a bot/afker (dont know why people WOULD afk to do what? lose glory?) Then you can STILL go positive IF you can get a few kills/assists and caps...

    People who NOW roflstomp you, wont be Qued against you because they will be higher rating so its not like a premade versus a nonpremade will happen that often, youll be against players who are YOUR level...

    So your total complaint is really what? You MIGHT lose like 15-20 glory because some1 MIGHT afk (eventhough HUGe incentive not to) but which would THEN result in your rating dropping (not a bad thing) which will THEN result in a high chance of your doing BETTER the next gamebecause your paired with worse people as a result of your personal bad rating, where you should easily be able to get what? 2 kills to make up for that loss in the first place? bringing you back to breakeven?

    The system is self balancing... no?

    if you DONT punish people for leaving/afking and losing THATS where botting becomes rampant (because its only positive for them) and there is NO incentive for people to stay...

    Punish them for not playing the game, and reward those that do... in order to do that, I cant think of a better way...
  • alecstormalecstorm Member Posts: 142 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Can't wait for players to run across the map just in time to cap a node that already has 4 people on it. Also can't wait for them to rush base node when the match starts. All this for 30 glory.

    It already happens. For 300 points.
  • aspanectaspanect Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    I was resistant to this at first but again you have to think it through and not just surface level...
    - Bots will all be a low rating because of the nature of how rating is calculated.
    - Players will be much less likely to leave OR sit in spawn because of the loss of glory per match (double if you leave)
    - Even though you LOSE glory if you lose, YOU can still come out positive if you get a few kills/assists and caps which is NOT hard to do with even 2 people...

    So the ONLY downside is yes, you do get punished if people leave, but people have HUGE incentive to stay AND play and once ratings have gone live itll only take a few games to weed out the bots unless your really bad... IF you do get a bot/afker (dont know why people WOULD afk to do what? lose glory?) Then you can STILL go positive IF you can get a few kills/assists and caps...

    People who NOW roflstomp you, wont be Qued against you because they will be higher rating so its not like a premade versus a nonpremade will happen that often, youll be against players who are YOUR level...

    So your total complaint is really what? You MIGHT lose like 15-20 glory because some1 MIGHT afk (eventhough HUGe incentive not to) but which would THEN result in your rating dropping (not a bad thing) which will THEN result in a high chance of your doing BETTER the next gamebecause your paired with worse people as a result of your personal bad rating, where you should easily be able to get what? 2 kills to make up for that loss in the first place? bringing you back to breakeven?

    The system is self balancing... no?

    if you DONT punish people for leaving/afking and losing THATS where botting becomes rampant (because its only positive for them) and there is NO incentive for people to stay...

    Punish them for not playing the game, and reward those that do... in order to do that, I cant think of a better way...

    The only problem I can see with this model is this.

    I live in a rual area. I have a sketchy isp. no other options for an isp besides dialup or satelite (too expensive).
    I get disconnected quite frequently from the internet due to my isp's sketchyness...
    I loose glory every time i get disco and cannot reconnect to rejoin the match.

    I understand people leaving matches is a problem. cant tell you how many 5v1's ive been in for that very reason. but wouldnt the rating system itself balance out the matches so that one group would not get facerolled by another thus lowering the number of quitters?

    I just see the negative reward for leaving a pvp match as a scary thing, because you could not put a system to tell the diffrence between quitting and disconnecting as that could be abused, (unplug ethernet cable. poof disco)

  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aspanect wrote: »
    The only problem I can see with this model is this.

    I live in a rual area. I have a sketchy isp. no other options for an isp besides dialup or satelite (too expensive).
    I get disconnected quite frequently from the internet due to my isp's sketchyness...
    I loose glory every time i get disco and cannot reconnect to rejoin the match.

    I understand people leaving matches is a problem. cant tell you how many 5v1's ive been in for that very reason. but wouldnt the rating system itself balance out the matches so that one group would not get facerolled by another thus lowering the number of quitters?

