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Tips for spider boss?

pilotmikepilotmike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
Tried her in a PuG and basically tread water @ about 80% health until eventually adds overwhelmed us. I know adds heal her but we really couldn't come up with a good plan to deal with both boss health and add healing.

Looking for recommendations on group composition and specific jobs.

Post edited by pilotmike on


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    allaerraallaerra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 838 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    With the AS nerf, epic Temple of the Spider Queen is nigh impossible:(.
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    serpentttserpenttt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    You need a lot of cc. Like many end of dungeon bosses, a good cw is a must.
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    demonsunderdemonsunder Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    1xTR 1xGWF 1xDC 1xCW 1xGF

    TR - Dps's boss and uses smoke bomb on grouped adds on Cooldown
    GWF - Dps's adds that cw has grouped near boss so hit can hit her at time same time, but his/her priority is add's
    DC - Heals and debuffs boss with divine glow (if well geared so you can gerate excess divine also buff's allies)
    CW uses ray of enfeeblement on Boss and Arcane singularity to group adds close to the boss, try not to push back blade master's as their charge is the primary source of damage.
    GF - Aggro magnet, mark everything keep knight's valor up as much as you can to reduce party damage, try to mark blade masters on spawn so they charge you.

    Win. Spider is a gear check, it can be very hard low geared and very easy high geared but the right strat makes it 10x easier.
    Oceanic Neverwinter guild http://19thbattalion.com/home
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    ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1xTR 1xGWF 1xDC 1xCW 1xGF

    TR - Dps's boss and uses smoke bomb on grouped adds on Cooldown
    GWF - Dps's adds that cw has grouped near boss so hit can hit her at time same time, but his/her priority is add's
    DC - Heals and debuffs boss with divine glow (if well geared so you can gerate excess divine also buff's allies)
    CW uses ray of enfeeblement on Boss and Arcane singularity to group adds close to the boss, try not to push back blade master's as their charge is the primary source of damage.
    GF - Aggro magnet, mark everything keep knight's valor up as much as you can to reduce party damage, try to mark blade masters on spawn so they charge you.

    Win. Spider is a gear check, it can be very hard low geared and very easy high geared but the right strat makes it 10x easier.

    Knight's valor is borderline useless skill to use in the first place .
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    ganjaman1 wrote: »
    Knight's valor is borderline useless skill to use in the first place .

    Nah, it's absolutely fantastic at near 1 shotting the GF if your group stands in red circles when AS is down.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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    surfaksurfak Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2013
    Those 30k+ one shot hits took out our dc and cw. Next attempt, again cw was 1 shot but we finished with 2dc 1tr 1gwf. CW went down near 70% boss hp before transformation. Her healing was annoying w/out cw but its doable with strong tr/gwf. Not a pug though.

    Good communication really helps. Especially guilds that use ts/ventrillo/etc.

    Edit: Obvious but just in case it wasn't this was post balance patch.
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    chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited June 2013
    It's a crazy *** fight.. we didn't use the AS stacking trick to beat it. The trick is to have a CW do nothing but CC (we did it with CW/TR/GWF/GF/DC) and then just wail on the priestess like there's no tomorrow. Be careful of her big attack.. it can one shot you. And it's a long *** fight... the fight it self took something like 15-20 minutes because she keeps healing herself. And no you can't interrupt it or do anything to stop it. Just gotta keep the damage up and survive and she'll go thru a shapechange phase and then she'll die.
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