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SHADOW- Roleplay Guild

chonkuschonkus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Guild & Alliance Recruitment (PC)

If you are interested in our guild please apply through a simple form here:



SHADOW is a medium-RP, story-focused guild. We encourage and want role players of all shapes and sizes to join us.

We are on the Mindflayer shard.

Our general theme is that we are an underground, secret cabal, focused on making all members rich and powerful, and most of all uncovering Neverwinter's deepst, darkest secrets.

But, we also have a history of charity to the poor (a Robin Hood type of angle), as well as deep research into the arcane and powerful magic.

We have several divisions within the guild to suit all character types, including a Covert division (spies, scams, vice), a Political division (bribery of officials, diplomacy, alliances), a Security division (strong-arm, protection, security, man-at-arms and mercenaries) and a knowledge/research division (lore, religion, arcane artifacts, undiscovered magic).

SHADOW is a large, secretive cabal, that lurks in a comfortable but secret lair, somewhere in Neverwinter. They are, at first glance, a Thieves Guild, organizing rogues, cat burglars and henchmen into an organized collective that provides profit and security for all its members.

However, there is more to SHADOW than meets the eye. For example, SHADOW are also a source of hope for the poor and disenfranchised. SHADOW provides food and shelter to the truly needy, as well as ensuring those who exploit the people of Neverwinter, are brought to vigilante justice.

In return, SHADOW receives valuable information and inside "dope" from the citizens on the street, as well alibis, cover stories and double-agents to serve their purpose and profit.

But deeper within SHADOW lie even greater aspiration and devotion.

Legend has it that SHADOW have members that seek and crave powerful artifacts. There are also claims that their library is rich with ancient lore, myth and magic. SHADOW have been known to delve deep into the darkest and most dangerous dungeons, ever-seeking power, fame and fortune.

Their members include Alchemists, Assassins, Fighters, Wizards, Sorcerers and the holy apostles of Oghma who value knowledge and lore above all things.

It is this thirst for knowledge and their lust for deep secrets that truly fuels their cause.

Empowerment through knowledge and prosperity for all who labor for it.

Won't you join us in our quest?

Shadow Portal - Our main guild portal.

Join Us! - Our recruitment application, it is fast and simple!

About Shadow - More summary information, for those who like to delve deep into guild literature before making a decision!

Shadow - Recruitment Video #2 - Our brand new "trailer", that gives you a recap of what SHADOW is about and provides some additional information. This is just the start, expect more videos of our actual adventures as the game launches.

SHADOW - Recruitment Video #1 - This is just a short "recruitment" video for the guild, but it's fun, please have a look! When we get in the game, we'll be able to craft better videos, as we grab from the game directly and produce "recap" videos each month of our major story lines.

Code of Conduct - Our "code of conduct" how we expect guild members to behave out-of-character to ensure a civil, drama-free, but fun guild for everyone.

RP GUIDE - A small "Player's Handbook", to help RPers have fun with our guild. This is particularly useful for people new to RP. This document is still a work-in-progress.

SHADOW - Lore & History - This is a long Wiki page that goes into great detail about SHADOW's legacy and its lore. SHADOW has a history that spans back centuries into Forgotten Realm's history. Learn SHADOW's humble beginnings and how it has had a place in Faerun history ever since.

PM me if you have any additional questions, or simply post a reply to this thread.

Thank you!
- A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
Post edited by chonkus on


  • sigilaesigilae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Very nice setup, Magnus! Don't forget, people, Nexus's leader owns an Astral Ship.... Be nice to him and he might let you ride on it.....

    Citizen of Haven's Point!
  • chonkuschonkus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    We just released our eighth comic. It's a SHADOW tradition for our guild master to use guild events to incorporate our members who arrive into our guild lore through comics. Here is the cover from our most recent issue:


    Check out our comics page by either clicking here or on the image above!
    - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
  • marzipanikmarzipanik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Personally...I would love to know why my membership on the Shadow website was removed when I still actively play and check threads. If someone could add that back in, I would appreciate it.
  • chonkuschonkus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Your account was removed because you sent me a PM explaining why you decided to leave the guild. If you want to discuss it further you may send me a PM on the enjin system (our website) but please not here. This is a recruitment thread.
    - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
  • adinstraadinstra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    " The Lord of Murder shall, perish but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny.