    I just see the negative reward for leaving a pvp match as a scary thing, because you could not put a system to tell the diffrence between quitting and disconnecting as that could be abused, (unplug ethernet cable. poof disco)


    Ive been disconnected before and been able to rejoin. Maybe they need to fix that issue. But you cant really base the game off small percentage of players with bad connections honestly...

    I hate to say it but its almsot along the same lines as saying "dont make the last boss anything but tank and spank cause my internet is laggy so I cant react fast to things"

    I mean if you disconnect, you can still relog and will be in the match... Ive even changed characters for a few minutes and then changed back and I was still in the match... So I dont see this as much as an issue... Do you think its fair that the 4 people you left behind wasted 15 minutes getting 3 capped while they sat in their spawn the whole time because you left?

    I get the concern, but there really isnt another way around that. If you played a game like Halo, where you lose ranking if you lose... ALOT of games have that type of thing and if you dont have the proper internet, maybe you jsut cant pvp man.. as much as I hate to say that, if you cant play all the way through reliably, your honestly causing 4 times more grief D/Cing to the others then you not being able to play yourself... And all for what? Glory?

    Either that or just accept you wont be able to farm glory reliably (which is not really different than the current system) and get gear playing PVE...
  • speedplaymavenspeedplaymaven Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    While I don't agree with all of the OPs proposed fixes, I do agree that something has to be done.

    The perspective I take on it is this, "Glory is meant to reward PVP. So what are the behaviors that correlate with PVP? Which of those do we reward? And how much do we reward them?"

    I've had a case where I queued into a match in progress where the "free cap" was already capped, there were two AFKers on the team, and soon after a leaver. In the 2v5 scenario that ensued we were unable to cap a single point, and I consequently tried my damndest in an unwinnable match for 10 minutes to earn 0 Glory. Those people who capped the point and AFKd the rest of the match at least got something despite not engaging in any PVP behavior.

    The problem of rewarding capping leads to behaviors that aren't the same as PVP. Cap a point an AFK, or if you see you're losing and can't cap any more points you just AFK/leave, because to do anything else is just a waste of time and effort. Simply put, when you reward the wrong behaviors, you get the wrong outcomes.

    This is the case NW PvP finds itself right now, and I would really like to see it addressed.

  • ghostravynghostravyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 59
    edited July 2013
    NOTE: Initial thoughts. I want to read the entire thread and massage these ideas some and will respond later.
    ayroux wrote: »
    I wont go into the many problems with PVP. You all know what they are. So here is a list of "suggestions" or changes that would really make this game a TON more fun (in my opinion).
    First off let me personally thank you for bringing suggestions. I really appreciate the opportunity to respond to a constructive threat.

    Secondly, please do not be upset if some of your ideas in their current incarnation fail to gain traction. As a leader (US Army, Retired) I can say that I listened to all my subordinates suggestions - some had merit, others brought more problems to the table. Other players, and especially Cryptic, may not agree with you.

    One of the hardest things to do when working these things out is adjusting to the "metagaming" of the system. For example, the current PVP system allows a player to level up and gain currency for end-game purple armor and weapons. This encouraged botting because the two arenas are small, easily automated, the EXP rewards are too sweet, and it allows someone the ability to create a dozen free accounts, bot them up, and then sell the accounts for money (which is why I love F2P, but feel the player should always have had to put forth the initial investment into purchasing the game.)

    Even the current format is being meta-gamed. I've found out players all rush the home pylon because it's an easy 300 points. They're not playing to win the game, they're playing to hopefully gain enough points that they earn a glory reward while the rest of the team gets <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. It's caused me to hold at the campfire a period of time to see what their plans are first - I've gotten tired of being the first to the center pylon even though I'm the squishiest person on our side.
    Corrupted Souls, Mindflayer server
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    While I don't agree with all of the OPs proposed fixes, I do agree that something has to be done.

    The perspective I take on it is this, "Glory is meant to reward PVP. So what are the behaviors that correlate with PVP? Which of those do we reward? And how much do we reward them?"

    I've had a case where I queued into a match in progress where the "free cap" was already capped, there were two AFKers on the team, and soon after a leaver. In the 2v5 scenario that ensued we were unable to cap a single point, and I consequently tried my damndest in an unwinnable match for 10 minutes to earn 0 Glory. Those people who capped the point and AFKd the rest of the match at least got something despite not engaging in any PVP behavior.

