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A Fix to memory leak! (ALAS, I FOUND IT!)

xkillerknightxkillerknight Member Posts: 12 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
Hello All.

I have found a fix to memory leak for 32bit windows users.
For that
you must first need / be sure that you have.
More then 4GB of Ram. (6 / 8 GB Recommended)
A 32Bit Windows 7/8/vista.

here are the steps.
1: Open start menu.
2: Type CMD in the search box.
3: Right click Command Prompt and Run as Administrator.
4: Type in.

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa "xxxx"
Points for people.
4GB = 4096
6GB = 6144
8GB = 8192
Default = 3072
5: Press enter, it'll say Successful.
6: Close/Save everything.
7: Restart.

Please Note:
1: This also applies to every other programs that had memory leakage. -/Also applies to StarTrek.
2: The game is not supposed to surpass 4GB Memory but due to No Or Less optimization issue, it does.
3: If you feel like reverting back to default settings, use the Default one then restart.
4: @Mods, Can this be a sticky or be put into other fixes? Thanks.
5: if you do not have more then 4GB/3GB of ram. Please be aware that if you set any higher value more then your ram, you will get memory leaks really often So You should set it back to its value. :)
Post edited by xkillerknight on


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    danielspicarddanielspicard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It also got a downside it can cause problems:
    This this kernel change on own risk.

    Windows partitions the available 4GB of address space on a 32 bit system in half, so that the kernel get 2GB and the program gets 2GB (its virtualized so each program gets 2GB). The "bcedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072" command changes the partitioning so that each program gets 3GB and kernel space only gets 1GB. Mostly this works fine, but as you noticed you can run into trouble. It is usually some driver that runs in kernel space that has been hard coded to assume it has 2GB of address space available that causes the problems when it attempt to use the 2GB of address space without bothering to check whether it can.

    If you got 4gb or even more like 6 or 8 (or even more)
    Just buy 64bit version.
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    xkillerknightxkillerknight Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It also got a downside it can cause problems:
    This this kernel change on own risk.

    Windows partitions the available 4GB of address space on a 32 bit system in half, so that the kernel get 2GB and the program gets 2GB (its virtualized so each program gets 2GB). The "bcedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072" command changes the partitioning so that each program gets 3GB and kernel space only gets 1GB. Mostly this works fine, but as you noticed you can run into trouble. It is usually some driver that runs in kernel space that has been hard coded to assume it has 2GB of address space available that causes the problems when it attempt to use the 2GB of address space without bothering to check whether it can.

    If you got 4gb or even more like 6 or 8 (or even more)
    Just buy 64bit version.

    Lol, that too.
    its just for some people who have too much on a 32bit like i do.
    Well, my rams are unlocked on a 32bit windows.
    its easy.
    just had to patch the kernal to unlock it.
    Trust me, if anyone want that aswell, you can ask.
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    pelkastpelkast Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Install 64 bit OS, or throw those unused memory sticks away.. and EAT THEM.
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