After watching the trailer on Gauntlgrym, I am scratching my head on
why the PvP was designed this way. So its 20v20, and the winner of
the game basically gets access to T2 loot, the loser T1.
Bear the following in mind:
1) 5v5 is bad enough in pugs when you have disconnects or generally
people who are afk or have no concept of the game. Multiply this problem
by 4 when Gaunt hits for the 20v20.
2) Premades will highly insure that you gain access to a dungeon that
gives T2 loot, the same level as we can get now. And for the loser, who
cares about T1 loot at 60?
This doesn't make any sense to me. If you are going to do an inclusive
dungeon, it has to be an offense/defense concept (ie Wintergrasp).
Look at it this way, if for some reason you DO want to run the dungeon
for the same T2 loot, you have to first go through this PvP scenario and hope
you win. Isnt it bad enough trying to find a decent group for a dungeon?
Mixing PvP and PvE has to have a better solution than this.
If you do not want to or cannot make friends then I suggest you stick with 5 man content.
honestly as far as a guild event getting bots and afk'ers as an opponent is great for gear farming.