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Feedback post-patch

arielstarshadowarielstarshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
Some thoughts:

First, while I appreciate the attempts at improving PvP - sorry, this is still not fixed and sadly, PvP is slowly becoming a lot less fun for those who aren't going in with a pre-set group.

1. The game MUST backfill PvP groups via the queue - if someone is disconnected (and right now, you've got a nasty little bug that often causes the game to crash when zoning into/out of a PvP match), they need to be kicked from the PvP group they are in automatically and immediately, and filled with someone else. It is not fun to fight a 4v5 or worse 3,2,1v5 match. If someone drops group on purpose, that slot needs to be immediately filled from the queue - and, frankly, given the reason people are dropping, I'd suggest locking them out of being able to re-queue for PvP for at least 15 minutes. That should help discourage people dropping group and leaving the rest of their fellows outnumbered. I have been in a match where I was eventually the only one left, as well as a match where there were two of us fighting against 5. I cannot blame people for choosing to sit at the respawn point when the match is so skewed in numbers; dying repeatedly isn't fun for anyone. Getting the queue/group creation functioning better should be priority one.

2. Everyone, be they on the winning team or losing team, should get a base amount of Glory for participating - it doesn't have to be a huge amount, but it should exist. Perhaps it goes up by level, so that at level 60, every person in a PvP match starts at a base 200 Glory and that amount goes up for kills, tower-taking, etc. This is the main reason why people are dropping matches - because if their group doesn't immediately start winning, they would rather quit and re-queue than try and fight it out for a meager Glory award (which is supposed to be the point of PvP - to get in there and fight). Your new Glory reward rules do not encourage folks to stay in a group and stick out a match, even if their team is losing. I cannot tell you how disappointing it was to valiantly stick through a 2v5 match, only to get absolutely nothing in return. It's disheartening and again, does not encourage players to stick around.

3. We need some sort of temporary immunity to stun/daze/cc effects after getting hit with one in PvP. So, for example, getting dazed by a TR or lifted by a CW, etc. would then trigger a 15 second immunity to all other cc effects. Once that immunity wears off, then it would be possible to get cced again. It is, again, simply not fun to be chain stunned/dazed/lifted/etc. PvP is supposed to be fun. Standing around, unable to act as you watch your character die, is not fun. This would still allow for the use of cc, but would prevent chain-ccing.

4. Preferably, the system needs to not match up a pre-set PvP group with a queued group unless there is no other choice. Guild groups are, by their very nature, going to be more organized and are likely talking to one another via vent/TS/mumble. I'm not sure if it's possible for the system to recognize that Group A queued together and thus should be put in a match with another pre-set group as opposed to 5 people thrown together at random.

In general:

4. Having now played a CW - the biggest issue with this class is the fact that their cc also damages. An ability should do one or the other - so a skill should either cause damage or cc. Not both. I can chain cc and at the same time kill something without it ever touching me. That's not balanced - not for PvP, and not for PvE. I thought the TR was powerful, but the CW's abilities blow the TR out of the water. So, for example, Entangling Force lifts the target and does damage - and on top of that, I can be attacking the target with other skills at the same time without breaking the cc. It's simply too much. In the PvP arena, this balance issue is exacerbated by their 3rd dodge and encounter skill cooldown feat. Either all classes need that encounter skill cooldown feat and the 3rd dodge, or the CW needs to lose them. Frankly, I'd suggest making the dodge ability more dynamic in terms of every character class being able to increase the number of times they can use the skill - by virtue of upping their Strength and Dexterity. I get that you were trying to incorporate the idea of encumbrance (the CW has the lightest armor and thus get an extra dodge), but it's just not working.

5. The various dungeon exploits (aka "short cuts" as these people are calling them) need to be fixed ASAP, and if at all possible, those who have benefited from said exploiting need to be dealt with. I know you're working on it, but please make this a priority before the game goes live.

6. Once again, the queue system for dungeons needs to backfill if a group has less than 5. It is frustrating to spend an hour in a dungeon, only to have 1-2 people decide they don't want to finish and drop - and once that happens, all of the progress made is for naught as the group falls apart because there's no way to bring in replacements. If someone drops, either the system needs to put a new person in, or allow the group itself to invite people in to finish.
Post edited by arielstarshadow on


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    assassin83assassin83 Member, Banned Users Posts: 276 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Yes lets remove the damage of CW's CC
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    pickygamerpickygamer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree with some of it but I could not disagree more on your 3rd and fourth points. A good TR will not allow you to cc them. They are outfitted with some of the best offensive skills in the game to counter us. They can immune themselves from control, they can stealth and hit hard from stealth, they have range, and skills which daze and skill lock. Im not sure what trs you were playing but they need to learn to take down a cw in less than 5 seconds....thats all it takes maybe even less. Which brings me to the fourth point.....reduce dodges or give other classes (which also have counters to our evasive and control moves).....Im a bit at a loss there lol Having dodges is not OP in fact its more humorous for the person wanting to kill you watch you do nothing but blink (since you cant hit someone while blinking), waste them all, than proceed to kill you since you have to wait for stamina. And with really low HP we need our dodges and our control moves.

