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[Dragon] LvL 51 TR LFG

jsedelljsedell Member Posts: 4 Arc User
Trying a post here before starting to harass guilds..

About the guild I'm looking for:
* Mature
* Pve/pvp incl. raiding
* Europe time zone

About me:
Divorced 40 y.o Swede, working with IT. Have TS/Vent but no mic.

Earlier gaming experiences:
2 years as GM of a UT clan
5 years as GM of a CS clan
5 years as Officer in a WoW raiding guild (our guild was ranked number #2 in progress on our server during Vanilla->WOTLK)
3 months of AoC
3 months of Warhammer Online

Post edited by jsedell on


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    rishzothrishzoth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My guild (Relentless) seems to fit your requirements. If interested, then send Rish@rishzoth a PM and we can discuss this more.

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    omniblast1985omniblast1985 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12
    edited July 2013
    The Conclave is looking people like you for their ranks (and community).
    See'ing the experience u have gained from everything you played in the past, i may even expect a guy like you to lead future raids (if interested in such rolls). Of course, only if interested. For more information about the Conclave u can read our recruitment post here: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?363931-The-Conclave-CC-Recruiting!-Dragon-server

    Anything else u need to know? Well, we are active since 2002 as a community, and Neverwinter was recently added to the list of "to become games" (so were building a strong foundation before we go in the list of " Full Community support").
    In easy words; were still building, recruiting and growing. Feel free to bug me if u want to know more.

    Good luck in finding a place to call home, im sure you will manage with that experience.
    PS: We have a few swedish guys in the club to. (recruited another today).
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    baronquantumnbaronquantumn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 110 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Hello Jsedell, looking for a home can always be a daunting task, as you never quite know what you might find. I would suggest you have a look at sinisterswarm.com as we have been a family for over 14 years, so must be doing something right. Our members come from all over the world and provide a fun filled, successful and rewarding experience. We value honor and respect and it is a great place to kick back with. We are heavily involved in all aspects of Neverwinter gameplay. Feel free to send me a pm here or ingame at quantumn@baronquantumn, would love to expand on what our home has to offer. Good luck in your search Jsedell.
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    havocwhavocw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 72
    edited July 2013
    If you are still looking for a guild, DiE is always happy to take you in. Maybe we are the guild that satisfies your requirements, but I'll let you check out recruitment thread (link below) and let you decide for yourself.

    Here's the link to the guild recruitment post on NW forum: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/sho...ate-Gauntlgrym

    And here's the link to DiE's website: http://darknessiseverywhere.enjin.com/home

    If you are interested, either drop me (@havocw) or Marx (marx@marxed) a message in-game, and fill out the application on the web so that we can process the forum permissions for you.
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