Several constructive critiques:
- Make stuff cheaper, Walmart doesn't make money by gouging, they make money on small items billions and billions of times...that's what makes them #1 over and over again, try that model.
- Make movement less awkward, also less buggy, since its my ONLY interface, make it work dang near perfectly
- Make party movement less of a hassle, if I get kicked I don't want a massive headache to get back, or to have to redo a lvl
- Make the leveling characters take WAAAAAAAAAAy should take months (or some set number of average hours) before you get to level 20, then again to 40, and 60 etc. If I can level 60 in a weekend, there's no reason to respec, just delete and start over (check the forums if you think I'm wrong).
- Create more in-between (and less repetitive) content, if I earn my levels over hours and hours, I'm not going to want to "re-make" a guy, and if the content is fun, I'll want to try it as different character classes (IE more money, in-case you missed it, see point#1).
- Don't make us walk back an forth just because you can't think of anything clever, this method of content just makes a company loos stupid and untalented as a developer.
- Move closer to the D&D 4 rule set, using Characters and skills not just PVP/E and DPS exploits....those are great, but many like me refuse to play them, the broader your base (PVP/E for those that want it, good content for those that don't) the more successful the game (income) will be (levels taking WAY longer would be a good start)
- Uber successful games in the past have relied on a few key pieces, fun to return to, affordable to continue "re-playing", a good stream of newish content (such as foundries), and easy, FLEXIBLE!!!!! party system, and a mixture of meat-head wack-a-mole and intelligent puzzle/strategy levels. How about sections where DPS and brute force are simply not possible to finish with? Humans return because it's different, one day I like wack-a-mole, another day I like puzzles, then maybe I like a whole other section on professions, farming, or politics. The engine exists here...don't screw it up
- Make all currency exchangeable to all others, I am sure this discussion happened, see point #1.
- Make the markets consistent. If I pay 1.5 Mil AD for a mount, make it for both accounts...I'm not going to buy a second one, I'll just go without, or save up for one. The stuff in the ZEN market is account based or it isn't, the lack of consistency is hurting your game. (some things are, some aren't, some are purple, but only on Tuesdays, but you can't see that it's purple except on Wednesday's). It makes PWE/Cryptic look like a bunch of talent-less designers. WORKABLE CONCEPT: Put EVERYTHING account based in ZEN (period), if it's NOT, then make it AD based (Wow! simple AND intelligent).
- Don't be so "Cryptic" (pun intended) about stuff. If I pay a "ridiculous" amount either cash or game currency (see point #1), I better know EXACTLY what I am paying for, and getting. None of this trail and error HAMSTER. Let me know SPECIFICALLY when stuff is account based, verse character based (See point #10).
- Lastly, and possibly most would be wise to address the concerns of your audience, successful companies do.
Shouldn't I charge you for making suggestions for game better, so you can make more money? Maybe a Trillion ZEN, or a percentage of your net income, but only which way it suites me, and you won't know until after I've gotten my cut (which ever way I choose). That's kinda how you've left many of us.