Wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of a build for the GWF now that the big patch has been done. Looking for a build that will be good for pvp! Thanx
Wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of a build for the GWF now that the big patch has been done. Looking for a build that will be good for pvp! Thanx
In PvP your two best options are a Sentinel build or the Destroyer 'Stun-Lock' build. I believe the Sentinel works better PvE overall then the Destroyer 'Stun-Lock' build, as the survivability is super sweet... But that is just me.
What server are you on? If you are Beholder feel free to hit me up and I'd be happy to chat about GWFs as I have two tricked out level 60 builds one Sentinel and that other an Instigator spec. My handle is @MakeCocktailsNotWar :cool:
As a sentinel, you can still use the same abilities to stunlock. You just need to delay your attack sequence a little bit. (let them get up first!)
I tend to keep bravery up in Destroyer spec due to the survivability. I've been testing our Spinning blades with my lowbie in pvp and I must say I'm surprised. If I proc it at 10% health, I can survive 3vs1 during it's entire time. If you have takedown/health/unstoppable ready, you can go even longer.
@kolatmaster what at-wills do you use for sentinel pve and pvp? also what enchantments and stats should i be focusing on?
At-Wills for PvE/PvP are the same for me in my build: Sure Strike and Weapon Master Strike
Enchantments, depends on your Con stat really and how much you need to stack in Dark Enchantments in Offensive Slots for Armor Pen (This also takes into account Offensive Slots you have from either an Ioun Stone or a Cat, and I use the Ioun Stone).
Stats are similar, as you want Recovery at 3k, Crit Strike at 3k, and Arm Pen at 2200-2400 equivalent (again matters on Con Stat and helpful stat info found here). Power is good for damage, but the other 3 come first, and I wouldn't use any Enchantment slots on Radiant Enchantments, not worth it IMO for Sentinel. I like to mix it up with Defense at around 2500-3k/Deflect 1500-2k, and a smattering of Life Steal and Movement (Dark) Enchantments in my Utility slots.
What server are you on? If you are Beholder feel free to hit me up and I'd be happy to chat about GWFs as I have two tricked out level 60 builds one Sentinel and that other an Instigator spec. My handle is @MakeCocktailsNotWar :cool:
I tend to keep bravery up in Destroyer spec due to the survivability. I've been testing our Spinning blades with my lowbie in pvp and I must say I'm surprised. If I proc it at 10% health, I can survive 3vs1 during it's entire time. If you have takedown/health/unstoppable ready, you can go even longer.
Enchantments, depends on your Con stat really and how much you need to stack in Dark Enchantments in Offensive Slots for Armor Pen (This also takes into account Offensive Slots you have from either an Ioun Stone or a Cat, and I use the Ioun Stone).
Stats are similar, as you want Recovery at 3k, Crit Strike at 3k, and Arm Pen at 2200-2400 equivalent (again matters on Con Stat and helpful stat info found here). Power is good for damage, but the other 3 come first, and I wouldn't use any Enchantment slots on Radiant Enchantments, not worth it IMO for Sentinel. I like to mix it up with Defense at around 2500-3k/Deflect 1500-2k, and a smattering of Life Steal and Movement (Dark) Enchantments in my Utility slots.
Hope that helps a bit!
Bravery and Weapon Master for sure, the Sentinel build buffs to them are superb.