    Chaos will be sown from their passage..." -So sayeth the wise Alaundo
  • adinstraadinstra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    We are looking for people that are skilled with the foundry as well, if your interested in our guild feel free to join us all are welcome. Would love to have you with us :)
  • chonkuschonkus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    That's right, if you're a foundry editor you'll find a whole audience in our guild that will not only play your quest, but immerse itself in the storyline you create! And whether you are a foundry editor or not you can play a role in shaping our lore!
    - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
  • sigilaesigilae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There are MORE than enough ways for people to shape the lore without being a foundry author! After all, Look at me. I created one of our main enemies, Dark Vigil. Essentially a corrupted version of SHADOW based in the Underdark, filled with Mindflayer's and thralls. And I have never made a foundry quest!

    Citizen of Haven's Point!
  • chonkuschonkus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    All of our OOC structural decisions are made by democratic elections. Every week we hold a vote on key topics such as recruitment and alt policies, RP points, major canon decisions, and more!

    Soon we'll be having a vote on whether our guild will side with the Luskan Corsairs or the Delzoun Explorers.
    - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
  • sentrickvoluptuasentrickvoluptua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Help battle slavery!
    Join SHADOW!


    ...And um, there's a commissioned pic of me battling slavery, lol.
  • dioraneldioranel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I know lots of lasses fighting slavers in heels Duchess. heh

    Shadow is an excellent RP guild and we all have a lot of fun together.
  • boboddbobodd Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hi, intresting sounding guild, sent chonkus a PM with some questions but thought id say here too
  • sentrickvoluptuasentrickvoluptua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Have you ever woke up in the morning and thought to yourself, "I really want to play some Neverwinter, but there's something missing..."
    That something may be community!

    And I'm not talkin' community like those OTHER leading guilds offer. The kind of community where you get on once and a while and people who you barely know say "sup," and you go about your day.
    I'm talking about a structured community. A loving community. A community that celebrates your character, and frequently holds events to give YOU opportunity to delve not only deeper into Neverwinter, but deeper into your character's mind.
    And that's a good thing, unless your character's mind is a torrent of unholy nightmares.
    In which case, be careful. That sounds pretty dangerous. What's wrong with you? I think you have a problem.

    But SHADOW cares about you and your problems. OTHER GUILDS don't have time fo' dat. Isn't it odd that other guilds hate you so much? Maybe you should join SHADOW!

    OTHER leading guilds plot against you, thinking of ways they can ruin your fun by boring you to death. They plot in secret, specifically against you (whoever is reading this), and snicker whenever you log off after only being online for a few minutes.
    And what makes matters worse, they lie about their intentions!
    Go ahead! Ask them if they're out to get you. THEY'LL DENY IT!

    SHADOW is a different sort of guild.
    Go ahead, check out our web smattering: http://nwshadow.enjin.com/home
    Looks pretty community oriented, doesn't it?
    But you're only seeing the tip of the iceberg! Much of the content is viewable to members only!
    And if you don't join, that iceberg could come careening straight into your ship of bad decision, USS FAIL-TO-JOIN, and you'll sink along with it to the bottom of the sea of inactive guilds.

    Do you want to join "HCG?" Of course you don't! That's insane, what's wrong with you?
    How about join the drow-only "Xx Drizzit Fanclub #227 xX?" Yeah, because drow-only guilds TOTALLY have a variety of role play opportunity. That's sarcasm. I specify it's sarcasm because if you actually think a drow-only guild is a good idea, you probably aren't smart enough to tell what sarcasm is.
    No, how about join SHADOW!
    Let's do this people.
    Let's do this.

  • sentrickvoluptuasentrickvoluptua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Are you tired of the daily routine of washing and drying? Fixed on
    income but not on detergent?

    SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. can make you a second income stream that
    will impress well wishers and approach nay sayers with stardom!!

    Work from home!! Make $40 a week!! One-Two-Three--Here we go!!

    Just send this email to 40 of your nearest friend. One at a time
    please, no Voluptuas. NO VOLUPTUAS!

