I was wondering if there were any of my fellow TRs who have already seen some of the T2 loot that drops for our class in the Tier 2 Crypts. I have seen on the forums the PvP T2 equiv. Excellent for PvP imo, but I'm wondering about the PvE gear. I don't know myself if I will play the new Gauntlgrym very much. If the gear in the T2 is worth it and beats the CN daggers or Swashbuckling Captain's/Sinister Shade's sets, I will invest my time in it. Not really a fan of the whole idea of PvE/PvP mix. Don't get me wrong, I think it was fun when I tried it earlier today 6-20-13. Yet, I really think that guilds and parties that organize themselves accordingly will dominate every single match and win the rights to the T2 dungeon. So if there is gear worth getting, I'd love to know.
there are no drops - all drops are normal t1/t2 - like sinister armor, etc. and chests only give you grym coins. t1 boss drops unicorn + 1 "old" t1 item, t2 drake seals + 1 "old" t2 item.
only "new" gear you get are the pvp items i posted in my thread "PvP T2 Set/Weapons (comp. to Swash/Ancient Weapons BiS)" and its "pvp t2" for coins. thats it.
edit: at least thats what i know/saw and what mates and other people from my fl told me after 2 gauntlgryms.
fimconteMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Did 4 runs of T1. Saw 2x Mage T1 PvP, 1x Cleric T1, 1x Mage T1 Main-Hand.
So it's possible that T2 drops PvP T2...
Fans Glory to the Gladiators,
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
Thanks all for the replies. I suppose I will do Gauntlgrym at my leisure. I just saw for the first time yesterday Re-enforced Swash bracers on the AH, and I thought it came from T2 Gaunt.
Thanks all for the replies. I suppose I will do Gauntlgrym at my leisure. I just saw for the first time yesterday Re-enforced Swash bracers on the AH, and I thought it came from T2 Gaunt.
The new Grym coins gear is also excellent for stealthy rogues. Just takes a long time to get, although I already saw one helmet up on the AH last night.
The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.
The new Grym coins gear is also excellent for stealthy rogues. Just takes a long time to get, although I already saw one helmet up on the AH last night.
Here on Dragon every new T2 pvp TR piece is on the AH with multiple quantities.
On Mindflayer, I tried to advertise the T2 PvP MH Dagger as the 2nd best, after Ancient. Many troll know-it-alls in Zone chat say it's not even close to 2nd best and attempt to ridicule me for saying it's 2nd best. Little do they know how valuable 217 Armor Pen is on any single piece of gear. Combined with the 2nd highest damage range, T2 PvP daggers are right behind Ancient daggers in terms of overall damage output.
The armor set 4 bonus is amazing. The 1,116 Armor Pen on all 4 pieces is also great. However, you need to give up 2,285 Power and 2,038 compared to full Swashbuckling set... which is a lot to give up for PvE. For PvP, I think the GG set is very viable.
The new Grym coins gear is also excellent for stealthy rogues. Just takes a long time to get, although I already saw one helmet up on the AH last night.
THIS. The new set you buy with Grym coins is worth it, IMHO. Slightly better stats than the old set plus more stealth uptime and more damage while stealthed.
On top of that, the pieces are selling on AH for upwards of 275k AD per. If you don't want to use the set, you can make a pretty penny on it, at least for now.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Definitely getting the set for my rogue (+25% more stealth meter? Ch-yeah!) and for my CW (30% faster cool down on Spell Mastery Slot). Not sure about my GF and GWF. The sets seem decent but a bit sub-par.
Let me dispel the rumour that the dungeons don't drop PvP armor and weapons.
They do, T1 (Fardelver) drops T1 gear, including T1 PvP.
T2 (Dwarf King) drops T2 gear, including T2 PvP.
As far as I've seen, they don't mix like normal dungeons (Dwarf King does not drop T1, only T2), which is pretty good.
Also, the TR PvP T2 set looks bad, just to let u know...
You've seen the Grym coins gear drop from Dwarf King? Neat, I haven't seen that yet.
Compared to Sinister Shade or Swashbuckling Captain, it's not as good of a set at all and certainly not in terms of direct damage. If you're running a full stealth build, it's a rather nice upgrade and carries even more armor penetration than the T1 set.
The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.
If you want a full on TR burst damage build, get the blue helmet and boot piercing that have a ton of arm pen, master assassin chest and bracers for the 2 piece set bonus of 450 power and blue items with arm pen slotted with dark and radiant enchants.
Get a greater/perfect Vorpal and you'll be doing 12k impact shots like it's nothing. A TR with 4k+ power and 2k arm pen hits like a truck especially with overrun critical. Perma-stealth rogues will avoid you once they get a taste of your burst.
Ya it does look nice. Real nice. **** you already got the set? Jesus you work fast lol. That set looks a hell of a lot better than the other. I wish you could not have the mask on though.
So I tried out the GG PvP set today in only one 20 man PvP game. I also tested it on the dummies. The results are mixed..
On one hand, I love the set 4 bonuses of the GG PvP set, the 3k+ extra HP, and of course the crazy amount of Armor Pen is great. On the other hand, the loss of over 2k (while in combat) to both Power and Recovery is very noticable. Regular auto-attack crits are roughly 200 to 400 damage lower when using the GG PvP set compared to the Swashbuckling set. Encounters do roughly 2,000 less damage. Of course these results are not definitive, as I didn't test it properly. It's just what I noticed during a 10 minute practice dummy session and one PvP game.
The Recovery loss is quite severe. Without the Swash set 4 bonus 3 stacks, Encounters' cooldown timer is about 2 seconds longer. With the set 4 bonus, it's about 3-4 seconds longer on each Encounter when using GG PvP set over Swash. This actually matters a great deal in PvP as well as PvE. That 3-4 seconds of waiting on your Encounters to come off cooldown can be the difference between life and death, as well as a kill or having to run away.