    If you nerf a control wizards' control and their dodges, what the hell are you left with? It would not be a control wizard I can tell you that.
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The PvP game in Neverwinter is as follows:

    - Capture the points
    - Don't get stunlocked

    That's about it right now. If you get stunlocked, you're dead, with the possible exception of a GF that has enough defense to outlast all the oppositions stuns and attack.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    arielstarshadowarielstarshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You're thinking of the Impossible to Catch encounter power, PG. Unfortunately, it has a very short duration, and a long cooldown - which, when combined with the extremely short cooldowns of the CW, doesn't make it useful enough to slot on a regular basis, especially since it means the TR must use an Encounter slot for it. When playing my TR in an outnumbered PvP match, I've indeed slotted it, along with Bait and Switch purely in an effort to die a little more slowly.

    The more I think about it, the more it bothers me how expensive it is to respec. 150,000+ AD or real money - and in the overall scheme of things, neither of them is a cheap option. Which means a lot of folks are going to be stuck with builds that they don't particularly care for, or which don't suit a particular situation well. Frankly, I wish Neverwinter had gone the same route as LotRO when it comes to respeccing - make it fairly inexpensive, and something a player wants to do for whatever situation they are going into. Thus, players could spec for group content, solo, or PvP.
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    tang56 wrote: »
    The PvP game in Neverwinter is as follows:

    - Capture the points
    - Don't get stunlocked

    That's about it right now. If you get stunlocked, you're dead, with the possible exception of a GF that has enough defense to outlast all the oppositions stuns and attack.

    Maybe when you don't get queued vs a team with 4 sec Soulforge and a bunch of Tenebrous.

    The pvp portion of Gauntlegrym is going to be ****ing hilarious. I just hope that you can't finish the pvp portion if your opponents get tired of being 1 shot and leave.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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    arielstarshadowarielstarshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    etherealj wrote: »
    Maybe when you don't get queued vs a team with 4 sec Soulforge and a bunch of Tenebrous.

    The pvp portion of Gauntlegrym is going to be ****ing hilarious. I just hope that you can't finish the pvp portion if your opponents get tired of being 1 shot and leave.

    This is why I think the queue system needs some more functionality to make it more robust. It should be doing its best to put evenly matched groups together to fight. I know that takes more coding, but you're right, it really needs to be done. High-GS score folks should be fighting other high-GS score folks so that PvP fights aren't so lopsided. Cryptic needs to remember that the point of PvP is fun, and one-sided fights or fights where people are dropping and no one takes their place, resulting in one side being heavily outnumbered, simply aren't enjoyable.
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    my feedback is to remove the patch as I consider it an almost total failure ... the trading post works better but now no longer lists up to 300 items in each category making viewing the variety of items under each category more difficult, other than that the trading post did improve... level 60 PvP is ruined and so is the cleric ... the GWF should be re-examined and so should the other characters complete with races, equipment set bonus comparisons (clerics get a 15% chance of 4% seconds of use every 45 seconds while mages get to steal 5% defense from others every single time they use a control power), and the like to make sure everything is more balanced and even
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    arielstarshadowarielstarshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm not sure I'd call the patch a total failure, but yes, I think more changes are needed, and soon, given live is 4 days away now.
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    dethcorddethcord Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    1. Agreed
    2. No. Being bad shouldn't be rewarded. There should be 0 glory rewarded for losing.
    3. May aswell remove all of the CC completely. DR mechanic is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and it was invented back then like a patch for the PvP, because it's easier then game's complete rebalance.
    4/1. Agreed. It's boring to play against whiny unorganized people as a group, but then again if there are no other premade groups to play with it should still match people against premades.
    4/2. CW is the squishiest and the most CC-vulnerable class. We don't have ItC/stealth, determination, block/survivability feats/passives,(weak) selfheals/AS - and as it is now triple dodge that's intended to more or less compensate for this simply won't work half of the time.

    Plus, EF is like two seconds long, and all CW abilities together won't "blow out of the water" a TR with infinite impact shots, 30k+ crits while not leaving stealth and a CC-immunity on demand, etc.

    As far as it is now CW is far from being the dominating class, while CW is certainly not bad, it's not even remotely OP either.

    5. Differ exploits from shortcuts.
    6. Agreed, while pugs don't matter anyway.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dethcord wrote: »
    2. No. Being bad shouldn't be rewarded. There should be 0 glory rewarded for losing.

    So if my team sucks and I the only one who know how to play, what should I do? Leave? As I'd gain 0 glory anyway, no matter how I try to do something. I can lose and be on the first place with 7k score (when each of my teammates has 2k), and I should gain 0 glory? No, I'd just leave.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    dethcorddethcord Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    So if my team sucks and I the only one who know how to play, what should I do? Leave? As I'd gain 0 glory anyway, no matter how I try to do something. I can lose and be on the first place with 7k score (when each of my teammates has 2k), and I should gain 0 glory? No, I'd just leave.

    Well idd, I said it before in other threads that leaving a PvP match should be punished with a 2 hour ban from the game. (Not from PvP matches only)
    If you're constantly so unlucky that you get bad teams (which is unlikely) - make a group.
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dethcord wrote: »
    Well idd, I said it before in other threads that leaving a PvP match should be punished with a 2 hour ban from the game. (Not from PvP matches only)
    If you're constantly so unlucky that you get bad teams (which is unlikely) - make a group.

    being in a group that rolls over a lack of competition is scarcely more fun than being in a group that is being rolled over cause of the imbalance, in both cases PvP sucks
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