    I was a 45-55 year old female dying of cancer before SHADOW
    CORPORATION LLC,,. brought me stardom that fixed!! The stardom I
    deserved? nwshadow.enjin dot com was all it took to get me
    back on my feet. New house, new job, best results from SHADOW

    Once we receive from our beta test email program that your headers
    have reached 4,000 of your closest best, we will start the stream
    ahead. Second Income Street dot com will make you a (??--??)ionaire
    for the dreams! Scroll down this page and count to 3. The Stream
    won't come true if you don't forward all HEADERS to 40 of them.
    Again, we're sorry, but due to tender FCC regulations AMERICAN

    "This is guy is on top!!" Proven from testimony:

    "Absolutely all the way! nwshadow.enjin dot com really
    - Magnus

    "What is it? Money from both sides? Let's start SHADOW
    CORPORATION LLC,,. off with a start!"
    - Show

    "I can't remember the last time nwshadow.enjin dot com
    didn't help out my stardom. Financial stardom numero ONE!"
    - Vin Disel


    We're just starting out. Welcome SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,.
    towards you with generous stardom. Once you begin the second
    stream, we can get underway. Watch as you receive up to (one)
    check a month for as much as $40 each way.

    SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. in conjunction with nwshadow.enjin dot com.

    - Sentrick Voluptua

    ****License Disclaimer: Viewing/Deleting/Forwarding of this
    email are prohibited under VOLUPTUA 4 of Federal Internet
    Communication Act passed January 21, 2000. 56.7.9 Article 47
    b-d of Santa Clause 8F. Under full penalty of law, violators
    of Aricle 47 b-d may face up to years in prism or 30 day
    money-back guarantee. By accepting this agreement you hold
    you and your _______ liable for any and only litigation
    brought forth from SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. Entering into
    this agreement binds you under common law marriage to Gent
    Delabor Sr. and his (3) blood relatives [Rode Delabor],
    [Mark Delabor],[Leg Delabor]. If any or all of these
    personages should perish, experience loss of life, or loss
    of pant at any time while under said Agreement, all parties
    should be held at 403 Figgis Street NW, Mundelow, PA 80808.
    Please indicate one item that you will bring:

    _Paper Plates/ Napkins
    _Brownies/ Cookies
    _Recorded Music
    _Pretzel Thins
    _Pretzel Twists
    _Pretzel Braids
    _Pretend Girls
    _Pretend Friends

    Agreed to upon several dates not imposed through a court of
    law November 13th, 1988. MCMXVLLII SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,..
  • sigilaesigilae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Lol, Sentrick, very nice desription right there.... "I'm be crazy, but that must be why I dont see what they are talking about!" -Sigilae Nouriar

    Citizen of Haven's Point!
  • sentrickvoluptuasentrickvoluptua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Dear Fellow fan of Utter Stardom,

    We're just as sick of unsolicited guild ads as you are. That's why we're sending
    this FREE GUILD ADVERTISEMENT to you free of solicitation!! Don't ask us!
    We just work here!

    We're the DIFFERENCE!! SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. is off the wall with stardom.
    You can't ask for a better chance to begin your personal STACHE of Financial,
    Physical, Global, Mental, Bental, or OVERALL stardom!! Let us woo you with
    our fast talk and cheap hotels! An open door at SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,.
    is a SECURITY VIOLATION! But an open door to STARDOM always leads to better

    Talk about pushy, we won't stop until you've laid it down with SHADOW CORPORATION
    LLC,,. eleven times!

    What we're offering is different, in fact, it's mifferent. Not only because
    SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. is the only Stardom game in town, but because
    we're the ONLY stardom game in town. We make the difference that all the
    others despise.

    You want a TOTAL STARDOM SOLUTION for your new wife or mistress? Look on
    further! We can't guarantee up to 1,000 different ways that we'll let you
    down. AND THAT'S A PORMISE!!

    You want proof? 1 in 5 males ages 18-24 just brought over a WHOLE HUGE PILE
    of memos and papers to my desk. ONE IN FIVE!! I'm up to my ears!! Horse
    it on there! SHADOW in a minit? Now you can with SHADOW RP!!

    We know RP GUILDS are all the rage, in fact, we're so pissed off we
    can hardly stand it. But we won't let that stop us. SHADOW RP is engineered
    twice. That's TWO TIMES! Here's how it works:

    -Get an idea
    -Now get a good idea
    -Write it down on a napkin AND YOU'RE ALL SET

    We're taking submissions all day, heck, all yesterday! Send us anything!
    Know what RP stands for? Let us know! Got an idea for a Second Income Breeze?
    Give us the scoop. Remember the time? Show us your goods!!

