Given 2,3,4 or even 5 DC in a single party which encounters/dailies/class features will stack together?
Linked Spirit
Astral Shield (I heard a Divinity powered AS plus a non-divinity AS stack together but by how much i do not know)
Sacred Flame (Will 5 DC spamming sacred flame give 5x the temporary HP per third attack?)
Can you think of any other abilities that stack with multiple DC?
When one cleric casts a Divine Astral Shield, and the other cleric casts a NON-Divine Astral shield on the tooltip it shows two astral shields. (When you cast D AS on both clerics only one buff shows up)
Also when you cast Astral SEAL on someone with two shows the buff x2
Death by attrition.
We've done this.. you will never die.. but not enough DPS for any boss that has healers. turns out, burst dps is a must
IGN: DrDoom
CLS: Heretic
SVR: Atlantis
IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f
Maybe you just need some of them as dps specced clerics :P
So? Astral shield, hallowed ground and divine armour stack together. coordinate your skills.
Also when you cast Astral SEAL on someone with two shows the buff x2
Are these just tooltip errors?