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>> A List of bugs and QoL issues.

skarsysskarsys Member, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in General Discussion (PC)

I have been playing the game since Open Beta and decided to compile a list of bugs and Quality of Life issues that I feel should be fixed. I really hope the devs are able to read this and address those problems.

1) Item & Gold Drops:

Please fix this gold/item drop system. It is by far the most annoying thing I've seen in an MMO. When you kill mobs a lot of coins and items get blown off in all directions, and it becomes a headache and a hassle to run around picking all the scattered bits. This is especially bad considering the terrain and obstacles. Many times the items get stuck in unreachable areas or cause aggro on additional mobs.

Give us a true auto-loot toggle where items would be automatically deposited into the bags after mobs die. Or make the auto-pickup radius a LOT larger. Or at least make the items stay on each mob so we would be able to loot them from their bodies.

2) Double Item Looting:
Looting 2 items in a row will often fail and give an error message: "Unable to perform this interaction at this time".

3) Necromantic Sigils:
The badges from Neverdeath Graveyard area are the only ones I've seen that are Bind on Pickup.

4) Auction House:
AH still needs fixing. Some of the filtering and sorting menues, for example, do not seem to work properly sometimes. Also, please add a keyboard shortcut to quickly deposit items from the bags into the AH and to also copy their names, to make AH interactions easier and more fluid.

5) Mail Shortcuts:
Please add a keyboard shortcut to quickly deposit items from the bags into the mail slots, instead of having to manually move them.

6) Chat Window

a) Whispers:
Outgoing personal tells or whispers have a color that is too deep and is very hard to read, and there seems to be no way to fix it.

b) Names:
It is hard to differentiate player names in Chat Window, especially when there are a lot of people talking. Please add name colors or better visual seperators to player names in Chat Window.

7) Name/Meter/UI Scaling:
I can't find anyway to reduce the size of Names. Rescaling UI only reduces the size of bars. Please add more UI scaling options that include Player Names and Damage Meter Numbers.

8) Low HP Effect:
Please remove the low hp "red" effect as it hinders vision greatly. You can have the effect on the edges of the screen or add a toggle to hide/unhide it.

9) Quest Tracker:
Ticking quests on and off is erratic and does not always hide and show them properly.

10) Mob Leash:
The mob leash range should be shorter, since right now they can follow you across the map.

11) Mob Visibility:
It is often hard to see mobs attacking you from range. Please add an option to turn on Mob Name/HP if they are attacking, even if your cursor is not on them.

12) Hunts and Instances:
If a hunt starts in an area and you actually participated and had the appropriate items but then went into a cave/instance in the same area or PVP, you will not receive any rewards and your participation will not count.

13) Grey Wolf Den:
This dungeon seems to be quite diffucult, so much harder than other dungeons and instances so far. Every group I've been with seems to give up after a while; I've only managed to finish it once or twice.

14) HP After Exiting PVP:
When you exit PVP, the game should return the player to full hp. A couple of time, I exited PVP with a sliver of life only to die to a group of mobs.


a) Ray of Frost:
The animation often disappears while fighting. Also the Chill stack count debuff box is very hard to see on targets.

b) Shield Pulse:
The skill disappears from the player after zoning or death (a big hassle in PVP). Why not make it a persistent skill that needs to be recast only if it was activated a second time.


a) Gamebreaking Teleportation Bug:
When mobs are knocked back (especially by CWs), and a rogue is using Deft Strike to teleport to one of them, the rogue will be placed behind the mob and quite often will get "stuck" in terrain, or behind objects or even "inside" the roof. This bug usually happens in dungeons and relogging sometimes kicks you out of the dungeon, which is another problem.

b) LA's Disruptive Visual Effect:
Please Remove the "shadowy" special effect from Lurker's Assault as it hinders vision greatly, and it makes it difficult to spot dangerous boss moves and red circles on the ground.

c) Rogue Shift:
Please remove the pause/stop at the end of the Rogue dodge roll (shift). It is very noticeable, much more than any other class.

d) Rogue/Companion Stealth:
When a rogue goes into stealth, companions should too (at least for PVE).

e) Disarming Traps:
Disarming traps should give a little reward, like perhaps some coin, as it is time consuming and there seems to be little incentive to use that skill.