    This will make us rich. No, scratch that, this will make us FILTHY! And
    we promise that any benefit for SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. is a benefit for
    Duchess Sentrick Voluptua!!
  • sentrickvoluptuasentrickvoluptua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Congratulation! We don't want to waist our time or yours so we'll get ride to the point.


    SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. presents a new remedy for total and complete stardom!!

    Tired of lagging, go-nowhere stardom? Does your current guild give you stardom like you
    wouldn't believe? YIKES! Let SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,.'s new Guild Congratultion(TM)(R)(C)
    help create not only up to 2 second income streams but a new and unique SECOND STARDOM
    STREAM as well. Get with it!

    Guild Congratulation(TM)(R)(C) is a highly specified, mostly legal program designed to
    help you gain stardom at the level you've been waiting for! Level 1!! Come off it!!

    We at SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. know what you need and we're not leaving until you pay us
    to give it to you! This is great! We can't believe it! Oh dear God, what has gone wrong!

    Guild Congratulation(TM)(R)(C) starts with you emailing this message to 100 of them.
    Give us $1. We will alert you by email or firewire that your Guild Congratulation(TM)(R)(C)
    has begunderway. Give us a $1000. We will insure financial stardom and congratulation for
    the next 14 minutes! No CREDIT CHECK! No questions asked!! Don't you get it??

    We can't believe all the money you're going to give us! And the stardom you receive will
    be equalled only by the fabulous Congratulation(TM)(R)(C) you receive once you've completed
    our Pogrom. Don't believe it yet. Hear from some of the best:

    25-year-old Male in Waterdeep writes:
    "I've got 3 kids and 2 ex-wives! How am I going to provide for them?! They're going to take
    my children away from me! "

    Litigation Johnson raves:
    "SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. has done it again! Honestly, they have broken (0) laws."

    Zebulon Pike quoth:
    "Stop following me! No foolin'!"

    Convinced? Same here. That's why SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,. has come up with Guild
    Congratulation(TM)(R)(C) Advanced Series II for the more discerning stardom seeker.

    Let SHADOW CORPORATION, LLC,,. go to work for you!! We'll find someone of relatively equal
    height and build to dress up in your clothes and impersonate you at work! You stay home
    and watch the second income stream pour in through a small opening we'll drill in your
    wife's bathroom wall. Don't delay! But don't DELAY. Due to Fedeal Income Tacks Laws
    regarding manned missions to Moonmask, several VOLUPTUAS have been excluded from inclusion
    of/herein/and heretherto unknown lawsuits regarding any one of the following:

    1) Illegal naked representation of other parties on tavern walls
    2) Home intrusion and drilling holes in the bathrooms of clients' wives
    3) Murder One
    4) Lego Mania
    5) Laundering of Federal VOLUPTUAS

    Pick your favorite and click to start!! Enter the world of SHADOW CORPORATION, LLC,,.
    and see what Circus Income Dreams dot com can do for YOU!!

    -Sentrick Voluptua
  • sentrickvoluptuasentrickvoluptua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013


    That's right! We're sick and tired of waiting for you to join us!
    So we're going to make it so YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!

    How you might ask? By offering you the STARDOM OF THE LIFETIME!!

    Our Stardomineers(TM) have been schemeing for hours and they've
    finally come up with the solution we both need, a true Stardom
    Scheme that'll fix you good! Listen to this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!

    Elvybody wants that new deck, that old porch 911, or that hideous
    veranda across the street. Who wouldn't? Well now you're thyme has
    come! There's no reason for you to pass this up. We could say we'll
    cut up your family, but then we'd go to PRISON! Why resist? Open your
    arms slowly, so as not to startle us, and let our Stardom come boring
    into you.

    Here's how it works:

    -Tell a fiend about SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,.
    -Lie to them until they give you a check made out to Duchess Sentrick Voluptua.
    -Send us that check ( made out for Astral Diamonds only! "Gold" currency will
    be spit on and returned!)
    -We'll cross out the amount your friend wrote and write down how
    much we really want.
    -Now it's your turn!
    -Try and grow a third arm.
    -Take one of your own blank checks and make it out to yourself.
    -Now cross out the amount you wrote and write down how much you
    really want.
    -Take that check TO THE BANK!!
    -Repeat until optimum Stardom is achieved.

