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Desidus Engame PVP Build

xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013 in The Library
Fellow Control Wizards, below you will find my guide on End Game PvP. My name is Desidus, based on Mindflayer, I spend most of my time Solo Queing for Domination Pvp.

I will not claim that my build is the best out there, nor will I claim that it is the be all and end all. If anything, out of all the builds I have tested this is the one that works best for my play style. I am also not going to claim that by utilising this build you will be able to nail every rogue/ GWF / GF every time on the head, as in PvP there are and always will be circumstances where you will be caught by surprise. What this build will allow you to do however, is maximise your survivability and give you the tools to turn those situations to your advantage.

A couple of things before I begin: I do not recommend this build prior to level 60. If you are levelling up through Pve I strongly advise using one of the thaumaturge builds on the forums.

Secondly: Prior to testing this build you may believe that you are wasting some points in feats. I would like to point out that you should give it a shot before you completely give up on it.

Thirdly: You will have some Power points free at the end of the spec, Feel free to put these where you like.

Fourthly: Wherever possible, I have attempted to make the build dual focus, where you will be able to perform well in Pve as well. Hence some of the points being slotted for action point build up. These points are more fillers and if you would prefer to stick them elsewhere by all means I suggest you do so.

Power Layout: You can slot powers where you like however the 4 powers that I strongly recommend: Chill Strike, Entangling Force, Conduit of Ice, Ray of Enfeeblement. Pick up the passives Storm Spell and Eye of the Storm - These two will be your slotted passives.

Image of selected powers: http://tinypic.com/r/sxdmhj/5 (You will have some points left remaining, the powers I have chosen allow you to have a cookie cutter PvE control / dps build for T2s and Castle never as well)

Encounter Layout:
Tab: Ray of Enfeeblement
Q: Conduit of Ice
E: Entangling Force
R: Chill Strike
Dailies: Ice Knife, Arcane Singularity
At Wills: Magic Missile, Ray of Frost.

Feats: As you can see I have slotted feats below:


Heroic Feats:

Toughness is there to add survivability, everything else is fairly cookie cutter across builds, the additional AoE damage will allow more damage whilst controlling adds in Pve.

Paragon Feats:
Severe reaction 5/5 - - This Feat amazing. It is chosen purely as it adds survivability in Pvp. Not only does it knock attackers back 5 feet, but also restores 10% of your stamina bar. Where this feat really shines is where you are kiting a Rogue / GWF / GF – It will allow you to create distance whilst throwing your DoTs (RoE, CoI) and create distance to break melee range. Now what makes this feat really special is the fact that if you have an opposing player that is immune to CC the Feat knocks you back 5 feat instead. Combine this with your Teleports and you can effectively create the distance you need to.

We then place points up the Thaumaturge tree:
Tempest Magic 5/5 Malevolent Surge 5/5 – Both of these feats increase your burst damage against low health targets and once you gain a killing blow it increases damage for a period of time which stacks as well. Which is incredibly useful in 2v1s and 3v1s.

Snap Freeze 5/5 – This makes your Ice Knife Crits hit 20% harder and with triple debuffs (RoE x 2 + Conduit) you can crit incredibly high.

Elemental Empowerment 5/5 – Provides another 10% defence debuff as well as small DoT tick with Weapon damage.

Assailing Force 1/1 – Turns Conduit of Ice into another Debuff, further reducing enemy players defences allowing you to nuke harder and faster.

So all of this allows you to kite effectively, This with the procs from Severe Reaction and your teleports will allow you to create the distance you need to escape melee range, Now whilst doing this, you should be able to swivel your targeting reticule to cast your DoTs as needed whilst you continue to move away from the Melee characters. Now, this will work just as well on the squishy targets (Cw / DC) All of your Debuffs will allow you to Fire and Forget your nukes and put them into the dirt as needed.

Armour Enchant: Soulforged – For Pvp this should be your only option. Adds extra survivability and allows you the time to either get away or finish the person that is wailing on you.

Weapon Enchant: Plaguefire – Adds another Debuff as well as an additional DoT tick. This is just cake.

Using this build, your Target Priorities still do not change: CWs/ DCs and TRs all share the same threat level, closely followed by GWFs and GFs. With all you debuffs throwing around however, you will be able to blow everyone up, with the right rotation and timing.

My standard rotation:

RoE, CoI, RoE, EF, CS - MM spam until dead. This will work on another not FFing you and will drop most clerics.

You will need to change this up for other Classes.