    The problem of rewarding capping leads to behaviors that aren't the same as PVP. Cap a point an AFK, or if you see you're losing and can't cap any more points you just AFK/leave, because to do anything else is just a waste of time and effort. Simply put, when you reward the wrong behaviors, you get the wrong outcomes.

    This is the case NW PvP finds itself right now, and I would really like to see it addressed.


    Hey man I get what your saying... The only thing I would point out is that if you WERE to use the proposed system, this situation would not happen...

    - people who capped once, why did they do it? to afk and then lose the match to which they still get what 200 glory? So you rewarded them for losing?

    My system - EVEN if they capped a few nodes and AFK they will maybe net 0 from the match (so they wouldnt do it) OR if they LEFT, its even worse! they lost double! So it wouldnt happen.

    Your also playing against others with similar ranking score meaning that if some1 is in the habit of doing those things, they wont have a high ranking for long...

    The point in having the capping is to take focus OFF k/d ratio because classes like rogues excel at that, and put focus on a TEAM incentive... Now does it needto be reworked? sure! But I think for the most part, the proposed changes will really really fix alot of these issues that people are having...

    Case and point is your quote! It wouldnt happen under the new system and EVEN if some1 was a bot or afk, the REMAINING players will have incentive to stay and play and TRY to get points.. Its not that hard to get a decent amount of points with 4 people, well over the loss of points from losing the match... Ive even beaten a team of 5 with 4 before..

    So on that off chance you do get a bum deal... what really happened? Your still probably gonna get SOME glory? or worse plausible situation is that you maybe lose what 50 glory? Heck id give up 50 glory EACH match for a better system... I mean when you win youll win a few hundred so... whats the big deal?
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ghostravyn wrote: »
    NOTE: Initial thoughts. I want to read the entire thread and massage these ideas some and will respond later.

    First off let me personally thank you for bringing suggestions. I really appreciate the opportunity to respond to a constructive threat.

    Secondly, please do not be upset if some of your ideas in their current incarnation fail to gain traction. As a leader (US Army, Retired) I can say that I listened to all my subordinates suggestions - some had merit, others brought more problems to the table. Other players, and especially Cryptic, may not agree with you.

    One of the hardest things to do when working these things out is adjusting to the "metagaming" of the system. For example, the current PVP system allows a player to level up and gain currency for end-game purple armor and weapons. This encouraged botting because the two arenas are small, easily automated, the EXP rewards are too sweet, and it allows someone the ability to create a dozen free accounts, bot them up, and then sell the accounts for money (which is why I love F2P, but feel the player should always have had to put forth the initial investment into purchasing the game.)

    Even the current format is being meta-gamed. I've found out players all rush the home pylon because it's an easy 300 points. They're not playing to win the game, they're playing to hopefully gain enough points that they earn a glory reward while the rest of the team gets <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. It's caused me to hold at the campfire a period of time to see what their plans are first - I've gotten tired of being the first to the center pylon even though I'm the squishiest person on our side.

    I cant thank you enough for reading the whole thread and also the OP, I feel most that respond dont do this and their post could have been answered from doing so.

    I know what your saying and honestly there really isnt a pure way to take that out of the game. If you only give team incentive, youll have issues like we have now, people leave/afk if their TEAM is losing because they personally wont get anything.

    Like you said it also is a nice ground for botters cause they get something even from losing...

    While I get your concern about the easy points, My system does curtail that some by dividing the points between the players capping.. So if you have 4 that cap point 1 or 3, well you get 30/4 = call it 7-8 glory per person. Is that realyl gonna be worth capping right away for 8 glory? Id rather go mid and try to cap that and get some kills/assists.

    The way to hinder your point even further is offer MORE points for the middle cap versus the other two points... Ill actually edit the OP for this... Maybe 40 for the mid cap and 30 for the side caps?

    But all in all, you have a valid point, but i would like you to step back as well and on the grand scheme, your point is about the FIRST caps in the game and farming the nodes...

