Many End-Game, Purple Loot Items are Changing from Bind-on-Equip to Bind-on-Pickup
Which specific items you say? Most Level 60 Epic Gear from boss drops, tier sets, pvp gear, seal gear, and profession gear that comes from upgrading Bind-on-Pickup boss drops.
The rewards for losing a PvP match have been lowered.
The reasoning behind reducing the amount of glory rewarded in a game was that it benefitted bots who just lost the game, farmed the glory, and then sold PvP items on the Auction House for AD. However, once PvP items are
no longer able to be sold, then this should no longer an issue. Bots will no longer be able to see their ill-gotten loot. That's great. But now we should change glory rewards back to what they were before the patch since this is no longer an issue. The amount of glory you get after losing a match is so low that you'll never earn enough to get your PvP set, and this is a pretty big problem when gear is already pretty unbalanced in level 60 PvP. The old system rewarded winners, and gave the losers a reason to at least stick around in the match. The way it is now, if you're losing you might as well leave the match and queue up in the hopes of finding a better team. This should not be the way people approach PvP.
Everyone should feel their time spent in worthwhile in PvP, and the winners should have higher rewards. Right now no one really feels rewarded, whether they win or lose. And the losers probably don't even feel like playing after 2 or 3 games of getting nothing.
PvP matches that go by much more quickly than expected now give fewer rewards.
Another issue is the how much glory you get if your team is winning by a lot. This is ridiculous because you're being punished for doing
well. Now, I understand why it was implemented. There were so many bots that winning these non-competitive games wasn't very much fun,
but this change hasn't gotten rid of the bots. Most PvP games are still unbalanced, non-competitive facerolls with one team easily overwhelming the other. The only difference now is that
both teams get
HAMSTER rewards for it. So this means that almost every game you play will have "fewer rewards".
(In actuality, it's pretty much every game. I've had one game today where scores were somewhat close). You should
not be punished for doing well in PvP. That is without doubt the most baffling design decision you guys could have made.
PvP should be for fun, yes; but part of the fun in MMOs is getting gear and being rewarded for your efforts. That's
part of the appeal and fun. And right now, there's no much fun to be had. The matches aren't competitive and the rewards aren't worthwhile. So why in the world would anyone do PvP?
PvP gear will be directly traded to RADs via salvage vendor.
So still pretty much a reason to afk farm.
Doesn't matter. The fact is they are making these items BoP partially to stop bots from profiting, and since they are making this change, they should also revert all the changes they made to the amount of glory given in PvP Domination matches. It's ridiculous how little you get now.
I'm also assuming the amount of AD from vendors will be pittance compared to what these annoying bots got from AH trading, so at least that's a good thing.
I'm not too happy with the BoP, but I can see the reasoning for PvP gear. It's really too easy to just enter an arena and do nothing for the glory. Lower rewards will only make the bots stay longer.
For me anyway, the Arena is a nice way to get some xp, glory and when I get into a team with at least two actual people, can be a lot of fun. The gear is great to get the gearscore up for epic dungeons and whatnot.
But fact remains; if you want to win you need a good team. Random queue-groups usually aren't good teams.
And as a concerned side-note: how would this affect the PvP rewards for DC's? If damage is calculated into end-rewards... DC's will stay in blue's and greens for a very long time.
I don't care whether I'm winning or losing. That isn't the issue. Neither is this thread complaining about BoP. BoP items are coming and there's nothing we can do about that.
The truth is I'm perfectly happy playing random queue groups in PvP Domination and losing the majority of the time. It's the nature of the game and it's fine.
This thread is solely about increasing glory rewards back to what they were before the June 13 patch.
Ah, the patch notes answer this one.
If you are dominated neither side gets much.
If the fight is balanced its ok.
You aren't meant to get REWARDED for LOOSING, its a form of consolidation reward for playing so you won't quit empty handed like you would in PvE.
Which is ludicrous because this describes the majority of games. You should not be punished for doing well. Do you know what people are doing now? They are LETTING inferior teams that are losing capture points just so that the score can be closer and the glory gains will be worthwhile. This is sickening to anyone who appreciates the competitive spirit of PvP. It shouldn't happen, but the ridiculous way rewards are handled make it a reality.
Yeah, it's "okay". Not as high as it was before, which is disappointing. What's more disappointing is that you never get these "okay" rewards because BALANCED FIGHTS ALMOST NEVER HAPPEN IN PVP DOMINATION.
You're making my point for me. The glory you get for losing is pittance. People do feel empty-handed after playing and people are going to quit unless there's a reason to keep playing. In the old PvP before the June 13 patch, you got around 300 glory if you lost a match. You weren't being rewarded for losing but for fighting hard and putting in the effort to play the match. Most times you lost because someone let or there were bots on the other team or someone had enchants you couldn't possible afford. But you still tried your best and felt good that you were rewarded for the experience. It was an actual consolidation reward. It wasn't nearly as much as the winning team got (and you don't get blue/green items), but it was still worthwhile for you to play.
In this current system the glory gained is so low it might as well not exist at all. It isn't a "consolidation reward". It's nothing. I just participated in a game in which I got ~20 glory. That's useless. It's practically an insult for all the effort I put into the match. And I could easily see players just quitting after two or three games of this meaningless, trash reward.
Look, I don't know if you're trying to play devil's advocate or are just argumentative by nature, but there is no rational reason who glory rewards should be so low if PvP items are now being changed to BoP. It just makes playing PvP a worthless experience.
You'll still have people PvP for easy gear, while lots of gear ingame is better then this PvP set.
But it's just a waste of time for people trying to grind/farm the Arena for ingame currency.
1 Glory = 25 Copper (Buying and selling the smallest PvP healing pot)
10000 Copper = 1 Gold
400 Glory = 1 Gold
(Not considering selling stuff in trade chat/AH for more)
You don't need Potions or Injury Kits for PvP, so each Point of Glory is net income for your Charakter. With the new system it seems to be waaaay less worth it. In Old system you could have made almost 1 Gold just for playing the arena. Now you have to do extremely well AND be winning for a reward in between losing and winning in the older system (500-600Glory per win in average from what i experienced, 100 - 200 for losing - all numbers are if both teams put on a real fight! If a match is very lopsided it is actually possible now to get NO glory at all!)
Every form of grind should help you end up with the same net value after one hour: e.g. Dungeon Grinder can find superb items, but have to spend potions, buff pots and injury kits and also have the chance to fail while PvP Grinders make Gold slow but steady. But that may be just my opinion.
I will only go into arena for Dailies now (as Events collide with other thins I got to do).
This bums me out. People should want to do the PvP. Why did they bother designing it, if they were just going to make it as unappealing as possible through future patches?