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GWF Destroyer/Deep Gash

holsacholsac Member Posts: 104 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Militia Barracks
How important is the Destroyer feat Deep Gash?
The feat that causes bleed damage on a crit.

At first, I was thinking Deep Gash was a 'must have' feat. Then I started thinking and running some dungeons with my newbe GWF and finding myself on add duty. Killing those adds usually did not take a lot of time. So the Deep Gash (bleed) feat would have little effect and usefulness on the adds.

So, is the Bleed effect from Deep Gash worth it for the limited time the GWF is on the Boss?
From my limited experience, I'm tempted to just put those feat points elsewhere, and I would but all the GWF guides seem to say you should have it for the extra damage.

So to bleed or not to bleed. That is the question. :-)
Post edited by holsac on


  • templarknight91templarknight91 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Your Deep Gash deals 62 Physical to Target Dummy. at 4,137 Power.
    372 Dmg total.. worth it? that's up to you, I think so for multiple mobs, AoE bleeds adds up.
    That's at 9% (3 Points invested) ticked 6x.

    Your Deep Gash deals 103 Physical to Target Dummy x6. 618 Dmg total.
    (at 15% all 5 points added)
  • holsacholsac Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For being target dummies, they bleed a lot.

    My question is, GWF seem to be designed to handle adds. Of which, your 62 damage is only going to tick a couple of times on those adds before they die. Wouldn't putting those feat points into some other feat then Deep Gash be better?

    I suppose the real question is, how much time does a GWF get to spend DPSing a boss?
    If it's only a limited amount, I'm leaning to put those points some where else. Just don't know what to do and trying to figure out what's best for 40+ levels.
  • templarknight91templarknight91 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well, the Deep Gash did same 103 Dmg on every Boss I tried and ticked same 6x, I spend all my time on bosses at end of dungeons with a TR unless the group is just bad and needs help on adds I help with adds and knock them down with Avanlanche of Steel, I would still recommend using Deep Gash
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