Post edited by skarsys on


  • skarsysskarsys Member, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd like to add 1 more:

    17) Bugged Cape Physics:

    Capes in this game exhibit bugged physics and behavior, as in the pics.

    This is how it should be:

    This is how it becomes when you run forward, like some drape over your head.
  • tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 all agreed.

    6b - Not an issue to me really. Maybe make it so you can tag specific people in your chat window so you can follow conversations with randoms.

    10 - Kill them.

    13 - Wasn't that hard?

    • Double clicking on bank items should move them into your inventory.
    • Toggle option on other peoples companions.
    • Toggle option on mount noises
    • Auto unmount around stores, AH and postal courier
    • Fix alchemy gateway bug
    • Fix GF T1 sets
    • Fix CW feats
    • Allow party leader to invite a person to a epic dungeon if a party member drops out.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
  • mutantdemocracymutantdemocracy Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Fix Guardian Fighter's Indomitable Warrior and Indomitable Champion sets, so that they properly add 20% and 25% to your guard meter.
  • argonacargonac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    When you have the bank open and right click on an item in your inventory, it goes into the bank (rightly so). But when you right click on an item in your bank.. it goes to the bank (and not in your inventory as you expected)
  • peacockbladepeacockblade Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I remember the community being specifically asked about #1, though I can't remember if it was during a closed beta weekend or during open beta period. I wouldn't expect a change.

    Fixing the HP restore, UI sizing, and cloak physics would be terrific. I also agree that Shield should be persistent between zones, though you should expect all spells & their effects to go away after a death. And I'll agree with fixing the rogue's ability to get stuck. The rest of the primary points I personally don't have an issue with.

    I'll personally mention the points about rogue companions when in stealth and rewards for disarming traps:

    *For traps, it becomes a matter of the size of the reward, since it would add up during the course of a character's career. Fortunately they're usually easy to see & avoid, and the traps will happily kill monsters lured/pushed/pulled onto them.

    *Having a companion enter stealth when the rogue does sounds good, especially when you just want to get from point A to point B. In combat however, it would remove a way to generate flanking bonuses, which is very bad for a rogue. And, if you consider the relative stealth skills of rogues and the other classes in D&D (regardless of edition), you'll see that many times the other classes shouldn't even bother trying. It generally hasn't been a problem for me.

    Even if I disagree with many of the proposed changes, I tip my cap at their presentation.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Meh... I figure it's just a time sink - those extra seconds you need to chase after gold and item drops add up over the course of a character's career.

    2. I haven't experienced this.

    3. I didn't notice this, but they should be consistent.

    4. I agree that searching and sorting needs to be improved. I'd like to see a way to sort between, for instance, profession resources and assets. I'd also like to see a system added to buy just 1 or a few of a stack of items, instead of all.

    5. Agreed - maybe if you have the compose window open, double clicking an item in your inventory will attach it to the message.

    6. Perhaps they could add an option to color incoming and outgoing private messages, just like how you can select the color for custom channels.

    7. Hasn't really bothered me.

    8. I agree it would be nice to toggle it off.

    9. Agreed - if a quest isn't in the zone you're in atm, at least have the glowing trail lead to the zone's exit.

    10. When I first started playing Neverwinter, I was still in the mindset where I could run far enough away from enemies to evade them. I quickly found that you cannot lose enemies on foot, (only mounts are fast enough to get far enough away to break aggro). The "fight or die" aspect can get tiresome real fast.

    11. I know in some cases you and your team will get circles underneath you - maybe something similar could be implemented.

    12. I agree that if I took part in a "hunt", but then went into an instance, I should still get credit when it ends.

    13. The only things that annoyed me were the spawning of the shadow wolves and how the shadow hands can knock even a guardian fighter with block up. It's a double whammy that's just too cruel for non-expert players.

