What's sad is I can't send a legitimate mail to someone if they aren't on my friend's list because of the protocol they've used to block spammers since I'm not a high enough level to write a message on a piece of parchment and hand it to the courier apparently, yet we're all still getting spammed by gold sellers.
You'd think a rogue with 20 something dexterity would be fully capable of writing a letter and handing it to somebody. But nope, I need to level up some more to do that...
Seriously, I'm having to put someone on ignore every 30-45 seconds.
Any plans in the works to fix this?
They did implement a plan. It seems they put an automated chat scanner/filter that looks for keywords, specifically the names of known gold spammers.
I know this because I just got banned for venting my frustration at one of the spammers because I couldn't read the portal event trades being posted by players. I put something like, "STOP THENAMEOFTHESPAMMERSITE!!" ...and I got instantly banned. Now because of venting my frustration, I cant even participate in the event.
Be very careful NOT to type the names of any gold spamming websites in the chat, just take a deep breath instead, its not worth the ban.
Yep I usually never put anyone on ignore but my ignore page has probably two hundred names on it and growing daily.
They did implement a plan. It seems they put an automated chat scanner/filter that looks for keywords, specifically the names of known gold spammers.
I know this because I just got banned for venting my frustration at one of the spammers because I couldn't read the portal event trades being posted by players. I put something like, "STOP THENAMEOFTHESPAMMERSITE!!" ...and I got instantly banned. Now because of venting my frustration, I cant even participate in the event.
Be very careful NOT to type the names of any gold spamming websites in the chat, just take a deep breath instead, its not worth the ban.
I'm going to make a post about this momentarily.