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Foundry Idea: Will it be accepted by devs?

superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Foundry
Hey everyone,

I have had so many instances in pugs in Castle Never where I would dash or simply walk out of the hands or other reds, turn around, and watch many people fly in the air and die. My rage watching this has become more constructive than destructive (as usually people will blurt curse words and call names, which I have refrained by just saying "dodge (enter) red".

I want to be even more constructive, so I decided I want to make a foundry called "Learn to Dodge the Red". I want to create a situation where there will be waves of monsters that are obviously overwhelming, and require the player to dodge as much as they can. After a time limit, the monsters die and the next, more difficult wave comes.

First, code wise, is this possible? Do monsters have to be killed by player or can they be killed by my code?

Second, will the devs accept this Foundry or deny it?

I know this is a situation that affects every player in Neverwinter. I want to better our players because not everyone has had the chance to play Demons Souls or Dark Souls and ascend their dodging skills. What do you guys think?

Post edited by superrioisk on


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    wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You can use timers by having a guard encounter in a room the player can't access, and spawning weak enemy encounters in that room. Have an encounter spawn in the same room as the hero, then a weak one in the timer room with the guards. Have the encounter the hero has to dodge attacks from disappear when the one in the timer room is completed/killed by the guards. At that time have two more spawn, one in the room with the hero, another in the room with the guards. You could probably go through like 20 levels like this on one map.
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    redneckroninredneckronin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They could be made to disappear if they reach certain point I think.

    So if they force the player backwards and reach "point x" they would disappear, but if the player tries to tough it out and stands his ground then they won't disappear without being killed.

    You could try using one of the "Off Screen Timer" tricks from the Foundry DM's Studio "Quest" (link below), but as I've never played with them I am not sure how effective they would be for what you want.


    Not sure what you mean by "will the devs accept this Foundry or deny it".

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    wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here's another idea to keep people from winning by just sitting there and waiting until the encounters quit spawning. Have the player spawn in one room, then walk through a hall to another room and have the first encounters spawn when they reach that room. Once they reach that room, spawn a wall/static door behind them so that if they die, they end up trapped in the room where they respawn, and have to exit out, then start the map over again. This way they can only win by actually surviving through the whole thing. Otherwise, the respawn would make the map pointless.
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    mosby1mosby1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 288 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    You could certainly use a timer to remove the encounter. However, you probably don't want a "drop-timer" like the one I show in DM's Studio -- it's designed for faster ticks (to support pseudo-animation effects). It might work, if you have the mob patrol to his death (that's the approach I would try).

    You could use a classic mob vs guard timer, but those are very hard to get consistent, since they scale with player level.

    I don't think you can make an encounter disappear when the mobs reach a certain location, but you could make them disappear when the player gets to a location. But that would also be tricky, and easy for the player to avoid the combat completely.

    You might be able to create a platform with no curbs/walls, and if the mob knocks the player off, it would kill them. That would make the player have to be very careful to dodge those knock-back attacks. If you do something like that though, I would suggest you ease the player into it - either by having an NPC explain it, or having "preview" encounters with the same type of mob, but in a safe area (like an arena with a border, but no fall-to-the-death).
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