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Crit chance or APen

ignaciosllignaciosll Member Posts: 11 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Thieves' Den
Hi guys!

I'm trying to understand a bit more about how the different stats affects the rogues performance on PvP, i've checked the sticky's, but never quite got the way around Armor penetration and critical chance. My build is a traditional Dex/Str lashing blade, currently the stats i'm stacking are Power and crit chance up to 50%. In regards to APen, is it worth? Would it be better to stack APen over crit chance?

Any input would be welcome!

Post edited by ignaciosll on


  • crysara84crysara84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Actually I would stack APen over Power instead of Crit.

    ArPen is definitely nice, maybe even get more than the usual ~2,2k if you focus more on PvP.

    Before I would stack any Power in PvP, I would rather get more hitpoints or more deflection...
  • sforcessforces Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    forget armor pen imho.

    Crit til 40%,, 50% if you're ambitious
    and then stack that lifesteal.


    Who do you need armour pen for? tanks, gwf and maybe...clerics if they pop shields.

    Fact is, when you fight tanks, you'll just stack bleeding damage which ignores armour, wait til hes 35% hp then Shocking execute him.
    GWF are pretty easily out maneuvered 1v1 that ive seen so they really aren't too much of a threat.

    and with everything else, daze + lashing blade will take them down to about 25-30% if you do it right and then you just rely on your other skills.

    Now why lifesteal? You won't notice it immediately but the 10%+ hp recov you get from damage, is enough of a small boost to help you win if you're good at what you do ESPECIALLY against tanks and gwf

    And I know some people will be like "oh you're a troll!" but I think in pvp sometimes people lose perspective and think "I must kill everything" when in all actuality, as long as your team is good, kill 2 of theirs, turn it into a 3v5 and you win that team battle. If its an even team your goal is to decimate the CW and then the tr or the cleric your choice.

    I laugh when I see trs with tons of armour pen going for the tanks. In other games like LoL you'll get trolled like crazy if you ignore the major dps
  • ignaciosllignaciosll Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I hear you sforces, thanks for the feedback... But at present state all my pvp is PUGS..... and to get a nice team in PUGS is like seeing Jesus Christ himself..... A bloody miracle...

    Up to now, im going for power and that ambitous 50% crit :)

    After that, some mobility and lifesteal.

    Thx for the input guys!
  • healhamstahealhamsta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 572 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    sforces wrote: »
    Fact is, when you fight tanks, you'll just stack bleeding damage which ignores armour, wait til hes 35% hp then Shocking execute him.

    Good luck stacking bleed on a competent & well geared GF.
    Delve loot murdered my TR, DC, & GWF. Nerf Plox:
    I know that it sucks to no longer get gear to sell from the Dungeon Delve chest but it was truly overpowered.
  • fimcontefimconte Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sforces wrote: »
    forget armor pen imho.

    Crit til 40%,, 50% if you're ambitious
    and then stack that lifesteal.


    Who do you need armour pen for? tanks, gwf and maybe...clerics if they pop shields.

    Fact is, when you fight tanks, you'll just stack bleeding damage which ignores armour, wait til hes 35% hp then Shocking execute him.
    GWF are pretty easily out maneuvered 1v1 that ive seen so they really aren't too much of a threat.

    and with everything else, daze + lashing blade will take them down to about 25-30% if you do it right and then you just rely on your other skills.

    Now why lifesteal? You won't notice it immediately but the 10%+ hp recov you get from damage, is enough of a small boost to help you win if you're good at what you do ESPECIALLY against tanks and gwf

    And I know some people will be like "oh you're a troll!" but I think in pvp sometimes people lose perspective and think "I must kill everything" when in all actuality, as long as your team is good, kill 2 of theirs, turn it into a 3v5 and you win that team battle. If its an even team your goal is to decimate the CW and then the tr or the cleric your choice.

    I laugh when I see trs with tons of armour pen going for the tanks. In other games like LoL you'll get trolled like crazy if you ignore the major dps

    Every class with even minimum pvp gear has at least ~15% damage resist.

    +15% damage for ~1500-1600 rating is INSANE value, no other stat will give you that.

    For defence slots I can see the benefit of Life Steal, but I prefer HP, since there's plenty of LS on T2/Ancient weapons.
    For normal PvP gear that has HP or for Perma Stealth build, I can see how LS could be more desirable.
    Fans Glory to the Gladiators,
    Gods Glory to the Heroes.

    TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
    GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
  • adfanujnadfanujn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    fimconte wrote: »
    Every class with even minimum pvp gear has at least ~15% damage resist.

    +15% damage for ~1500-1600 rating is INSANE value, no other stat will give you that.

    For defence slots I can see the benefit of Life Steal, but I prefer HP, since there's plenty of LS on T2/Ancient weapons.
    For normal PvP gear that has HP or for Perma Stealth build, I can see how LS could be more desirable.

    Agreed, ArPen is the best value up to your targets mitigation value.
  • cichardcichard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    PvE: Crit to 50%, armor pen till 20% then power. I have about 15% life steal already just from my gear no need to enchant life steal. As for weapon enchant its hard to say I run vorpal because i run with CW that has Plague Fire and since they don't stack anymore Vorpal is the best i could think of since i have 50% crit.
  • kurahavikurahavi Member Posts: 87
    edited June 2013
    sforces wrote: »
    forget armor pen imho.
    Fact is, when you fight tanks, you'll just stack bleeding damage which ignores armour, wait til hes 35% hp then Shocking execute him.

    Haven't done testing on pvp, but I doubt bleed mechanism changes in PvP. Bleed damage definitely is reduced by armor. Now the thing is when you are hitting the object with other attack while bleed ticks, the bleed damage is affected by arp. Now if you think the bleed damage this way the stacks 1-10 are ALWAYS affected by arp, but when you're not hitting the target, then the bleed has reduced damage by armor. Meaning you're doing sum of ( 1 - > 10 ) = ( 1 + 10 ) / 2 * 10 = 55 x base damage of bleed with arp on them. Surely it is only 5.5 times 10th stack bleed, but I doubt you can upkeep bleed in pvp that long anyways. On damage wise, we are talking about 55 x 200 = 11k base damage and higher if any of the bleeds crit only from the stacking, meaning there will be more bleed hits than this. If I were to play my cleric in PvP, I would go something like 3k defense + AS + foresight = roughly 75% damage reduction, without AS 50%. And on AS down time I would use Forgemasters on you that would tick me at least 2k hp x 3 + miracle healer set x 3 = roughly 10k hp.

    Now this is a highly theoretical situation, since if TR would use smoking bomb/dazing strike, I wouldn't be able to do half of this. Also if we are thinking this on damage perspective, 10 stacks of bleed = roughly 3 rotations of DF. This equals roughly ( ~350 * 9 + ~1200 * 2 ) * 3 = ( ~3200 + ~2400 ) * 3 = ~17k base damage. Now we have roughly 30k damage during 3 rotations, this is damage that where crit doesn't count nor it is reduced by armor. So this is damage that is affected by your crit.

    Im still just pointing out this is more of a theory crafting not really opinion of someone who has large amounts of pvp experience. You are probably running something like smoke bomb / dazing strike - lashing blade - shadow strike. So the only enoucnters that would be doing damage would be dazing strike and lashing blade. So crit pretty much only helps dazing strike, since lashing is automatically crit when used from stealth. So crit is pretty much only for your at wills, but then again cloud of steel is most likely going to be your main source of damage.

    Now we could think about arp. Lets assume the following, that people are generally thinking when they are building for pvp. Now I have only tier 5 gear on my rogue, so it is bit bad to use that as a base defense, but even with this gear I am getting 13.8% damage reduction from that defense. My total damage resistance would be 17.3%. Now I am not 100% sure if this 17.3% is the damage reduction, you can drop with arp but if I had gear from t2 / gauntlgrym pvp, I guess the end defense goes up to roughly 20%? Now it would require testing, if this AC-bonus is also armor penetrable, and that is something I wont be doing, but if you think about this in a whole. Now if you mix ppl that do both pve and pvp, it is easy to think that rogues should not build defense. Most pve players try to hit that 24% arp anyways, so majority of the points put on extra defense will most likely be reduced. Now if we assume that most people think this way, then majority of CWs and TRs should be running with bare minimum defense. Now with this in mind you should go with bare minimum of 20% arp, if the armor from AC is penetrable, if not then you should probably go something like at least 15% arp, im just guessing how much t2 armors give damage reduction to TR.

    Next stat to think about would be power. On PvE side power is definitely not that great of a stat, because bleed seems to be completely unaffected by how much power you have. It hits pretty much same damage with 1500 power as it does with 3k power. Now on PvP side cloud of steel being your major damage source, 1500 power gives something like 5% damage increase in both lashing and cloud of steel. I am not sure if the damage on these skills scale linearly, but if we assume that every 1500 power would increase the damage by 5% then 4.5k extra power would give roughly 15% extra damage, which would be pretty much same as 1700 arp does. On the other hand 15% of this extra damage, 50% would be crit with crit, so we could guess that with roughly 100% CS this would mean extra 7.5% damage.

    Ok I think I will end here with my thoughts, just remember I do not play PvP so most of my thoughts/conclusions could be wrong.
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