    IF node points get divided, AND there is HUGE incentive to win and NOT lose, I feel like people will be willing to give up 8 glory to help their team win 100 instead of being greedy to get their what 15 glory (if 2 ppl cap) and then LOST 100 at the end... See what I am saying? Your not JUST risking the 100 for winning, your also risking the 100 for losing too so its 200 glory your missing... all for what? a few caps earning you 50 glory?

    Good point though!
  • ulyxosulyxos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 49
    edited July 2013
    Your suggestions are like any botter dream comming true ... Wouldnt you have a couple bots ? ;)

    If you reward other things than winning or losing in a match you will have people playing for those secondary objectives that are often at odds with victory. Kill pts is already a bad idea by chance its so small it really is pointless to farm kills. You dont want players to kill each others you want them play any way they need to win. Killing is an option but there is alternatives. Caps pts are good idea since they force player to push for more caps instead of sitting and holding (which do not work anyway unless you are squashing the other team).

    DC pts do not need fixing clerics need to cap stuff... thats as simple as that ... They just have to hit people once for an assist which is nearly as much as a kill. Team that have good clerics win more which lead to more avg glory and since DC always have a DC in their group obviously its up to them to push for victory.

    Higher end reward ? welcome to bot-mart ... Its the end of PVE dungeon crawl to obtain those items. People will just wait for bots to swamp the AH with them.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ulyxos wrote: »
    Your suggestions are like any botter dream comming true ... Wouldnt you have a couple bots ? ;)

    If you reward other things than winning or losing in a match you will have people playing for those secondary objectives that are often at odds with victory. Kill pts is already a bad idea by chance its so small it really is pointless to farm kills. You dont want players to kill each others you want them play any way they need to win. Killing is an option but there is alternatives. Caps pts are good idea since they force player to push for more caps instead of sitting and holding (which do not work anyway unless you are squashing the other team).

    DC pts do not need fixing clerics need to cap stuff... thats as simple as that ... They just have to hit people once for an assist which is nearly as much as a kill. Team that have good clerics win more which lead to more avg glory and since DC always have a DC in their group obviously its up to them to push for victory.

    Higher end reward ? welcome to bot-mart ... Its the end of PVE dungeon crawl to obtain those items. People will just wait for bots to swamp the AH with them.

    YOu obviously didnt read the OP through... Not to be rude man but what would be the incentive of having a bot.. if your team loses you LOSE 100 glory... I dont know about you but I rarely see bots that 1) get many kills or 2) cap many points by themselves.

    My solution: 1) rewards players for kill when they have the MOST damage on a person (hurting bots chances of getting kills) not just the killing blow. 2) rewards points for capping but DIVIDES that by other ppl who cap. So not only the bot wont cap by itself, it will get LESS points when ppl cap BECAUSE its split with others. 3) assists are ONLY awarded if you do over 25% of their hp as damage... bots wont get a TON of these either since they dont do enough damage AND it takes other players to still kill... meaning they still truly assisted in that kill...

    So all in all, a bot will get what? 5 true assists a match, MAYBE 1-2 kills and MAYBE 3-4 caps (split between say 3 people)? So lets total that...

    5 assists = 25 glory. 2 kills = 20 glory. 4 caps (120 glory/3) = 40 glory... for a MASSIVE total of what: 85 glory... but wait! The team will MOST likely lose... meaning you LOST 100 glory for a NET LOSS of 15 glory for that bot...

    How is that profitable? Even running that scheme out and say the bot got DOUBLE that score (highly unreasonable) They earned what? 70 glory? and it took what 15-20 minutes... do that 24 hours a day and you could earn a MAX of roughly 5000 glory a day... running ALL day... meaning it will take at BEST 20 days running 24/7 of botting to get that T3 weapon... So 20 days of pure botting at best for what 1mil AD?

    Not really gonna break the economy honestly....

    So........ How is that worth it when I can actually PLAY a few matches myself and earn that in just a LITTLE play time.. or atleast the amount of time an average person spends during GG or Delves events... and with less hours just earn it myself?

