List of T2 PvP Gear and Weapons compared to Swash/Ancient BiS.
Amount of Grym-Coins needed for PvP Gear: Head & Bracers 45 GC, Chest & Feet 60 GC, Weapons 60 GC x2.
GG PvP set is actually viable except you'll lose tons of Power and Recovery.
The weapons are actually the 2nd best weapon set Rogues can get, behind the Ancient weapons. Some might even prefer the PvP weapons due to having so much Armor Pen.
as far as i know you can get them for the GG PVP coins which you only get from the raid
bpskibbenheimsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 210Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
What about gear that drops out of the dungeons in GG. Any word on what that looks like. I know they said T1 and T2, but any chance it may be more like T1.5 and T2.5, being slightly better than the T1 and T2 that comes out of the epics?
What about gear that drops out of the dungeons in GG. Any word on what that looks like. I know they said T1 and T2, but any chance it may be more like T1.5 and T2.5, being slightly better than the T1 and T2 that comes out of the epics?
Same exact gear you'd get from normal T1 and T2 dungeons. No difference at all. None. It's actually pointless to run the Phase 3 GG dungeons if you're already geared out in T2s and if you're not interested in the GG PvP armor / weapon sets. You need to roll against 4 other people and get no chest of your own like you would during Dungeon Delves.
The only good thing about the T2 GG dungeon is what I said above. It's much shorter in length than normal T2 dungeons, so if you have a good group, you can do 2 maybe even 3 runs during the 30 minutes they allow people to run it.
Trickster Rogue
2296 HP
8 AC
1271 Critical Strike
1271 Armor Penetration
644 Defense
574 Life Steal
2 piece bonus: 450 Life Steal
4 piece bonus: 25% more stealth meter, deal 5% more damage while stealthed
hope it helps
edit: attached a picture.
The weapons are actually the 2nd best weapon set Rogues can get, behind the Ancient weapons. Some might even prefer the PvP weapons due to having so much Armor Pen.
Which means you can't get them at all, as Grym is still down.
There are no raids in this game. Only 5-man dungeons, even in GG. In fact, the T2 GG dungeon is much shorter than normal T2 dungeons.
Same exact gear you'd get from normal T1 and T2 dungeons. No difference at all. None. It's actually pointless to run the Phase 3 GG dungeons if you're already geared out in T2s and if you're not interested in the GG PvP armor / weapon sets. You need to roll against 4 other people and get no chest of your own like you would during Dungeon Delves.
The only good thing about the T2 GG dungeon is what I said above. It's much shorter in length than normal T2 dungeons, so if you have a good group, you can do 2 maybe even 3 runs during the 30 minutes they allow people to run it.