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Rogues overpowered. Entire population starting create rogues.



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    damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Woah, that's a crazy nerf. Look forward to testing it later.

    It's true because every hardcore pvper has tested it already. I mentioned it to my guild on patch day. The proc is nowhere near 5-6 seconds anymore and that's why a lot of TRs including myself are going to drop GPF for greater/perfect vorpal and stack power (I'm at 2k arm pen even with 7 tenebrous).
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    therouterninjatherouterninja Member Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    damianess wrote: »
    It's true because every hardcore pvper has tested it already. I mentioned it to my guild on patch day. The proc is nowhere near 5-6 seconds anymore and that's why a lot of TRs including myself are going to drop GPF for greater/perfect vorpal and stack power (I'm at 2k arm pen even with 7 tenebrous).

    Tested at home. Like you said, looks like a 20 second timer, and random procs sometimes at 5, 10, 15 seconds, but those seem to be glitches.
    Beholder MOPP4

    60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
    60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
    60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
    60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
    45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
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    dcoy1dcoy1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    monarrch wrote: »
    Yes. Yes they are. The fact is Rogues took ONE, major hit to ONE daily skill and yet they are still one shotting people with lashing blade for 30k and up. Yes 30k and up, I've seen it and personally experienced it three times in one match. On top of that they are taking builds that allow them to almost permanent-stealth and kill you with cloud of steel without you ever seeing them. Yes Rogues are still op and No, you did not take a bunch of nerfs. You took one.

    They actually took ZERO. They were given a boost from power stat that seems to have more than compensated the one daily that was reduced.
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    chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lukyan2 wrote: »
    In like 1 mounth if the crypt dont fix the rogues skills to balance pvp Im out of this game and I want my money refund back.Me and my friends are leaving this game to another mmo if no solution is applyed.

    60 gwf, gf, and cw. All of them smash rogues like a joke. Player not the class. As usual.
    INB4, INB4
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    delionivercourtdelionivercourt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 86
    edited June 2013
    As I have said time and again, classes and races were never meant to be "balanced" each class and race is suppose to be op in certain situations and certain scenarios. I know so many still think TR are OP but they really aren't, a TR in stealth does twice as much damage using LB, then a TR not stealthed causes, exactly how it should be. If a Rogue Assassin comes into play lets say a real one who can melee and use crossbows or ranged weapons and poison, are we gonna gripe and say that they are OP because they can stealth and use ranged and a poison DoT? I mean no races, no classes are ever meant in D&D to be balanced for specific reasons.
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    capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    You actually saying that in one match you get hit by 3 lashing blades?
    Its not rogues problem.Its yours.You are just bad on pvp.

    I dont think you are being reasonable by saying lrn2play.

    My experience with people who say that is they dont have a clue how to play. If you did you would realise a perma stealth build rogue with full tenes can destroy you with their cloud of steel at will.

    I have no issue with getting ganked by a rogue with a daily or being caught out of position when they are stealthed. I never understand people that stand in one spot on a node. i mount up and ride around it randomly. the more stealth i can waste of that rogues the better.Frankly the vast majority of rogues are easy beats even good ones pose a challenge but one that can be beaten. The ones that ride up and go into stealth in front of you are just bad. All you do is run in the other direction. Stealth gone then bam.

    But perma stealth ranged death dealer doesnt seem right at all. How is impact shot figured for a rogue. Its not a staple for them as it breaks stealth but it destroys u when backed with cloud to finish you off.
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    furion192furion192 Member Posts: 187 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    selonw wrote: »
    Go in stelth -> shoot your target to death while it cant shoot back -> if target is still alive dash + shocking execution/lashing strike -> if target is still alive, go in invisible and shoot it to death again -> if target is still alive, repeat from the beginning

    Not sure if its trolling or stupid... You sir have never played TR. FYI u can hit a TR if u get close to it(If you're a GWF or GF you must get close to them) just watch closely where the dagger is coming from also we can stealth again if we use Shadow strike, but that sacrifices one encounter slot also the range attack which is cloud of steel is only limited to 12 attacks we have to wait every 3secs to gain 1 dagger and 36 seconds to have full ammo. If u got killed by 12 daggers easily that means you're squishy and the rogue is well geared.
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lour0 wrote: »
    Yeah, where the hell is the "True Seeing" spell?
    I play a Cleric with 9k GS and I'm still being oneshooted for +20k INSIDE MY ASTRAL SHIELD!!!