Overall, I'd say I enjoyed using the Skulker set for PvP. However, if you're not a gimmicky perma-stealth build and are like me, using a stealthy, defensive, high burst DPS build, it's not a must to get the new GG PvP set over a full Swash set. Again, the longer stealth, 5% extra damage while in stealth, 3k+ HP, and 1k+ Armor Pen are all really nice things to have, but you gotta give up some extra damage and cooldown timers.
This is the result of the one game I played in today, using the GG PvP set. I solo queued and my team was filled with randies, while the enemy team had a premade PvP guild: http://i.imgur.com/2vsK7NF.jpg
caus i have limited play time, i spend most of my time doing PvP and GG PvP.
i find it worth having the new T2 GG PvP set, not only because many smaller upgrades make a big one / a difference in the end,
but also caus i like the looks of it, T2 PvP helm is the first helm i actually don't hide while playing
its also not so bad for them nasty perma stealth TRs, the extra stealth meter u have caus of the bonus is quite nice.
ofc there's a trade-off in power compared to the pve set, but i don't mind
your friendly neighbourhood TR,
Young Bloodb
Young Bloodb
Trickster Rogue
We Chosen Few - Beholder
"You don't quit gaming because you grow old, you grow old because you quit gaming"
only "new" gear you get are the pvp items i posted in my thread "PvP T2 Set/Weapons (comp. to Swash/Ancient Weapons BiS)" and its "pvp t2" for coins. thats it.
edit: at least thats what i know/saw and what mates and other people from my fl told me after 2 gauntlgryms.
So it's possible that T2 drops PvP T2...
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
Reinforced stuff comes from crafting.
Here on Dragon every new T2 pvp TR piece is on the AH with multiple quantities.
The armor set 4 bonus is amazing. The 1,116 Armor Pen on all 4 pieces is also great. However, you need to give up 2,285 Power and 2,038 compared to full Swashbuckling set... which is a lot to give up for PvE. For PvP, I think the GG set is very viable.
THIS. The new set you buy with Grym coins is worth it, IMHO. Slightly better stats than the old set plus more stealth uptime and more damage while stealthed.
On top of that, the pieces are selling on AH for upwards of 275k AD per. If you don't want to use the set, you can make a pretty penny on it, at least for now.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
They do, T1 (Fardelver) drops T1 gear, including T1 PvP.
T2 (Dwarf King) drops T2 gear, including T2 PvP.
As far as I've seen, they don't mix like normal dungeons (Dwarf King does not drop T1, only T2), which is pretty good.
Also, the TR PvP T2 set looks bad, just to let u know...
You've seen the Grym coins gear drop from Dwarf King? Neat, I haven't seen that yet.
Compared to Sinister Shade or Swashbuckling Captain, it's not as good of a set at all and certainly not in terms of direct damage. If you're running a full stealth build, it's a rather nice upgrade and carries even more armor penetration than the T1 set.
if you have the time/motivation you might take a screenshot of the whole set and upload it.
Get a greater/perfect Vorpal and you'll be doing 12k impact shots like it's nothing. A TR with 4k+ power and 2k arm pen hits like a truck especially with overrun critical. Perma-stealth rogues will avoid you once they get a taste of your burst.
I just happen to have a screenshot of the set, it actually looks pretty cool in my opinion =D
On one hand, I love the set 4 bonuses of the GG PvP set, the 3k+ extra HP, and of course the crazy amount of Armor Pen is great. On the other hand, the loss of over 2k (while in combat) to both Power and Recovery is very noticable. Regular auto-attack crits are roughly 200 to 400 damage lower when using the GG PvP set compared to the Swashbuckling set. Encounters do roughly 2,000 less damage. Of course these results are not definitive, as I didn't test it properly. It's just what I noticed during a 10 minute practice dummy session and one PvP game.
The Recovery loss is quite severe. Without the Swash set 4 bonus 3 stacks, Encounters' cooldown timer is about 2 seconds longer. With the set 4 bonus, it's about 3-4 seconds longer on each Encounter when using GG PvP set over Swash. This actually matters a great deal in PvP as well as PvE. That 3-4 seconds of waiting on your Encounters to come off cooldown can be the difference between life and death, as well as a kill or having to run away.
Overall, I'd say I enjoyed using the Skulker set for PvP. However, if you're not a gimmicky perma-stealth build and are like me, using a stealthy, defensive, high burst DPS build, it's not a must to get the new GG PvP set over a full Swash set. Again, the longer stealth, 5% extra damage while in stealth, 3k+ HP, and 1k+ Armor Pen are all really nice things to have, but you gotta give up some extra damage and cooldown timers.
Anyway, here's some screenies of the GG PvP set:
Unbuffed, no augment pet:
This is the result of the one game I played in today, using the GG PvP set. I solo queued and my team was filled with randies, while the enemy team had a premade PvP guild:
caus i have limited play time, i spend most of my time doing PvP and GG PvP.
i find it worth having the new T2 GG PvP set, not only because many smaller upgrades make a big one / a difference in the end,
but also caus i like the looks of it, T2 PvP helm is the first helm i actually don't hide while playing
its also not so bad for them nasty perma stealth TRs, the extra stealth meter u have caus of the bonus is quite nice.
ofc there's a trade-off in power compared to the pve set, but i don't mind
your friendly neighbourhood TR,
Young Bloodb
Trickster Rogue
We Chosen Few - Beholder
"You don't quit gaming because you grow old, you grow old because you quit gaming"