So I'm on of the top three entries in this contest:
See here, order by most votes:
The winners I think were just picked by the devs, what was the point of the voting system? I know having voting is flawed to begin with, since it's more of a popularity contest then a showcase. However why even have the option if they were just going to pick whatever they wanted in the end anyway.
Just a little peeved that I watched this contest all week/ weekend asking all my friends to vote for me everyday, just to come in the top three then get an honorable mention.
I probably won't be participating in anything like this in the future.
A bit disappointing, I was going to give the prize to my friend if I won since I already have founders pack. I wish they would have posted the rules clearer.
While I don't agree with some of the runners-up, I think the top 3 are all solid picks. Count yourself lucky you even got the title. A lot of good entries didn't even get that.
That doesn't sound like you got votes on merit, so probably just as well the decision was left to other people.
1. Friend sees / votes for pic.
2. Friend checks out a few other pics.
3. Friend starts to think that all those cool pics might be from a game they want to check out.
4.Friend starts playing Neverwinter, maybe even spends some cash...
How is it fair to other people that someone can win simply by who has the most friends they can talk into voting for them? Sounds like the guy is sore because he wasn't able to game the system like he was counting on.
Partially, I would say. The voting engages both players and non-players. It has the benefit of having players reach out to the non-players and (ideally for PWE) turn them into paying customers. Yay for free advertising!
That being said, it does encourage players to get involved and rewards them for being successful at it (even if it is just a title - it's a title only 30 people have).