    It's really that easy! Do it from home, in your spare time, or whenever
    we call you! If you tell one friend, that's only one check. But if you
    tell 12 friends, that's at least 5 CHECKS!! Imagine, spend money you never
    even earned and live like a true King's step-headed red-child!

    They say 'proof is in the pudding,' but we hate pudding! Here are
    some quotes:

    Arak'var Pantselection won't stop going:

    "The Stardom is dripping through my hands!
    Somebody get me a bowl!!"

    E.L. Dioraneil commands:

    "I called 911 and they never even SHOWED UP!

    Low-Grade Fuel Substitute cries out:

    "The trap is set. When Stardom comes traipsing
    up the back steps, I'm entitled by law to beat it
    to death with a length of lead pipe!"

    Don't worry about signing up! There's nowhere to sign. In fact, we're
    coming over right now! Just breath deeply and give in to the soft,
    mustard-stained bosom of Total Stardom.

    -- Duchess Sentrick Voluputa
    Chief Executive Officer SHADOW CORPORATION LLC,,.
    CFO Global Stardom Entertainment
    Duchess of Scepter
  • okkwahookkwaho Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Don't worry, She really is this crazy!

    But the rest of us are nice well rounded nut balls too ^_^

    - Join SHADOW! Cause if we don't see ya through the week. We WILL see you through the window O_O
  • chonkuschonkus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Our guild is now having an election on whether to side with the Delzoun Explorers or Luskan Corsairs. All our major decisions are made OOC and democratically, and we have an election every week. This current election will affect our lore development profoundly, as well as our endgame experience. Will we side with a revived kingdom of noble Dwarves with bulging coffers, or will we align with a group of brigands who have a wide network, an undergound nature as we do, and will give us more opportunities to loot the riches of Gauntlgrym than the dwarves? Democracy will decide!

    Also, we just came out of issue 9 of SHADOW comics titled: A Many Arrows Slaughter. Click the image below to read it!

    - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
  • sentrickvoluptuasentrickvoluptua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What MOAR does SHADOW CORPORATION LCC,,. have to offer??

    You have completed program Congraturation, have achieved full Stardom, and
    you have more than too second income streams. So where do you go from here?
    Well as Duchess Sentrick says, "The Sky's the limit"!

    How Does The Richest Man In The World Use The Greatest Business
    Secrets Of All Time To Make Over 32.4 Million Astral Diamonds A Day?!! (all real
    answers will be greatly appreciated)

    Well, ..... The Truth Is Finally Revealed....

    "The Sky's the Limit"~

    No matter who you are(unless you are Sentrick), where you live(sorry
    Balder's Gate), age(must <=18 and >=65) or race(as long as it is not "Other")
    is by the time you finish reading this special article, you will know:

    * How to start a proven money making business in SHADOW that requires no
    inventory, no shipping and no employees within 7 days,
    guaranteed! (definition of guaranteed = not true)
    -- i.e. employees without 7 days will be exempt from prosecution

    * How to get a $300 professionally designed SHDOW GUILD BUSINESS for FREE!
    Yes, that's right a $300 pro size for free. Just type HTML, then hit CTRL-ALT-DEL,
    it's just that simple!

    * How to Quadruple your sales in 30 days regardless of your business! Your
    business regards will now stream at a rate of 3 per 1. Quadruple the

    * How to stay at home and get paid outrageously for it( make sure your
    Mom's purse or jewelry box is handy)!

    * How to turn 50 cents into $50, with a simple click of a button(....I
    mean trigger)!

    * How to get a $179 business-building CD-ROM for FREE! Just steal it from
    your next door neighbor. He won't mind at all. In fact, divert all his
    income streams into yours, but don't cross them!

    * If you ever wanted a Guild buisness where you could hit the ground
    running(or rock bottom), but then only have the sky as your limit.... a
    Guild business where you could just open a box and
    start making immediate profits(the cash box from the local bank or a
    real buisness always works very well).... a Guild business that's completely set
    up and ready to pull in maximum sales(or Maxim magazines).... with a produkt
    that sells itself (these women literally will sell themselves)... then I've
    got some greats news for you!

