This skill seems to have some odd mechanics on it. Hitting damage gives hp back, is it actually limited on the damage dealt or is the astral healing based on your weapon damage / power?
I ran the only dungeon run i did after the huge nerf to check some healings with the old build I was using, and noted that the astral shield did about 6.4% of all the healing I did.
I checked combat log-file and noticed that there are 2 different astral seals, and my guess is, that one is for dots and one is for non-dot damage, I could be very wrong with this one. The one that I believe to heal on dot damages seems to have half of the heal of the non-dot one.
Now what I find odd on Astral Seal is, that there seems to be healing reduction on it. This is something that I've wondered for a long time, but never actually put enough time to figure it out.
These are 2 thoughts I've come up with the way Astral Seal works:
1) The healing reduction is based on how long the Astral seal was on the mob.
2) The Astral Seal healing reduction increases on every time the person hits the mob with AS on. Something like 1/n, where n stands for how many hits the mob has taken.
3) The healing reduction is somewhat based on the damage dealt on a hit on a mob with AS.
The third option seems to be most unlike choice, since from what I checked the healing seemed to go down the more hits/time passed since I attacked the target with Astral Seal.
After doing some testings, I came to the conclusion, that Astral Seal puts healing reduction based on the time between the damage done. For example with lance of faith, if you keep auto attacking nonstop, you get 50% healing reduction ( + righteousness ), but if you attack the target with lance less frequently, you get only righteousness for healing reduction. The portions of health gained seems to go 1/n, so from what I saw you can gain 100%, 50%, 33%, 25% and 16.7%. I am not sure if its possible to get less than 16.7% healing, 83.3% healing reduction, but at least from the log i checked, this seemed to be the maximum reduction.
I do not know the how often you can attack to gain the 100% healing, but at least brand of the sun seems to give full healing on every tick, and spamming astral seal doesn't, so im guessing it is close to 1 second.
I have to say that if what I tested out seems to be correct it is kind of a sad thing, when I finally thought that we could actually do something to affect the team by timing Astral Seals to on targets to increase healing on certain situations, but it seems this is not the case.