    14. Indeed - either reset HP to full after exiting a match, or at the very least, make a safe zone at the exit where enemies can't attack you.

    15. I've experienced both issues, and it would be nice to get the animation fixed and having to recast the shield looked at.

    16. I agree with a-c. I don't think companions should stealth just because you do. Teammates can't do that. I could see them adding stealth to certain companions, though - the the kobold or wererat. As for disarming traps - they should give something, but it'd have to be very tiny as some dungeons have many many traps. Perhaps they could provide something like 1 or 2 pieces of common crafting materials or a few copper, but nothing uncommon or rare. Rogues already get a double-bonus for their thievery skill, with trap disarms being one thing nobody else can do.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • skarsysskarsys Member, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thank you all for your replies and suggestions.

    I don't expect everyone to share my experience in this game, but I do believe in giving players freedom and choice, so they can tailor their gaming experience to their preference, i.e. to toggle options on and off. Obviously this applies to QoL issues and not bugs that really need addressing.

    I do like to respond to the #10 issue of Mob Leash, which someone suggested to kill them! I do not know if you were sarcastic, but if a person is NOT trying to quest or kill mobs but simply trying to go from point A to B (like joining a dungeon group for instance), it would be really silly to be forced to waste time clearing the path all the way through. Don't you think?

    I'd like to add a few more things:

    18) BOTS:

    Bots are running rampant in PVP and really spoiling all the fun, at least pre-60. At the moment, we cannot even kick them from the PVP group, or quickly report them for botting!!

    Please give PVP groups an option to VOTE KICK bots (which might be a problem if there were more than 1 bot) or at least an option to quickly report them (right-click > report player for botting). I believe to report them, you have to open a ticket and whatnot, which takes a long time considering the existing number of bots, so a quick right-click report would be great.

    19) Damage during Cut Scenes:

    Many times I am forced into a cut scene which I cannot skip or Esc from, while taking heavy damage!! It seems likes a bad design flaw. Please take some measure to either render players invulnerable to damage during cut scenes, and/or give us the ability to skip ALL cut scenes.

    20) Queue Times:

    I just find it extremely hard to join any instances while leveling to 60. The only queue that seems to be active is the PVP queue, which has its own problem (see #18). I spend hours questing while queued into a "skirmish" and a "dungeon", but most of the time I get no groups.

    I am on Dragon server, so I do not know if it's a server issue. Also, this happens on both my Rogue and my Healer, so it is not a class issue, per say.

    It gets frustrating after a while, because I quickly out-level many dungeons and skirmishes without a chance to experience them. I know you can revisit old dungeons manually, but skirmishes are lost forever (see #21), along with any achievements related to them.

    I am not sure if this is a cause or a symptom. A cause because the matchmaking system is slow or inefficient; or a symptom of either low server population or general disinterest of players in pre-60 content.

    21) Out-leveling Skirmishes:
    Please add the option to revisit old skirmishes. It makes no sense to take away that option from players.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    skarsys wrote: »
    a) Gamebreaking Teleportation Bug:
    When mobs are knocked back (especially by CWs), and a rogue is using Deft Strike to teleport to one of them, the rogue will be placed behind the mob and quite often will get "stuck" in terrain, or behind objects or even "inside" the roof. This bug usually happens in dungeons and relogging sometimes kicks you out of the dungeon, which is another problem.

    Can happen also when using Bloodbath. As a workaround until/if/when they fix this: you can often use Deft Strike to get back out of the terrain. While stealthed Deft Strike can be used to teleport to an ally. Either a companion of party member. That usually gets me out of the wall or whatever.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • skarsysskarsys Member, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    runebane wrote: »
    Can happen also when using Bloodbath. As a workaround until/if/when they fix this: you can often use Deft Strike to get back out of the terrain. While stealthed Deft Strike can be used to teleport to an ally. Either a companion of party member. That usually gets me out of the wall or whatever.

    Great tip btw. I had to use on several occasions. Problem is what if someone decided to skip that skill?
    Yeah, a major bug needs fixing.
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