    The Sky's the Limit!!!

    Act NOW

    *>>>>>>> DEADLINE is next Saturday, July 14th, 2013 on Sunday <<<<<<*

    Instant Information Request Directions(just add water)

    1. Simply send an e-mail to free-money@shadowcorpllc.com including
    in the subject. This is not a hotlink you will need to enter the
    address manually by typing all information at your local postbox. This
    will usually require a deposit of three.

    **>NOTE: You may also just Click Below to send it through your normal
    e-mail program.


    It's much easier to do it this way, it will fill in the return
    and subject for you as well as divert all income streams to Sentrick.

    2. You will receive the complete info on the reports via e-mail within 24
    hours or more, limits of time and space notwithstanding.

    P.S. Act NOW!-- Only the first request will be granted to receive
    this Special Web Site e-Report for *FREE* titled
    "The Greatest Business Secrets Of All Time"(this is just the title
    - contents may vary due to packaging)

    P.P.S. *FREE Download Bogus e-Manual*
    "Microsoft, Viagra & Your Business Success" given to the first
    35 people to respond within the past 4 hours or more, You FREE
    reports will be fulfilled in the order in which they were received -
    less cash payments. (user may receive Viagra or Virus based on supply, sucess is
    relative to pre-existing job or inheritance)

    Privacy Policy: We respect your privacy and your e-mail address/name will
    be kept strictly private it will never be sold, shared or given away for
    any reason, other than the ability to make us more money.

    Simple Removal Instructions(ready all q-tips):

    To be removed from our in-house list simply send a blank e-mail to
    remove-me@cnn.com with "remove Wolf Blitzer" in the subject field - make
    sure it is blank though. Or you may
    Click Here mailto:remove-me@cnn.com

    NO FLAMES!! You will not be added to the remove database if you do this.
    No Exceptions, anything but "remove" in the subject and you will not be
    removed from the list. Got that, all removes will not be removed, but
    added multiple times.
    Fanning the flames will not work, nor will the Atlanta Flames.

    You will then be deleted from your e-mail database forever. Thank You
    Disney Corp!!

    This email message is Copied 2000 times per hour.
    Results will be negative at best. All rights reserved for members only,
    and as usual NO VOLUPTUAS!
    You may not use, in part or in full, any aspect of this message without
    the Express Menu at Wendy's, or Dave Thomas'
    consent, Violators *will be* prosecuted by a hung jury.

    - The "Sky's the Limit" is a registered trademark and will devalue at a rate
    coherent to the depletion of the OZone layer.

    The Truth Is Finally Revealed....
  • okkwahookkwaho Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Cause shadow is the guild to be in. Growing quite rapidly, having non planned events everyday and multiple planned events a week!

    Not to mention Sentrick will FINALLY! stop harassing you with new and irresistible guild adds!
  • mistysummermistysummer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 38
    edited September 2013
    Hey Roleplayers, are you looking for a home for your character? Well have a look at Shadow we are once again open for new recruits. Our guild has been around since before Beta and still going strong, with four separate divisions we are able to accommodate just about any type of character.

    Plot lines are growing, bonds are being built and good times are had by all.

    Plus we are a democracy so no matter your position your voice is heard, we are open to all suggestions. :)

    "Blindness is a private matter between a person and the eyes they choose to use. For there are none so blind as those that do not listen dalharil"
  • darkdemasdarkdemas Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm interested. I'm Keyleth Nightshade@darkdemas I'm a Mindflayer. I'm at lvl 43. I would like to do Dungeons with people.
  • mistysummermistysummer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 38
    edited September 2013
    We are on mindflyer as well so feel free to fill out an application on our website, it shouldn't take more then a day for you to get a response. :)


    "Blindness is a private matter between a person and the eyes they choose to use. For there are none so blind as those that do not listen dalharil"
  • adinstraadinstra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Our Guild is open for new members :) Please join us we are an Roleplaying Guild, we also run PVP and dungeons for your gearing needs, also help with leveling and questions about your class and build and whatever gear you may need, if we do not have the infomation on hand at the time we will look for it to help you. We are a No drama guild we look forward to seeing you with us. Check out our site. See you soon :D

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