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Is this considered glitching or exploiting?

chikarchikar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
So our guild has these events, where one of the officers takes pics in random locations and you receive a prize if you can locate the spot and take a SS.

One of the most recent ones though, requires some obvious creativity. (AKA - Jumping on invisible spots/places you wouldn't normally be able to stand). The location you end up, is blatantly unfinished. Parts of the map and surrounding areas aren't even rendered fully.

After nearly making myself sick spinning my camera around for hours trying to find a legit way up this thing. Jumping on boxes, barrels, window ledges, roof tops, wagons, etc... I gave up.. And found out from the officer that it required jumping on places you wouldn't normally be able to do so.

So my question is, is this against TOS? If so, what would this be considered? I can't seem to find the TOS, and likely wouldn't know what this was called anyway. So I wouldn't know if it applied to me or not.

Thanks in advance for any and all responses :)
Post edited by chikar on


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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So long as it doesn't give you an advantage in PvE or PvP I can't imagine you will get into trouble. To be ultra-safe don't post any pictures or (detailed) info relating to it in this forum.
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    chikarchikar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In a lot of games, glitching around the map, through it, up it, down it, w/e is typically considered at least a warnable if not temp bannable offense. I do not glitch, cheat, exploit, w/e... I'm a by the book kinda guy when it comes to things i devote extended lengths of time to. So if that is what this is, I'll likely be leaving the guild too since they condone this behavior.

    But, if the TOS has nothing against this, than I don't care cause its not against any rules.

    If anyone has any definitive answers, please let me know! I'd greatly appreciate it.
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    nullwolf1nullwolf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Some places they don't mind you doing it. PE for example. (Though they still tend to patch them eventually.)
    There are lots of roof-top ninjas that enjoy finding spots that are normally inaccessible.

    Take for instance - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?375891-Come-at-me-BRO!!
    sominator posted simply "That's amazing." No warnings etc...

    It's mainly if used in dungeons / PvP to glitch and gain an advantage that it becomes a problem. And they probably wouldn't ban etc... they just eventually patch those areas, as they did with Castle Never etc...
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    justkazjustkaz Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    So long as it doesn't give you an advantage in PvE or PvP I can't imagine you will get into trouble. To be ultra-safe don't post any pictures or (detailed) info relating to it in this forum.

    It doesn't matter if you do get an advantage in PvE. They won't ban you. They didn't ban any of the exploiters who glitched through the wall in Castle Never, fell through the map, and spawned right at Dracolich. Everyone was doing it. People were exploiting this for 2 and a half weeks and nobody was banned. Tens of millions of exploited gear and AD, none of it was erased.

    I highly doubt the OP would get banned for what he described, if people were allowed to blatantly exploit Castle Never for so long.
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    chikarchikar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the link, that should clear things up. Now... HOW THE FLUFF!!!???

    I drove myself nuts trying to get to this one spot in Helms Hold.. No possible spot nearby that I could find to get up on it.

    Oh well, Thanks for the responses everyone :)
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