Hi all - following on from my Archmage paragon class post, here's another one. Like the other, this is primarily an attempt to create a discussion for the devs and show them interesting roles we could play. The exact numbers are less of a thing than the idea behind the effect.
Please may I encourage you to engage and be constructive! Thank you!
(E=encounter power, P=static power, W=at will power, D=daily power)
Lvl 30
E: Paralysing grip - damage + debuff recovery on target
Mastery: Also debuffs power
E: Carrion cloud - low powered DOT but long duration.
Mastery: Gains another charge that can be fired at a secondary target
P: Thoughtsteal - increase in AP gain 1%/rank
Lvl 35
W: Ghoul Touch - Short range at will with high life steal buff
E: Tenebrous bolt - necrotic damage, amount based off current HP
Mastery: Target is knocked down
Lvl 40 Banshee's scream - Forward cone AOE damage + stun 1s/rank
P: Bone Armour - Improves protection by +1 AC/rank
Lvl 45
E: Contagion - Moderate CON debuff + damage
Mastery: Debuff improved and lasts longer
E: Claw of the Wraith - damage + chill + target cannot gain HP for 2seconds/rank
Mastery: Target is pulled toward caster
Lvl 50
E: Grasping Hands of Horror - AoE root
Mastery: Can be cast at location
Finger of Death - Big single target necrotic damage attack. Gives 3 stacks of chill
P: Enervation - increase character's lifesteal by 5%/rank
CW - Current CC role, Envoker DPS role, Conj/Necro Utility Leader Debuffer.
Seriously speaking, everyone has a companion, so I guess there might be some way to have an additional companion. How that would balance up in PvP where companions are blocked, I don't know.
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The name of one of the abilities he made is an instant kill that he changed into a nuke. I'm against this, there are other prc's that can be used without ruining a classic dnd prc.
A few that come to mind are Negative Energy Ray, Deathless Master's Touch (forgotten realms palemaster ability), and Energy Drain. Since we don't have negative levels, Energy Drain could be a fairly good subject for massive damage.
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The Finger of Death spell wasn't intended to be any sort of insta-kill. I'm completely against that sort of thing too. However, I was just getting at an Ice Knife under another name with a few flavourful changes!
Yes, however Finger of death is a 50 daily, it deserves to be powerful. This class could be a solution for taking down sent gwf's, I think fod would be a good daily instead of nuke. But it's your opinion, this would also add some difference to pvp with necro class. It would be quite fun
Very good example of Paragon, hopefully some idea here is harnessed
Necromancy and Nethermancy, are in the book, Heroes of Shadow.
Or some melee alternate for Gwf like a Paladin or Monk.