    Not to mention If it were me, and I saw a bot playing id just let him die and THEN cap the point... who wouldnt love messing with bots... I know I would... and I also could easily overcome the -100 glory lost per game WHILE doing it too...

    AND that bot risks alot because it could in theory earn NOTHING in a game and just get kill farmed meaning it LOST 100 glory that match... that happens a few times and it could negate HOURS of botting...

    TLDR: Bots are NOT rewarded with this system... so no I wouldnt have 1 running, no point in wasting time to lvl an alt AND no point in hurting my ranking on my main just to farm (if your lucky) a little glory...
  • strivos2strivos2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I came here to log in and complain about PVP but due to not being able to post I saw this and found that I did not have well thought out solutions to the issues I am seeing in PVP dominion. These I think are great strides toward making end game count.

    This is the first game since WOW that I have gotten to max lvl on and first that I have put any effort into end game content. The mechanics and game play are amazing but PVP is killing me and since doing 4 PVP runs is the only quick way I can do a daily quest (foundry quests are fun but the time is generally too long and repeats are not that great to do 4 in the limited time I have).

    I agree with most of the stuff here: Penalties for DCers (I think prevention from playing PVP for a while is the best option but a not too hefty glory penalty would be better than nothing, rewards of glory specifically for doing damage, holding points and healing would help. (If you are slogging it out in the front lines as it is now you often get less than some sly get sitting on a cap all game).

    But yeah this really needs to get fixed and hopefully soon.
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    THIRD If you LEAVE a game early, you lose DOUBLE glory (so 100-200) Either that OR tie that character to the game NOT letting them que up for another pvp match until that game is over. OR both!

    They implemented it another way. Aka, they completely missed the point. You get No Reward when you remain until the end. Yes! Your team starts to lose, four players quit, you remain alone and play/fight until the end. No reward, no glory.
    English is not my first language.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vortix44 wrote: »
    They implemented it another way. Aka, they completely missed the point. You get No Reward when you remain until the end. Yes! Your team starts to lose, four players quit, you remain alone and play/fight until the end. No reward, no glory.

    This is what is dumb, the leavers get no punishment and the person who stays gets NO reward... How is that incentive to actually play the game? Its just dumb...

    I am really hoping this thread brings enough attraction to warrant the DEVs taking it seriously. I have read almost every thread on the forums about fixing PVP and this thread is basically a summary of them all with my own little twists.

    Like I said before, PVP is my end game and I really only log into TO pvp. I would love the proposed changes...

    I would also love 2v2s 3v3s, and a more traditional "arena" system but I would much rather them fix the current PVP than start adding new things to it...

    I do appreciate the pvp we haven now, and realize its more of an "after thought" than the focus of the game... But Cryptic is really missing the point of PVP because people generally dont spend RL money to do PVE runs a little faster... They spend RL money to be BETTER than other players...

    People WANT to dominate in PVP, they want to do good versus others, but its such clustered right now that it does feel thrown together as an afterthought...

    Everyone knows there are two sides to end game.. PVE and PVP... Both currently have issues but I think we can ALL agree MUCH less time has been put into PVP then PVE... It wouldnt require MUCH work to fix many of the issues that currently haunt HALF of the "Eng Game"...
  • kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Maybe I missed a post about this but quick question.

    Other than glory, what are you going to do to appeal to the non pvp players? What incentive for them to play? none? Better get use to the idea of long queues and waiting forever. Especially for people who play in the "off" hours.
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Assists and kills should give the same amount.
    Sometimes it's just pure luck whoever gets the kills, but moast of the time it's just the guy with the highest burst. Lets say a DC have struggled in a fight for maybe 30sec, then a TR comes and steal the kill. There's no reason the TR should be rewarded more.
    Other scenarios like 1vs1, it's 90% of the time whoever have daily up first who wins. Unless they make so that daily meter deminish when out of combat i don't see a reason to give extra points for 1vs1 kills either.

    Healing others should be considered an assist, if they kill someone.

    The Gear from pvp that you're able to sell on AH deminish in price every day. Soon it won't be worth anything. So what they need to do is to add t2 sets for Glory thats BOP. Or else glory will be pointless in a month.
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