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60 DC PvP Videos



  • evilderprimus88evilderprimus88 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Just marvelous. I've been quietly following your posts, OP, because as a new player I felt that I needed some kind of tips on how to improve my "gameplay skills" as a cleric in NWO. I thought - well, maybe this guy has a point, even if he appears to be some juvenile braggart. Maybe DC isn't that bad, maybe when I hit 60 I will have fun as a cleric. But no, apparently you are a juvenile braggart, and nothing else. Your so-called "skills" are less than impressive, which is clearly seen on these vids. Not bad, but just "meh", nothing worth bragging about.

    Overall, I'm horribly dissapointed. "15 k heals 15 k heals i'm so op my build is op..."
    justkaz wrote: »
    All the good players know that Clerics are viable in PvP but they need a good group to back them up and peel focus fire off of them. Otherwise, they're a wasted slot in a PvP group because there are better, more OP classes in this game for PvP.

    Don't you see that you're contradicting yourself? "Viable" or "wasted slot" - pick one, please. Yes, with a good group cleric won't ... fail to perform at a mediocre level. But wouldn't "good group" do nicely in PVP even without cleric, and with some "OP class" to fill that slot?
  • justkazjustkaz Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2013
    Don't you see that you're contradicting yourself? "Viable" or "wasted slot" - pick one, please. Yes, with a good group cleric won't ... fail to perform at a mediocre level. But wouldn't "good group" do nicely in PVP even without cleric, and with some "OP class" to fill that slot?

    How is what I said contradictory? Just because Clerics are viable in PvP doesn't mean there aren't other OP classes that can dominate a lot more than Clerics can. My statement is an "or" statement, not "and." Clerics are viable if their team is good, OR they're a wasted slot if their team is bad and leave a Cleric to solo against 2 or more players.

    A Cleric and 1 GF or GWF that's well geared, spec'd, and played can hold or contest a capture point indefinitely, even when outnumbered. Again, the problem is, you need a good partner or team to do well as a Cleric. That's not true for other classes, since they can just easily kill enemies and clear a cap. point without backup.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Don't you see that you're contradicting yourself? "Viable" or "wasted slot" - pick one, please.

    Terrible team with a good cleric = terrible team.
    Good team with a terrible cleric = 4 man team.
    Good team without a cleric = 5 man dps fest.
    Good team with a good cleric = better than a 5 man dps fest.

    If the team recognises that clerics are made of tissue-paper, constantly get focussed, but can fling around buffs and heals like nobodies business, everyone benefits from the arrangement. Help us stay alive, we're like a constant buff to the whole team. Ignore us and you're basically playing with 4 dudes and a ragdoll.

    Not contradictory at all.

    Also, nice to see the infighting is dying down. -_-
  • tapp3rtapp3r Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    I've wasted entirely too much time trying to convince people otherwise of the DC class and you've won. GL to you all, no more posts from me on the Cleric forums

    GL to you all, Cheers!


    Now let the thread die.
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