Three days ago my computer was starting to turn off while playing this game(at Protectors Enclave each time), so I decided to check the temps and playing the game at max graphics settings(which is the default recommendation) is now overheating my computer and shutting it down. Everything goes back down to acceptable levels of radiation once I set the game to high middle settings, but the FPS is horrid and the graphics look terrible. I'm using an ASUS G73sw to play NW and the recommended settings are both max, which wasn't a problem until recently when something was done to the game which turned it into a nuclear reactor. I know I won't be reimbursed the $1800 to replace the laptop after it gets fried and playing the game at middle settings just so it won't melt is making me think twice about paying any more real money on it and quite frankly as much of a D&D nerd's come true as NW is, I might have to stop playing it altogether. I don't know what it is that was done to the game recently but as George W. Bush would say, it's "nucular".
Why should I Google something when it only happens while I play a particular game? It doesn't happen when I play Skyrim with HD mods and max settings. Nor does it happen with any other game I play on this computer.
Why should I Google something when it only happens while I play a particular game? It doesn't happen when I play Skyrim with HD mods and max settings. Nor does it happen with any other game I play on this computer.
I agree, why should you educate yourself into what the problem might actually be instead of placing unwarranted blame on the designers of a game.
Also, single player games with heavy graphics have nothing in common with MMO's, this is why you should google a real solution.
I agree, why should you educate yourself into what the problem might actually be instead of placing unwarranted blame on the designers of a game.
Also, single player games with heavy graphics have nothing in common with MMO's, this is why you should google a real solution.
Everything was fine until three days ago and this is the only game that is overheating my computer. And I don't need to Google anything to know how to troubleshoot anything computer related, I already educated myself on computer hardware and computer science in college.
Google solutions to your problem instead of complaining that it is the Devs fault when there is no evidence it is the game.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48340889,d.cGE&fp=e6982711e530edd4&biw=1506&bih=966
The Cryptic engine is very CPU hungry and according to the site I posted the CPU does bottleneck near 100%. Still a nice laptop though.
I agree, why should you educate yourself into what the problem might actually be instead of placing unwarranted blame on the designers of a game.
Also, single player games with heavy graphics have nothing in common with MMO's, this is why you should google a real solution.