Listen to my prayers, oh my dear Programmer Dieties of Faerun,
I am (but you sure know, as you are the Programmer Deieties of Faerun) Jambra the Bard, journeyman from Baldur's Gate and writers of epics for the great library everyone around call "Wiki".
As a great lover of the lore, i found myself in need to take a look more than once to my diary.
However i found that, for some sort of evil curse, it doesnt really work as it had to.
Every quest i accomplished for any fellow, humble or powerfull, seem to have been done around the same period and everything seems to share the same glory, being however them much different.
This is so frustrating, oh great and powerfull and everything Programmer Dieties of Faerun, because i hade more than once to look for my notes in the past and it was so difficult.
Moreover they are not just unorganized, but they also contain just a small part (the first one) of the dialogues, wich makes even more difficult to find the information.
So difficult that i had more than once to call upon tha mighty power of You-Scrystone to look for someone else's adventure to scry and take the drawings I use to make the "Wiki" better.
So, oh mighty and powerfull Programmer Dieties of Faerun, answer to the call of a humble but brave 4-feet tall faithfull devotee to Neverwinter cause, and make my Journal shine in efficiency, with all the dialogues and the quests in the right order and level, divided by area.
Thanks oh great... ok you understood
Personally I wouldn't mind if the Lore subsection was a bit better organized (say, enable sorting to show the newest or the oldest notes one has acquired), and then we also have Achievements which are currently very uninspiring, unrewarding, plus not too convenient to browse.
Btw Jambra, you should stop using invisible ink!
In the great library of Wiki you'll find many of my creations, such as the pages about Makos, the Nashers, the Many-Arrows tribe... and i'm actually gathering lore to write about many more things, including the cult of Kelemvor, the Spellplague, the Ashmadai and the connections between Neverwinter, the famous tabletop game "Dungeons and Dragons" and the other games set on Faerun...