TR: RoE, CoI RoE (All while kiting), wait for ITC (Impossible to Catch) disappears - EF, CS, RoE - MM spam until dead. Move as needed.

GWF: RoE, CoI, RoE, EF, CS - Keep moving - Teleport through the GWF, most seem to have a problem with swilling to turn around and knock you down. Rinse repeat as needed until dead.

GF: The usual Rotation for GFs is MM until Block meter is down whilst you are moving around. EF, RoE, CS, RoE, CoI - Rinse repeat.

Following this you should be able to win most 1v1s. However, I must stress. Do not follow this every time, you will need to anticipate cooldowns on TRs, Gfs and GWFs and use Encounters as applicable.

Some Pug Matches:



19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Post edited by xtraordinary91 on


  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Reserved for expansion in future patches
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Reserved as well
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    we have the same playstyle and almost the same build :D
    so im not alone then
    been using this build after the balance patch

    I sacrificed malevolent surge, and put 5/5 on brisk teleport instead to improve me more on kiting
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    actually this is also good at PVE
    but to maximize the full potential of this build i suggest HV set
  • kronikerkroniker Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Yup, that's the standard cookie cutter about 99% of mages run with just some minor variation like using Ray or Shield instead of Chill Strike.
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Hey mate, High Vizier would be better for Pve. I am currently slotting full Champion Mage Set (Gauntlygrym Mage Set). The Survivability the set gives is just too much to give up. Currently sitting at just over 29k health.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey mate, High Vizier would be better for Pve. I am currently slotting full Champion Mage Set (Gauntlygrym Mage Set). The Survivability the set gives is just too much to give up. Currently sitting at just over 29k health.

    HV is fine in pvp too -1350 to their defense? what else could you ask for more :cool: but i wanna try champion set dont have funds for it yet lol
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    kroniker wrote: »
    Yup, that's the standard cookie cutter about 99% of mages run with just some minor variation like using Ray or Shield instead of Chill Strike.

    This is true, however, it still boggles me as to why people bother using Steal time and Shield in PvP. You don't need either if you have proper positioning and awareness.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    johnygwapo wrote: »
    HV is fine in pvp too -1350 to their defense? what else could you ask for more :cool: but i wanna try champion set dont have funds for it yet lol

    Just run GG as much as you can. If you farm it you can get the full set in a week. Speed run Fardelver Crypts is your friend :)
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is true, however, it still boggles me as to why people bother using Steal time and Shield in PvP. You don't need either if you have proper positioning and awareness.

    yeah i agree. and also casting steal time and shield in pvp is a waste of time in my opinion
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just run GG as much as you can. If you farm it you can get the full set in a week. Speed run Fardelver Crypts is your friend :)

    i actually had champion set but i use them for transmute lol i really like the design. my HV now looks champion.. anyway cheers for this build!
  • kronikerkroniker Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I use ST because I like the spell and you can do some nice baits with it. In fact most people would consider my build "HAMSTER" but I could not care less.
  • coglovercoglover Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2013
    sorry to say but CoI is a wasted encounter slot .. say what u want but its true =) every other spell is better since CoI gives 0 CC and damage is low. yes it gives mitigation if u wasted a point on that feat .. but then again wud u have another mitigation spell (since u already have ray) or just 2x bursts that does amazing instant damage + CCs ur foe

    right now ur build has only 2 sec EF and 1 sec freeze, that is all u got when a GF or rouge comes at u
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    coglover wrote: »
    sorry to say but CoI is a wasted encounter slot .. say what u want but its true =) every other spell is better since CoI gives 0 CC and damage is low. yes it gives mitigation if u wasted a point on that feat .. but then again wud u have another mitigation spell (since u already have ray) or just 2x bursts that does amazing instant damage + CCs ur foe

    right now ur build has only 2 sec EF and 1 sec freeze, that is all u got when a GF or rouge comes at u

    sorry to say too but your arguments are somehow doesnt apply to CoI users
    what powers do you suggest in replacement for CoI?
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    coglover wrote: »
    sorry to say but CoI is a wasted encounter slot .. say what u want but its true =) every other spell is better since CoI gives 0 CC and damage is low. yes it gives mitigation if u wasted a point on that feat .. but then again wud u have another mitigation spell (since u already have ray) or just 2x bursts that does amazing instant damage + CCs ur foe

    right now ur build has only 2 sec EF and 1 sec freeze, that is all u got when a GF or rouge comes at u

    You are entitled to your own opinion, however, any extra CC is wasted. I don't need any other CC. If you actually read my post, you would notice that my build focused on kiting and constant movement. Icy Rays is nice, but I much prefer CoI as a Dot. The damage is not really that low in this build tbh. Yes it is not a straight up nuke, but that's why it it is not used as such.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    kroniker wrote: »
    I use ST because I like the spell and you can do some nice baits with it. In fact most people would consider my build "HAMSTER" but I could not care less.

