Female characters get to have sexy/revealing clothing - but the males are all covered up and everything is atrocious. The closest a male outfit comes to showing the amount of flesh that the female counterpart bares is the courtesan outfit, with the open shirt.
As an androsexual, I'd really love the chance to oggle the male characters as much as the gynosexuals have opportunity to oggle females. You have some really skilled graphic and costume designers, and I find quite a few of the female outfits aesthetically pleasing, like the female jester outfit, but the male versions tend towards shapeless and baggy where the female version has a third of the "fabric" used. Even the armour is different - it's obvious the female armour is made for titillation, and the male armour hides as much skin as possible in contrast. It doesn't make sense that one gender must be fully protected, where the other is hypersexualised.
Please, please, don't take this as a thread demanding sexy outfits be nerfed - I want them available for both genders. Equality in sexual objectification!