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Release Notes: NW.3.20130529z.14

heyrogersheyrogers Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 180 Cryptic Developer
Valindra's Invasion
  • The visual effects of the exploding portals have been vastly optimized.
  • A memory leak in the visual effects of zombie attacks has been addressed.

Devoted Cleric
  • Astral Shield's visual effects are now less overwhelming.
  • Feat: Healing Step: Addressed a typo in the tooltip.
  • Feat: Sovereign Justice: Addressed a display issue with the tooltip.

Great Weapon Fighter
  • Constitution now properly increases Armor Penetration.

Guardian Fighter
  • Dexterity now properly increases Armor Penetration.

  • Another cause of players sometimes having two Companions at once has been addressed.
  • One cause of Companions being left behind in Protector's Enclave has been addressed.

Quests and Environments
Protector's Enclave
  • Several mailboxes have been added to Protector's Enclave. They work just like the Postal Courier for the purpose of taking items from mail, and show up as Postal Courier on the map.

Blacklake District
  • The Dead Rats: The gates in this instance now have a two second interaction time. This addresses an issue where multiple players could interact with the gates at once, causing them to close before they even tried to open.

Blackdagger Ruins
  • A Leaky Proposition: The quest objective now leads to all six boats. No waypoints are left behind.

Neverdeath Graveyard
  • The Undead and the Dying: There is no longer a rogue invisible wall blocking progress in the Soldier's Tomb.

Icespire Peak
  • The Frozen Heart: An area where players could jump out of the gameplay area has been patched up.

Mount Hotenow
  • Caverns of Karrundax: Karrundax has updated audio in her intro cutscene.

Castle Never
  • It is no longer quite as trivial to skip the third boss.

  • The Achievements tab in the Journal UI may now be scrolled.
  • The reward window when opening boxes like the Adventurer's Reward now shows an "OK" instead of "Close" button to make it more clear that the contents of that reward will be accepted upon closing the window.
  • Zen Market: The Buy button and popup dialogs now properly take sale prices into account.

  • "For Review" searches now have a limit of returned results in a single search.
  • When changing the type of an Encounter, the properties on the individual actors now reset. A warning message will allow authors to back out if they have second thoughts.

  • Auctions without Bid values now display a "N/A" value in the Bid column, instead of -1.
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