If anyone was wondering how maxxed geared pvp would look like, we made a premade on the PTR server against Prototype from Beholder. Everyone were using perfect + rank 10s enchants.
1st game:
2nd game:
Would really like to have some matches where each team has 1 of each class.
We are participating in the Blue gear only tournament, if you guys wanna try 5v5 with the same rules ( no weap/arm enchants or tenes) I'm up for it.
So you guys going to run 5 GWF's for that to ensure victory?
Ahhh so they were 'exploiting' bugged enchants too eh? (Thunderhead is supposed to have a 60s cooldown, but it usually does not)
Boy those Lemonade guys just sound more and more skillful!
It was on the Test Server so Prototype could have used Perect Thunderheads too if they wanted to. They probably just didn't know about the cooldown so they didn't use them. They asked Lemonade Stand to swap their thunderheads to negation/soulforge and then rematched them and they still lost by ~800 points. Using a bugged item is also not an exploit, there's a huge difference between an exploit, a bug, and just smart gearing.
Prototype chose to stack three GFs, Lemonade Stand chose to stack three GWFs. Why is everyone complaining about Lemonade Stand stacking three of one class but not mentioning that Prototype chose to do the exact same thing? Again, this was on the test server so they could have used any class combination that they wanted to. They obviously didn't have a problem stacking a class they thought was OP so why didn't they go with three GWF's too?
This tournament only allows one of each class per team. GWF's also aren't that great without greater tenes so 5 GWFs would be a pretty bad composition for a blue-gear tournament anyways.
We wanted to run 2 GF, 2 CW, and TR but when we saw that you were running 3 GWF, GF, and TR we dropped a CW and added a GF. We even tried to get another GF logged in because we felt that was the only chance we had at competitive matches. I knew as soon as I saw what you guys planned to run that this was going to end badly. I knew I'd have to play my absolute best to be even remotely effective. In the end I played well but was still a hindrance to my team. Timing out CC's between the abilities of 3 GWF's and GF is nearly impossible yet I did it as best I think any CW could of.
Our guild only has 2 GWF's. 1 is new and not geared, the other is kinda geared but hasn't logged in for weeks. When we got the call to log in on test we only had 6 people logged on. Ideally we should of set a time days in advance so we could make sure as many people as possible where logged in. We really wanted to make an event out of it and run several different comps against your mix of players. But in the end we left with our tails between our legs after 2 matches.
I'm done QQ'n, everyone knows you guys have skill and played well. What others want to speculate or argue about is a moot point. You guys did what was needed to win. /clap
Also I feel for you as an ex CW, when the game came out I was playing with cw 24/7 but after the patch I just had to reroll after DPSing one of our GWFs just to see how fast I could take him and wasn't unable to. Yeah currently the game is broken pvp wise, too much gap between the classes.
but in the 5v5 blue tourney im playing my CW and like Sean said we are using 1 class each.
Where did they cheat? O_o I don't know these guys and they don't even play on my server but from what I've seen they just seem to be having fun and surely that's what playing a game is all about , oh and if you mean the spawn camping , really? if you end up in a position in a 20 v 20 match where your team is being camped then I'm guessing you deserved it lolol
The video you saw was of a team we played that had 3 GWF's and 2 GF's against our mixed team. We had 2 CW's, GF, TR, and CLR. It was all we had online at the time and we didn't want to back down from the challenge. We lost the match, but not the PvP.
Wow I would like to see that. A match with no nub tene's broken enchants sounds like there might be skill envolved.
The "cheating" accusations usually come 1. After a loss, or 2. when someone doesn't understand game mechanics. Our group on Mindflayer has been laying pretty low building our pvp gear until this week, when we asked one of the "top" pvp guilds for a 5v5. Not long after they realized they were going to lose the match, and right after their rogue lost a 1v1 to our rogue, they all proclaimed we were cheating: using rejuv pots and that our GF was using a bugged feat.
These are the same exact complaints that people threw at Lemonade Stand after losing. No one on our team uses rejuv pots( everyone has 1k+ Regen of course) and our GF doesn't even know what the bugged feat is (if there really is one). It's literally as if they copy and pasted the complaints from the Lemonade Stand post into /zone chat.
Crying "cheater" is nothing new in pvp mmo's, but the fact is it's rarely a case of true cheating, and it's usually the result of someone not willing to admit they got beat, or not understanding the game mechanics.
Except when you are cheating...these guilds have a reputation:
Ignorance is trully bliss
Yes, I would agree. Swapping items isn't cheating. Using Auto-hotkey to do it would be according to PWE's EULA. Even still, I put more blame on lazy programming that lets you change items in combat, since the script only saves 1 or 2 seconds from doing it manually, which everyone in the game can do.
"Only saves 1 or 2 seconds". I'm sure 1 or 2 seconds in the middle of combat means "nothing". I suppose you wouldn't find the GWF's using the double daily abilities as a big deal either since it's only 1 more daily used at the same time then the regular 1?
I have no stake in this match that took place, merely pointing out the well known content of character. The person that wrote that AH script sure has a peculiar forum handle. Zach/Ambisinisterr/Laudon didn't think folks would put 2 and 2 together. Too bad he doesn't have forum mod powas on the ownedcore website.
Lemonade Stand
Stacking the effect of defence enchantments through script armor swap not cheating according to this statement....
Not really you can go to the other teams spawn at the beginning.. Start camping as players die they are welcomed to spawn camping at the begginging of the game and a team droping dailys on them so they can't get away. Its cheap. and ruins PvP when they do it and im on there side. So I have to leave cause I want no part of being bad.
Should be considered cheating either way. That's why armor enchantments have CDs...