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Please change the Dungeon Grouping Mechanic

spanky2014spanky2014 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 78
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Love the game, very enjoyable but getting slightly boring.
But this is not what this post is about.

Why can we not replace a group member who has dc'ed rage quit etc. to finish a dungeon?
It does not make sense at all? You can replace before a boss is dead, but once a boss is dead then you are out of luck. This aspect of the game is frustrating and would turn new people off the game.

You have your quest, daily and on last boss and someone dc. That is it. You spent 1 hour for nothing basically.

Please fix this before you lose casual players.
Post edited by spanky2014 on


  • arcadianqueenarcadianqueen Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah suffered this myself last night in Grey Wolf Den - not the shortest of instances. We were busy wiping on last boss, and trying new tactics when one of our group started dcing. They came back twice but eventually their dc issues forced us to quit which basically meant we'd wasted an hour with no 'payoff'. While we're on the subject the ramp up from level 35 ish dungeons to Grey Wolf Den final boss seems a little harsh. The people I was with were not idiots either; we were just side swiped by the increase in difficulty.
  • kindyrekindyre Member Posts: 101
    edited June 2013
    Yeah suffered this myself last night in Grey Wolf Den - not the shortest of instances. We were busy wiping on last boss, and trying new tactics when one of our group started dcing. They came back twice but eventually their dc issues forced us to quit which basically meant we'd wasted an hour with no 'payoff'. While we're on the subject the ramp up from level 35 ish dungeons to Grey Wolf Den final boss seems a little harsh. The people I was with were not idiots either; we were just side swiped by the increase in difficulty.

    Kind of off-topic, but that is one of the first fights that requires paying a lot of attention to add control.

    The wolves that spawn periodically need to be burst down and/or controlled immediately. They have little health, but will attack squishies for around 700 normally and over 4500 when they enrage. And they have very fast attack speed, especially when enraged. That's how people go from full to dead in split seconds on that fight.

    The Archer adds need to go down quickly as well... they're not nearly as dangerous as the wolves, but they will wear you down by attrition if not dealt with swiftly. The tougher melee adds can be kited and largely ignored by most of the party. AoE damage will typically wear them down anyway if you have a good wizard or two.

    And, of course, the red circles / hands the boss casts need to be dodged. But that's pretty straightforward. The main "trick" is realizing how dangerous those wolves are and dealing with them.
  • poisoncloudpoisoncloud Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes, they should redesign queue system to fill in squads since disconnections/rage quitting (which is plague in epic dungeons) waste efforts of whole team in a split of a second...
    E.g. I've tried Epic Mad Dragon like 5 times today, every single time someone rq at Pit Fiend and that was it.
  • marcus0920marcus0920 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Responding to kindyre's OT, you can avoid the shadow wolves spawning entirely. They only spawn when certain of Marrowslake's attacks hit someone (not sure if tank blocking counts as being hit for wolf-spawning purposes). EDIT - I know they spawn when she hits someone with her big overhand smash, not positive on whether or not her other big melee attack will spawn them.

    That said, the queue system needs a long, hard look for a lot of reasons.
    1) incomplete groups. Seems like the first two or three times the queue pops it's no go because it only puts 3 or 4 people in the group.
    2) group balance. "No CW dropping group bye." At least two ways to address this: 1) stricter role search by the queue (probably not the best fix), 2) adjust boss fights so that the difficulty isn't 99.99% reliant on throwing craptons of adds at the group. It's hard to find a balance where all classes are desirable enough to take into a dungeon without forcing mechanics that require certain classes, I know, but it's worth continuing to try and find such a balance.
    3) AHing your way right past T1 into T2 is bad. The easiest way to avoid the random frustrations of the queue is of course to form a group first, but for players trying to legitimately gear their way up through the dungeons it's just as hard to find groups this way because everyone demands a much higher than necessary GS. Yes, this is partly because most people just want things as easy as they can get them, but it's also very much a way to weed out people who bought their way to 9k GS with cheap offset purples without ever running even epic CT.

    There are definitely mechanical problems with the queue system that need to be fixed SOON. But some of the trouble goes deeper, to encounter design and class roles, and that really ought to be taken into serious consideration too.
  • erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is one of the biggest problems the game has and is made even worse because dungeon delves are only 1 hour long. Now when you get someone rage quitting at the end you lose not just 1 hour of your time but you lose the ability to try again for another 6 hours because you wasted the entire DD event. Let random people join at any time during a dungeon.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Add a vote mechanic if/when someone DC's or quits - "So-and-so has voted to replace person X. Do you agree? [Y/N]". Make it so votes cannot be carried out in combat and that the person must not actually be present on the team. Now, a player of the appropriate class, who is in the queue, will get a prompt "Would you like to join a team for [name of dungeon] that is already in progress? [Y/N]". If they agree, they'll be taken to the furthest respawn the team unlocked. As this would draw from the queue and wouldn't display any names, it couldn't be exploited.
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  • chrono0812chrono0812 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 501 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The queue system really need an overhaul. When I decided to take a break from World of Warcraft to check this game out (Big Fan Of D&D) it was a shock to me the first time I used the queue system in this game.

    1st) No display of average wait time for dungeon groups.
    2nd) No party Vote Kick Feature.
    3rd) No re-queue feature when someone leaves/vote kicked out of the party.
    4th) When a new member joins the party, teleporting them to the other players location is a MUST. This concept of having a new member running through a dungeon is really absurd.

    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
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  • spanky2014spanky2014 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 78
    edited June 2013
    Yes, I have met many people who have played WoW.
    WoW has gone down the toilet. The storyline is just stupid Alliance vs. Horde forever?

    Anyway, take a que from what is good from WoW. Let players vote people out so we can get them replaced in the event of a DC.

    If someone decides to rage quit, let us have the ability to find someone else. I have many friends who would be willing to come in and help but the mechanics currently does not allow for this.

    Please consider!!!
  • thegreeblerthegreebler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2
    edited June 2013
    this makes the entire dungeon system 100% fail.

    Which makes endgame 100% fail.
  • spanky2014spanky2014 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 78
    edited June 2013
    Yes, just happened again today.
    Group was fine. Got to the last boss (Spider Temple) got to phase 2 @ 50% and we wiped.
    Then a couple of mishaps and the TR decides to blame the healer and leaves.

    It would have been nice to get someone else in.... please fix this.
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