Hey all,
As the title states, I'm looking for a nice, mature guild on Beholder. I've solo'd my TR and CW to 60, enjoy PvP and am leveling the three other classes as well (30-40ish now). The plan is to get a full deck of 60's but I'm not sure of my main yet.
I want to do dungeons and Gauntlgrym (eventually) but right now I'm still learning. Communication and coordination is a big thing for me, that's why I am less and less interested in random groups for either dungeons or pvp.
What I'm looking for is a PvE/PvP guild that takes care of its newbies and is in it to have a good time, jokes around but gets seriously down to business when it matters. RP is fine up until the 'thees' and 'thous' becoming mandatory.
Suggestions and reactions to this personal add are very much appreciated, I just hope I don't have to put up a mugshot
Well, I think you could fit smoothly inside <Imba>
Just have a look here about us if you are interested.
Thank you and best regards, Thorfin.