    At the end of the day, if you are having fun and you have a build that works for you thats great!
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • coglovercoglover Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2013
    johnygwapo wrote: »
    sorry to say too but your arguments are somehow doesnt apply to CoI users
    what powers do you suggest in replacement for CoI?

    try using shard of avalanche on tab, learn how it works and try to EF a target and instantly pop avalanche on the head, leaving them prone (so they cant use ITC or unstoppable etc.) and then throw the stone at them again, making them prone again (also taking around 6k dmg total) use chill strike during or after this spell and ice rays as fast after as you can. You can also combo it with ice knife instead of EF giving them no chance to fight beeing prone very long time.

    Try this, dont give up if u miss the ava, learn it instead. if its not ur cup of tea i get it, but I'm telling u, I'm 1 shotting troll GWFs with this combo =) (if u start with ice knife and then shard of ava)

    remember, u gotta be quick and aim right!

    Been thinkin of makin a video of me playing and making a guide, since i have yet to see any CWs build achieve as much as my build has for me, beeing able to solo kill invis rogues, gwfs, GFS
  • coglovercoglover Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2013
    You are entitled to your own opinion, however, any extra CC is wasted. I don't need any other CC. If you actually read my post, you would notice that my build focused on kiting and constant movement. Icy Rays is nice, but I much prefer CoI as a Dot. The damage is not really that low in this build tbh. Yes it is not a straight up nuke, but that's why it it is not used as such.

    Im not trying to be rude or anything but .. if u think u can "kite" GFs, good GWFs or invis rogues ur wrong, u will just waste ur 3 or 4 teleports and get stunned before u even use them or after u used them, PVP in this game is more like "u need to kill the other guy before he kills me" that goes for everyone

    edit: sorry for 2 posts

    edit2: sorry for all the offtopic, just my thoughts on it, back to the guide! good that people actually put some time in laying some structure into new players game atleast!
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    coglover wrote: »
    try using shard of avalanche on tab, learn how it works and try to EF a target and instantly pop avalanche on the head, leaving them prone (so they cant use ITC or unstoppable etc.) and then throw the stone at them again, making them prone again (also taking around 6k dmg total) use chill strike during or after this spell and ice rays as fast after as you can. You can also combo it with ice knife instead of EF giving them no chance to fight beeing prone very long time.

    Try this, dont give up if u miss the ava, learn it instead. if its not ur cup of tea i get it, but I'm telling u, I'm 1 shotting troll GWFs with this combo =) (if u start with ice knife and then shard of ava)

    remember, u gotta be quick and aim right!

    Been thinkin of makin a video of me playing and making a guide, since i have yet to see any CWs build achieve as much as my build has for me, beeing able to solo kill invis rogues, gwfs, GFS

    I am glad to hear that you have an alternate pvp build that is working for you. I can see how it would work against GFs and GWFs. However, I find it quite far fetched when it comes to Perma Stealth rogues. Either you are getting incredibally lucky with moving Avalanche around or the Invis rogues you are playing against are just bad. As someone who has mastered the Int Rogue / Banelorne spec is always on the move.

    If they are stupid enough to sit and throw daggers from one spot then they deserve to die to your Prone build. But 9/10 times this is not the case.

    Also, your rotation relies on the fact that you have Ice knife up all the time. What are you doing when this is not the case? Your keeping them locked down and prone is not as effective when you are relying on a daily to keep them so.

    coglover wrote: »
    Im not trying to be rude or anything but .. if u think u can "kite" GFs, good GWFs or invis rogues ur wrong, u will just waste ur 3 or 4 teleports and get stunned before u even use them or after u used them, PVP in this game is more like "u need to kill the other guy before he kills me" that goes for everyone

    edit: sorry for 2 posts

    Your right mate, but I hate to break it to you, but it can be done. Even with my terrible connection in Australia. I won't start a flame war, I will just finish the videos to prove it to you.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • inexgravinexgrav Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    what u gearscore ?

