I'm impressed, Cryptic. Normally I would complain on these forums, but over the weekend I was impressed at how stable and fast the Foundry editor has been when waiting on the servers. Perhaps the Foundry servers downtime gave the devs an opportunity to fix things?
In the past the servers would timeout frequently or be stuck waiting for them to respond any where from 30 to 90 seconds. That made launching, saving, and resetting or exiting editing mode while previewing.
Now launching is improved, any where from 16 to 25 seconds after the wait cursor starts spinning. Even better, saving a quest is lightning fast!
Code: NW-DJ5BFT52F
Author: @oortexplorer
Now eligible for Daily Foundry!
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
Yeah, I did my first publish ever over the weekend, then two publishes afterward for fixes. There was no queue time and the last one I did took only 9 minutes. It did take another 10 minutes until the description updated, but still that's a huge improvement over what I've heard in the past.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD