All but (G) are available through the Zen Market; a single purchase gets you a stack of four (enough to fully dye four items). The Celestial Grace pack comes from Ardent Coins, one of the currencies acquired through prayer, and you only get one per purchase rather than a stack of four. There is also a Nightmare Dye Pack available via Tarmalune Trade Bars, which I assume are an endgame currency; as such, I've not been able to preview that one yet.
(H) Blue Dye Bottle
(I) Red Dye Bottle
(J) Purple Dye Bottle
(K) Black Dye Bottle
(L) Pink Dye Bottle
(M) Green Dye Bottle
All of the above come from the Zen Market in packs of four. A number of basic colors are conspicuously absent, but perhaps they'll be rotated in as new content for the store.
(A) Neverwintan Royal Dye Pack
(B) Crimson Dusk Dye Pack
(C) Ebon Darkness Dye Pack
(D) Emerald Dragonscale Dye Pack
(E) Paragon Noble Dye Pack
(F) Winterwolf Dye Pack
(G) Celestial Grace Dye Pack
All but (G) are available through the Zen Market; a single purchase gets you a stack of four (enough to fully dye four items). The Celestial Grace pack comes from Ardent Coins, one of the currencies acquired through prayer, and you only get one per purchase rather than a stack of four. There is also a Nightmare Dye Pack available via Tarmalune Trade Bars, which I assume are an endgame currency; as such, I've not been able to preview that one yet.
(H) Blue Dye Bottle
(I) Red Dye Bottle
(J) Purple Dye Bottle
(K) Black Dye Bottle
(L) Pink Dye Bottle
(M) Green Dye Bottle
All of the above come from the Zen Market in packs of four. A number of basic colors are conspicuously absent, but perhaps they'll be rotated in as new content for the store.
€dit: here we go