    I think the problem is not just on rogues but on the damage/hp ratio on pvp. It should be a little lower, so higher chances to survive the initial damage burst granting you a real chance to counterattack. Or just low the armor pen efectiveness so stacking armor can save you from being oneshooted.

    lol, you get your defense up as high as you can and you are lucky to have 40% damage resist while those with damage have critical, armor penetration, various damage skills that stack with each other, while their base damage over mid-level goes up by many hundreds of percent.... defense in this game is a huge joke, and clerics aren't even given dodge (they really need reflection)
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    maiku217maiku217 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The tene nerf wasn't very hard to notice lol.. from killing people in 2 shots to taking a full rotation. :'/ GF needs buff! Sometimes sarcasm is the best cure. :D PS: You haven't versed the new GF/GWF builds to counter this TR build. For GFs, some of our tank path feats have finally been fixed.. get ready lol.
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    As I have said time and again, classes and races were never meant to be "balanced" each class and race is suppose to be op in certain situations and certain scenarios. I know so many still think TR are OP but they really aren't, a TR in stealth does twice as much damage using LB, then a TR not stealthed causes, exactly how it should be. If a Rogue Assassin comes into play lets say a real one who can melee and use crossbows or ranged weapons and poison, are we gonna gripe and say that they are OP because they can stealth and use ranged and a poison DoT? I mean no races, no classes are ever meant in D&D to be balanced for specific reasons.

    in D&D you don't have PvP arenas meant for end game play, not only the current PvP arenas but the upcoming everyone vs everyone PvP arenas followed by the daily dungeons you get to go into afterwards... this game has to be character class balanced and competitive at the PvP level or else just toss it away cause no one is going to be playing it... this game should be no where close to coming out of beta
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    adozuadozu Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    besides, why is everyone *still* whining about TR? i get killed by GF in one combo all the time and i have 11k GS both on my TR and DC, except GF are also as sturdy as iron man. they were already likely the best 1v1 class and now they got buffed across the board... seriously guys stop whining about TR, start whining about GF in pvp pls.

    yes, tenebrous-stacked TR are really OP, but they have spent several milions AD to get there.... anyone would be OP with that kind of budget guys, it's like comparing a full green char to a full purple one... in fact tene stacked pg are OP regardless of their class, tene stacked GF/GWF are just as scary if not scarier.

    all of the whining about TR got them buffed in pvp actually (nerfed a silly daily, made encounters more powerful, lol?) so it's pretty clear devs are ok with where rogues are at, the problem is they nerfed TR pve damage output by a -really- large amount, a lot of people are already wondering if it's useful at all to get a TR in the party rather than another GF, another nerf to TR pve and it won't even be a question.
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    yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    To the OP: there were always a lot of TR's running around, it's just that you notice them more because you're looking. Same could be said about GWF, after the patch they've been coming from the rafters left and right.

    I got a lvl60 TR, dressed in PvP gear and purple jewelry, I think gearscore is 9kish or so (I don't really care that much but it does matter a lot in PvP), and a lvl60 CW with a only PvP gear. GWF is on it's way.

    I think every class has something OP, although some have more than others, and there's a lot of biased misunderstanding of the classes.

    And I do think TR's have fundamentally OP skills the way they're set up now. Extremely powerful ranged attacks and stealth....Clouds of Steel are the problem I feel. Not because it's so powerful by itself, but it's fast and procs a lot of extra (runed) damage, and when feated will slow fleeing opponents.

    TR's are extremely squishy, a lot more than most people in this thread think. And even stealthed they can be seen when you're close enough. IMO, it's a combination of very powerful skills and a few real good players that make the class OP.

    So why they went and nerfed the best skill for PvE which is worst for PvP is beyond me.
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