    + tab ice rays amazing.
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    inexgrav wrote: »
    what u gearscore ?

    + tab ice rays amazing.

    11.3k - Running full Champion Mage set.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    coglover wrote: »
    Im not trying to be rude or anything but .. if u think u can "kite" GFs, good GWFs or invis rogues ur wrong, u will just waste ur 3 or 4 teleports and get stunned before u even use them or after u used them, PVP in this game is more like "u need to kill the other guy before he kills me" that goes for everyone

    you are somehow right with GFs, im having hard time doing 1 vs 1 on them actually i havent defeated a GF on 1 vs 1. but vs GWFs and rogues to me are easy, you have to use your teleport wisely. teleport when they are about to attack so that youll be immune to control effects. Also Severe Reaction is a good feat that will interrupt the combo GWF, yes they will be able to flourish or takedown you but they cant proceed to their next attack. Aside from interrupting, Severe Reaction will also regain your stamina makes your stamina up most of the time

    i will post a vid soon and see how severe reaction works
  • johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    coglover wrote: »
    try using shard of avalanche on tab, learn how it works and try to EF a target and instantly pop avalanche on the head, leaving them prone (so they cant use ITC or unstoppable etc.) and then throw the stone at them again, making them prone again (also taking around 6k dmg total) use chill strike during or after this spell and ice rays as fast after as you can. You can also combo it with ice knife instead of EF giving them no chance to fight beeing prone very long time.

    Try this, dont give up if u miss the ava, learn it instead. if its not ur cup of tea i get it, but I'm telling u, I'm 1 shotting troll GWFs with this combo =) (if u start with ice knife and then shard of ava)

    remember, u gotta be quick and aim right!

    Been thinkin of makin a video of me playing and making a guide, since i have yet to see any CWs build achieve as much as my build has for me, beeing able to solo kill invis rogues, gwfs, GFS

    thanks for the idea, but im really bad in targeting/aiming lol. I was so happy that NW is semi target lock, not like FPS games
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    johnygwapo wrote: »
    thanks for the idea, but im really bad in targeting/aiming lol. I was so happy that NW is semi target lock, not like FPS games

    Actually the Targeting system in NV really annoys me. When I have a Target I want to hti that target. I don't want someone to come stand in front and block all of my attacks on said squishy target just by moving. Save that for tanks who know how to use Taunts(which should change the taunted players target focus to the tank) effectively in Pvp.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • coglovercoglover Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2013
    a tip is that when u got an AOE spell u can double tap the skill to instantly drop it if u got ur crusor in the right spot
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    coglover wrote: »
    a tip is that when u got an AOE spell u can double tap the skill to instantly drop it if u got ur crusor in the right spot

    I knew this. But again, this does not explain how you are constantly beating invis rogues with your build.

    If anything. It only highlights the fact that you have gotten lucky with the drops. Which is not skill. More blind luck.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • griz024griz024 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Does that 5ft pushback feat proc a decent amount?

    It sounds neat (mostly for the stamina regen) but with a 15% proc chance i cant really see it proc'ing very much. Maybe vs trs with all their little hits, but does this ever really save you from a gf or gwf?
  • coglovercoglover Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2013
    I knew this. But again, this does not explain how you are constantly beating invis rogues with your build.

    If anything. It only highlights the fact that you have gotten lucky with the drops. Which is not skill. More blind luck.

    The only "invis rogues" i have problem with (50/50 chance of gettin killed or get a kill) is the perfect vorpal ones with lashing crits. everyone else is very easy to just outdodge and get ur window. either with OF or just dodging back and hiding behind pillars/obstacles
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    griz024 wrote: »
    Does that 5ft pushback feat proc a decent amount?

    It sounds neat (mostly for the stamina regen) but with a 15% proc chance i cant really see it proc'ing very much. Maybe vs trs with all their little hits, but does this ever really save you from a gf or gwf?

    I see it proc all the time. It has saved me from GFs and GWFs on numerous occasions, most of the time, when it procs the Melee classes are unsure of what happened and either stand still for a very brief window, or on the odd occasion that you get a miracle proc - (You run through the melee as they hit you, and teleport at the same time - directly shunts melee away in the opposite direction to which you teleport.)

    Combining Severe Reaction with Brisk Teleport provides so much synergy for survivability.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • omnicidalg0domnicidalg0d Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2013
    greater vorp and ice ray on tab its 1 shot if i crit lol. high vizier with chill strike is just death. also coi is just meh. 12k vizier cw
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