So... in this new layout after the patch, there is no "save" button after one saves his character's history. When you enter it, you can do nothing more. Once you enter it, you can change the tabs of the character sheet, or close it altogether, and it will remain as is. After a while it dissappears. It seems to be reset with every logout and character change.
Also, apparently HTML editing doesn't work.
Also a bug: We used to be able to use the HTML tag to create hyperlinks in character histories, they don't work now.

IMPORTANT: To all of you that haven't checked your history yet
If you had a bio written for your character. DO NOT go to your history tab in your character sheet! Go to your portrait and inspect yourself. Your bio should still be there. Copy your bio word for word into a text file and save it.
The reason: the moment you go to your history tab for the first time since the new patch. Your bio will reset instantly.
This is because they moved the bio from your character sheet to make it have its own tab. This move seems to cause a wipe/reset of your original bio if you've had one.
So in short, if you've had a bio. Do not be curious and go to your history tab to see it. Just inspect yourself and your bio will still be there. Take that time to retype it into a text file and save it while you can.
but please fix this asap!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Hadn't even noticed that...
Can't verify this because I don't have an alt yet, but...
NOOOOOooooooo....... ;____;
My character's biography!!! Cryptic, what have you done?!
Edit: Also, forgot to mention, writing down your character's bio in the character creation screen is moot. It NEVER saved!
But don't worry, it's gone after you log out/switch character/sing kumbayah. For good.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Last night I created a new character (my first) and entered the history bio. Then once I began the game I noticed the history bio I entered weren't there, as if there wasn't one in the first place. I then re-entered the bio and it worked fine until I logged on tonight and it had gone again. Also just a minute ago, I'd just created a simple Bio, something like "[coming soon]", as a place-holder. I then logged off and logged back on again straight after and bio had gone. Its as if it isn't being saved at all.
Hope me sharing this helps to identify the problem. :-)
The reason: the moment you go to your history tab for the first time since the new patch. Your bio will reset instantly.
This is because they moved the bio from your character sheet to make it have its own tab. This move seems to cause a wipe/reset of your original bio if you've had one.
So in short, if you've had a bio. Do not be curious and go to your history tab to see it. Just inspect yourself and your bio will still be there. Take that time to retype it into a text file and save it while you can.
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Sir/Ma'am, thank you very much for your sig. I'm looking forward for the tag fix!
No problem. I noticed this last night when somone in one of my characters guild noticed this. I always made it a habit to inspect myself when viewing my bio. And then realized other people suddenly had that happen as well. Mine was still there. I went over to the new history tab and poof. My bio suddenly vanished. I had typed my bio out from inspecting it earlier just incase that very thing happened and it did.
I also went on a seperate character and he had my other characters bio (which had showed to had been wiped). So its a very odd situation with that switch they did to bios.
What Class Are You?
Just noticed this today. Please fix soon.
stop going to your history tab and you wont have to re-enter. At least until this gets fixed. Put whatever your going to write in the first time, or edit the text file you should have of your bio and copy and paste it in.
On frequent occasion your bio will wipe just by going to your history tab to look at it.
If you want to look at your bio, view it from inspecting your character portrait.
I had large bios on 2 of my characters, both now gone... Didn't see this thread first :-(
Not quite yet! I, too, lost character history. Annoying! It's a minor issue in that it doesn't hurt gameplay... but this is a RPG, and I'd like it if interested people could see who my character is and why she's come to Neverwinter.
"Just don't check your History tab"
For some, that's like installing nitro on my car and telling me not to use it. Why add it if this problem could've occurred?? This should have been tested. I didn't make a text copy because I didn't think I would need to. They said no wipes. If they were still doing them, I'd have totally backed them up. I spent about 30 minutes on both, writing up what seemed to be a short 3-4 paragraph autobiography for them and now they're gone. forever. It was already hard enough to do so the second time with the wipe from closed beta on my first character. I don't have photographic memory. These things just come to me. Now I have to somehow recreate that well-crafted story for my origins in the game. I now have to try to remember as much accurate detail as I can possible so that i can remake them. My Drow and Tiefling won't be pleased to know that they are just generic random vagrants now. It's not a major issue, but like someone else said above: from a role-playing perspective, this is a true bummer....